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  • Profile photo of tadpoletadpole
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 2

    I am hoping someone can help with a recommendation for a well trusted quantity surveyor in Darwin for a depreciation report on a new investment.[cap]

    Profile photo of Myydral

    I have heard ( not used, I live in Alice Springs ) that Rider Hunt is the one to use.

    But if you can get together 6 or more people ( I haven’t yet ), Depreciator on this site maybe able to help you with something.


    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of shaunwalkershaunwalker
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 403

    rider hunt were the mob i used in darwin, very good. though they took their time getting the report done ie 4 odd weeks.
    other than that no complaints from them at all. from memory cost me about 450 dollars.
    hope this helps

    Lead, Follow or get out of the bloody way

    Profile photo of CrownOfGold

    I’m from Darwin and bought 2 IP’s in the past (brand new units). I used QS Services, who were great with my depreciation schedule. Ph: 08 89410116.

    Profile photo of TazDazTazDaz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6


    We too used Rider Hunt for our IP in Alice Springe. It took a few weeks to get it and they did not offer any discount considering they were already involved in the refurbishment of the project we bought into. Anyway we got it and the IP has been a success and well and truly cash flow ++++


    Profile photo of WKWK
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 2

    We used QS services for our purchases in the NT and found them to be excellent. Very prompt and great schedule.

    Profile photo of Myydral

    WK – are QS available to do quotes in Alice farily easily or will it take a while?

    Taz Daz – what did you have to do to get Rider Hunt to come to Alice?

    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of CrownOfGold

    Yeah, as far as I know, QS Services do depreciation schedules for Alice Springs as well as Darwin.

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