All Topics / Help Needed! / FHOG related buyer/seller

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  • Profile photo of gunner10

    Hi All,

    I am about to apply for the FHOG and would like to know if my situation should prevent me from recieving the grant. Details are as follows:

    1. Purchased first property in Feb 2004 from my sister (marriage break up) at market price.

    2. Rented property to my sister for 8 months.

    3. I moved in Nov 2004 and want to apply for the FHOG.

    On the application form it asks whether to indicate if you purchased the property from a relative and if so to provide an explanation. Is this just to check if property is not being purchased at market value? How detailed does the explanation have to be.

    Thanks Heaps.

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    Be quick as you have 12 months to apply from purchase.

    From the website:

    Q: How long do I have to apply for the grant after purchasing or building my home?
    You have 12 months from completion of the eligible transaction to which your application relates to lodge your application. The Chief Commissioner has discretion to extend this period in exceptional circumstances.

    Simon Macks
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    Profile photo of gunner10

    Can’t I just back date the application to Nov 2004 because that is when I moved in?

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    I don’t believe so – it goes from purchase. You have 12 months from Feb 2004 so not a problem.


    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    0425 228 985

    Fully Accredited With Derivex PTY LTD and IFHL PTY LTD

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    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of gunner10

    So does it matter that I purchased the property from a relative – will the application still be accepted?

    Profile photo of Kerri-67Kerri-67
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 37

    When I applied for the FHOG, I rang the Office of State Revenue, and they were very helpful with all the info I needed. I suggest giving them a call.


    Kez :)

    Profile photo of Robbie BRobbie B
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2,493

    You are still eligible. Don’t stress. Just get your application in.

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

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    Comments made are of a general nature and should not be construed as individual advice.
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