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i believe there is a lot of good ideas and information on this thread however it comes back to one important fact, are you licenced and insured, what recourse do your clients have if it goes pear shaped.
Integrity in this industry is there but quite thin on the ground and many spotters are just doing it to finance their own interests in investing. With this being the case many of these spotters take the cream themselves and pass on the secondary deals to those who follow them.
the bottom line is do your research, find out to what level these spotter go and make sure you have a plan B in place in case it falls apart. We are an established licenced and insured buyers agents that are her to help buyers not just find property but to educate and assist them along the way to becoming full time property investors.
We have researchers all over Australia who scour the internet looking for new deals everyday as well as an excellent network of agents around the country who regularly give us first look at properties before they hit the market.
The basis of the service we provide is research and education, we educate our clients in the ways of our systems so they can eventually take control of their own portfolios and become completely self sufficient in the property market. We work on a set rate for purchases as by working on a percentage of the sale price there is a conflict of interest, the more the buyer pays the more the agent makes.
We have a complete system that can help you with from helping you set up company structures and finance all the way through to settling your properties and establishing property management all over Australia and the USA.
And DD, if you are recommending purchasing in the Logan and Gold Coast corridor I would recommend emailing me and I will send you a copy of the SE Qld Infrastructure Plan and Program 2005-2026. You may as well invest in inner city off the plan units or a snow making business in Darwin.
Good lluck with your investing and aways play by your own rules, dont believe everything you read or hear.
Mic House Hunters.
Specialising in finding your perfect investment property throughout Australia, NZ and the USA or your dream home in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. To recieve our free weekly newsletter or assistance with anything investing, Hunter,
I checked out your web site and the property listings. It looks interesting.
I noticed that none of the properties in Australia reach the 10%+ returns that is required to positive gear. However, you do mention strategies on how to improve the odds. How realistic is this? do you have some recent case studies?
Also, any case studies on your US properties, they seem to have huge returns well above the 13% required to positive gear.
I assume the legal/financial/tax complications of investing abroad then to put most people off
Many thanks for your insight.
Hi Hani,
part of the reason there arent many 10%ers online is that when we get properties like that they go to our paid subscribers first, after a week if they are still available they will hit the website. These higher yeild properties will usually go fast, if they dont there is usually a problem that needs fixing.
I currently have 10%ers in QLD, WA and NSW however there are certain risks involved.
Steves 11 second rule is a good basic rule to find properties on but you need to look much deeper. 10% returns will make a $100-180,000 property positively geared, when you go under 100,000 you will find that you need 12-14% to make it positive. In saying this once you get over 200,000 you will really only need 9-9.5% to make it positive. The higher the price the lover the yeild needs to be so around 400k you could be positive with an 8-8.5% return.
Construction loans are great ways to use other peoples money to renovate and create equity in a property.
As for the USA i find it just as easy to purchase a property there as it is to buy here in Newcastle. The USA and Australia have many things in place to make it easy for OZ investors because we support them in Iraq, or our government does.
We have a broad tax agreement and there is huge opportunity there to invest. Australian property investors are at the forefront of investing around the world. America is where Australia was in 1997 , it should be interesting to see the change once Steve and Dave release their book in the USA. Those who have already bought may experience the sort of growth all of those people that bought pre 2000 in Australia got. Those who are procrastinating will be the latecomers who will be finding the 15% then 10% then 8% returns that latecomers experienced over here in the last 2 years.
No risk, no return. With the way we have our systems set up we just minimise the risk so it is almost non existant.
Mic House Hunters.
Specialising in finding your perfect investment property throughout Australia, NZ and the USA or your dream home in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. To recieve our free weekly newsletter or assistance with anything investing, can it be fair you work for the developer like your web says and then charge the buyer also. If you by all properties off one company how can you be buyers agent.
We have no affiliations with any developers or agents, we never have and we never will.. We are 100% independant and the properties we get from agents are properties thet would be listed or are already listed online. We are regularly contacted by developers and offered comissions to sell their product however a majority of our business is +CF properties, it is very rare for these properties to be +CF. The only genuine pre tax positively geared off the plan properties we have purchased recently are in the USA .
Occasionally we do find good development opportunities off the plan however the quality of the property is more important than the comissions we could earn. Our goal is for our clients to build solid, long term sustainable portfiolios which will help them reach their goals. Sometimes these properties fit into these goals however very rarely.
We recieve no comissions from agents, developers or anyone involves with the sale in any way however if we did it would be immediately disclosed.. We have had one client purchase a neg geared of the plan property to neutralise his portfolio of which we receieved a $15,000 comission. From this commission we recieved our normal settlement fee and the remainder was refunded to the buyer.
We provide 100% disclosure with our service and pride our selves on the ethics and standards that we uphold and hope to pass these on to the wider investment community to make it a fairer system for everyone. We take a lot of pride in the system we have create and understand it is not for everyone, it is a system built for time poor or inexperienced buyers with a goal to creating a long term future. We try to show that with vision, desire and determination and a good education anything is possible.
Good luck with your investing and remember, the only dumb question is the one you dont ask.
Mic House Hunters.
Specialising in finding your perfect investment property throughout Australia, NZ and the USA or your dream home in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. To recieve our free weekly newsletter or assistance with anything investing, Bird Dogs find great properties, why don’t they invest in them themselves?
Is there too many deals?
Quite often bird doggers do take the cream, they are investors looking for a way to finance their own investing. As with many investors they see many deals and yes, they cant do them all so why not make money from them. This is a common practice and an excellent way to get out of the rat race however once again it comes back to disclosure.
We regularly get asked the same question, why dont we buy all of the best properties. We have a standard agreement at House Hunters, when we get a property it is given to our subscribers for a week, if it remains on the market after that time it is put onto our website. If it is still available after being on the website for a week our staff or ourselves are able to purchase the property however our clients always have 1st look at ALL properties.
Mic House Hunters.
Specialising in finding your perfect investment property throughout Australia, NZ and the USA or your dream home in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. To recieve our free weekly newsletter or assistance with anything investing, that guy for real? Fly em in – Drive em through – send em home – collect the doe and wave bye byes. At least the old two tier marketers used to fly you to qld for free. Nowadays you have to pay 10k. They say there is one born every minute.
Hey Cosie,
The fact that you categorise us like that just shows a natural negativity which i am sure will carry over into many aspects your life. This is a comman think for many investors, we call it “the chip on the shoulder syndrome”.
If you took the time to find out about us you would find that our clients sign on with us for 2 years.
Do we “Fly em in”? No our clients properties are sourced based on a specific brief.
Do we “Drive em through”? No our clients have a full support network of all professional who can assist them with every aspect of purchasing.
Do we “send em home”? No, our clients sign with us for 2 years to have full access to our research and we make ourselves constantly available to answer any questions the need.
Do we “collect the doe”? Absolutely, this is business however our fee (to find, inspect and take care of all aspects of the sale anywhere in Australia, and yes I personally inspect the property) is less than the cheapest service provided in a capital city
And do we “wave bye byes”? No, our clients are long term clients and that is the goal of our business.
Unfortunately its people like you who are the prime example of the tall poppie knocker. Why, because you will never get out of your own may to make something happen, you would rather watch A Current Affair and knock others for giving it a go. People like you are damaging these forums and pushing many investors away because they are scared to ask anything because of these sort of responses.
I hope you do something in the future and dont just be jealous of all of the successful investors or took a risk. And next time you compare me to one of these QLD fly by nighters I will have you for slander.
Have a great day and in future do your research before you make uneducated, uniformed and arrogant statements.
Have a great week.
Mic House Hunters.
Specialising in finding your perfect investment property throughout Australia, NZ and the USA or your dream home in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. To recieve our free weekly newsletter or assistance with anything investing, incidently, regarding those QLD developers that you insinuated we resembled, that would fly you up to view their properties, maybe do some more research on them too.
Yes absolutely they would fly you up to look at their developments, they would even fly you back home afterwards, IF you purchased one of their properties.
Mic House Hunters.
Specialising in finding your perfect investment property throughout Australia, NZ and the USA or your dream home in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. To recieve our free weekly newsletter or assistance with anything investing, anybody had any experience with a reputable buyers agent in WA? Any contact info would be great!
Always Ready.
HI Mike C talk to Redwing. Seems to me “mic” has some issues.
Buyers Agent (Dip Financial Services(FP)
Don’t sweat the small stuff,and it’s all small stuff!!
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