All Topics / Heads Up! / Is a 2 Day Real Estate Seminar worth $1500 ?

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  • Profile photo of pklm57

    Am a new guy on the block. Bought my first negative geared investment property in 2002 and sold it 14 months later and made a very good capital gain. This happens in a boom time. The market is a lot different now and I need to be educated and street smart. I am ready to get back into the market this year, that is positive cashflow real estate, and wondering whether this seminar is going to be worth while.

    Am interested in attending a 2 x 9 hour day seminar in February costing $1500, for this you learn the psychology of investing and real estate investing techniques, a 1 hour personal consultation with the presenter, a 1 hour personal consultation on goal setting etc and 2 tickets to future network events.

    Would appreciate any comments on this.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Hi Paul,

    It is hard to comment without knowing who is presenting the seminar. If it is someone reputable then I don’t consider the price excessive. On the other hand if it is just some fly-by night scam artist then it is a complete rip off. If you’d like to give us a name I’m sure there will be people here who have some knowledge of the presenter/s.


    Profile photo of pklm57

    Hi Sonja,
    Thanks for the reply.
    The presenter is Gordon Green from Profitable Business Concepts, Brisbane.

    Cheers, Paul.

    Profile photo of Robbie BRobbie B
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2,493


    Gordon Green a real estate multi-millionaire, author of Real Money Real Estate, and the founder & CEO of Profitable Business Concepts Pty Ltd,

    As well, Gordon is the CEO of Conquest Property Developments Pty Ltd, a development company established for his personal portfolio. He is also the mentor behind Appreciating Realty, a Queensland based real estate company set up to provide a buying agency.

    Coming from an Accounting background with 30 years experience as a Business and Investment consultant, extensive knowledge of Business Restructuring, Marketing and Management, Investment Strategies, Personal Development and Team Building.

    Over Gordon’s lifetime he’s bought, built and sold more than 50 million dollars worth of property.


    I wouldn’t pay that much for this guy. Sounds like he is just selling his own investments to suckers!

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser


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    Comments made are of a general nature and should not be construed as individual advice.
    © 2004 Mortgage Packaging Pty Ltd

    Profile photo of pklm57

    Hi Robert,
    Thanks for the info, much appreciated.


    Profile photo of betterbizbetterbiz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 47
    Originally posted by Robert B:

    Gordon is the CEO of Conquest Property Developments Pty Ltd, a development company established for his personal portfolio. He is also the mentor behind Appreciating Realty, a Queensland based real estate company set up to provide a buying agency.

    Over Gordon’s lifetime he’s bought, built and sold more than 50 million dollars worth of property.

    I wouldn’t pay that much for this guy. Sounds like he is just selling his own investments to suckers!

    Gee, if he’s traded that much real estate in his day, he must know something about the ‘game’ (unless the researcher has double counted – $25m bought and $25m sold = $50m [blush2] )

    And your research did say that “Appreciating Realty, a Queensland based real estate company set up to provide a buying agency.”

    It doesn’t clarify whether it’s a ‘BUYING agency’ for his acquisition of further property investments for himself (structured properly it could just achieve tax deductibility for what would otherwise be non-deductible property acquisition costs), OR whether it’s a property ‘SELLING agency’ designed to market (as you concluded) his own property and developments on to the final buyer, and was designed to otherwise ‘disguise’ this fact.

    Not sure Robert. Your conclusion could be spot on, or it could be a little harsh.

    I’d be more interested in what the marketing materials (for the workshop/seminar)say about reversing my risk if I attend.

    I’d also like to know how Paul learned of the seminar. He didn’t say whether he’d been telemarketed, or he saw it advertised, or he’d been recommended by a friend who had attended a previous presentation my our Mr $50m Property Investing Accountant.

    I think this information could yield more about the seminar and its possible worth and hence add to the research you have presented thus far.

    Robert, I don’t doubt the research you have provided – far from it. I’m just looking for some more information before drawing perhaps the same conclusion.

    Profile photo of bwendanbwendan
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 30

    hi paul,
    id recommend you just read robert kiyosaki’s rich dad poor dad for the psychology side of investing, and magarget lomas’s pocket guide to positive cashflow property for the more technical things, like the property investment strategies, depreciation, etc. and for goal setting go to it has everything u need to know about setting goals and time management. =D

    Profile photo of dl79

    This post goes back a long time.  But let me save any future readers some pain. 

    Gordon Green has cost his investors millions of dollars.  He cost us a quarter of a million.  One of his last companies, PBC Constructions went into liquidation in 2008.  PBC Realty, a real estate sales, buyers agency & property management company which Gordon has a part ownership in has changed it's name to Metro Rentals for the property management & Metro something else for the sales & buyer's agency.  His apprentice, Ambrose Ng, has the other share of the business.  He will structure deals in such a way that he carries no risk nor responisibility but has all of the control.  When things go bad he abdicates all responisibility & leaves it up to investors & scapegoats that he has put in place to be company directors for him to sort the mess out with banks & liquidators.

    I you are reading this, please save yourself a world of hurt by staying away from this individual & his associates.  I don't believe that he is running seminars anymore, but just in case he gets back into it, please do your research first.

    Profile photo of dl79

    As a quick update & to keep Gordon Green honest, I just found out that another one of his businesses has gone bust.  It was a hotel at 320 Leichardt St Spring Hill in Brisbane called "320 on Leichardt".  There are now for sale signs all over the building.

    If Gordon is still out there claiming that he has turned 27+ companies out of 30 odd around to profitability, he is plain just lying.  I can name at least five that have gone bust in since 2008.

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    If you’re considering a course without the bs try & look up course 32000 property development & investment.

    Course is delivered by TAFE on the web & is self-paced.

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 992

    Hi Paul
    Have you checked out the RESULTS program on this website ? see right hand side ad for it "One on One Mentoring".
    It was great, and for the money, you get 12 months mentoring, seminars, heaps of help, I got a lot out of it.
    My mentor was Brendan.
    Use this forum as you are doing, and do your due diligence on a course.
    If you make it a rule that you don't buy real estate from those training  you, then you know you are only buying training, mentoring,  motivation and networking opportunities.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of MrUniqueNameMrUniqueName
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 25
    Scott No Mates wrote:
    If you’re considering a course without the bs try & look up course 32000 property development & investment.

    Course is delivered by TAFE on the web & is self-paced.

    Has anyone done this course? Although I’ve never done one, I generally think of TAFE courses as being fairly useful so would be interested in hearing opinions…

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