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  • Profile photo of Tools

    GEtting a little toey about the investment detective…are you just teasing us Steve?????When will it hit the ground running????


    Profile photo of Robbie B

    Have you seen the demo?

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser


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    Comments made are of a general nature and should not be construed as individual advice.
    © 2004 Mortgage Packaging Pty Ltd

    Profile photo of Tools

    Hi Robert…no,where can I see the demo?


    Profile photo of Robbie B

    I don’t know if there is one online. I saw a working demo at the Sydney Seminar. It was pretty good! The creator (his name eludes me right now) should be commended for what he has put together. I thought it was so good that I was one of the many who pre-bought a copy!

    I believe it is being properly launched in January.

    It will be worth every penny.

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser


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    Comments made are of a general nature and should not be construed as individual advice.
    © 2004 Mortgage Packaging Pty Ltd

    Profile photo of byronent_2byronent_2
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 337

    So you don’t have a demo you can send out Rob?

    Adelaide SA

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    No. The demo was at the seminar.

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser


    FREE Finance-Related Newsletter – Click Here

    Comments made are of a general nature and should not be construed as individual advice.
    © 2004 Mortgage Packaging Pty Ltd

    Profile photo of Investment Detective

    Hey Rob, can’t believe you forgot my name already [biggrin], Its Phil and the release is only days away.

    Steve and I have been polishing the rough edges and its looking pretty good. I hope to have all the license keys out to all the seminar buyers tuesday night along with download instructions.

    This will be followed shortly by the release of version 1.0 for people to download as a trial.

    Philip Batey
    JATPAC Designs

    Author of Investment Detective

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    Sorry Phil. I had a long day that day I posted. I will shout you a drink when we next meet to make it up to you!

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser


    FREE Finance-Related Newsletter – Click Here

    Comments made are of a general nature and should not be construed as individual advice.
    © 2004 Mortgage Packaging Pty Ltd

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    I am excited!!!

    I am downloading the Investment Detective right now. It will be interesting to spot the improvements as I thought it was good enough at the seminar.

    Thanks Phil and I will let you know how I go. I am sure there will be many quesitons coming your way now. I could not find the other thread.

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser


    FREE Finance-Related Newsletter – Click Here

    Comments made are of a general nature and should not be construed as individual advice.
    © 2004 Mortgage Packaging Pty Ltd

    Profile photo of spider2spider2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 81

    Investment detective… what does it do??


    Profile photo of Investment Detective


    There have been a few questions about what Investment detective is. I have pu together a very brief description, more to come when it is release on the web site.

    Investment Detective is property investment software that has 2 roles,

    1. To help evaluate a property’s profitability before purchase. Bottom line, is it going to make money for you? Compare several properties at once and pick the best performer.

    2. To keep track of each property’s performance once you purchase. Enter the budget at the begining of each year and enter you’re actual figures at the end of the year. Did it make the profit and capital gain you budgeted?

    It allows you to enter all the financial information about a property and it will calculate cashflow, ROI, profitability, equity and finance figures plus lots more.

    The figures can also be shown as weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc.

    Investment Detective is a powerful calculator, so you can enter any figures and it will work, in any state or country. It won’t calculate what a property is worth for you, you have to do that research yourself.

    What it will do is, if you enter in your budget that you expected your property to increase in cg by $10,000 and at the end of the year the property cg was different, up or down, you have the opportunity then to evaluate that properties performance. At this point you can start asking questions about the reasons for the difference.

    Just because the property was profitable, from a cashflow point of view, doesn’t mean you should ignore the cg performance.

    You can enter property costs, detailed closing costs, detailed ongoing costs and property income (rent and other income eg. tax rebate as other income, you need to see your accountant for this figure).

    Also, each element of property costs and closing costs can individually be allocated to either loan or equity finance options or cash, this allows Investment Detective to calculate and allocate the finance repayments correctly to the ongoing costs. Finance repayments can also be entered manually eg. if you want to make extra repayments.

    Amongst the many figures produced is the “net cash flow”.

    You can also enter the expected occupancy and the results will be displayed for that occupancy as well as 52 weeks, side by side.

    More to come soon…

    Philip Batey
    JATPAC Designs

    Author of Investment Detective

    Profile photo of abbeeabbee
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 32

    Hi All

    Where can it be downloaded from?

    Profile photo of Investment Detective

    Hi abbee

    The download will be available very soon, keep an eye on the Investment Detective forum for more announcements

    It won’t be long now. [curtain]

    Philip Batey
    JATPAC Designs

    Author of Investment Detective

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