All Topics / Value Adding / townhouses in melbourne

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  • Profile photo of morty

    G´day guys, been reading the site for a while but never written in so bear with me.

    My question is this: I´ve got an old house in brunswick, melbourne on quite a large block that i want to demolish and build either 2 or 3 townhouses. I´m not sure where to start as far as plans and permits are concerned, could anyone recommend a good architect/town planner that i could go through to get my plan underway?

    I´d appreciate any imput. Thanks, Morty.

    Profile photo of Alistair PerryAlistair Perry
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 891

    Hi Morty,

    I can recommend my own company, F.R. Perry & Associates as a town planning consultant. Have a look at our web page at

    I also know of a number of architects and draftspeople who are very good. Two that come to mind are:

    Branov Design (Who I have designing a renovation to my PPOR at the moment) Tel: 9642 4114
    Breathe Architecture (Are based in Brunswick) 9381 2007


    Profile photo of wwsurveywwsurvey
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 23


    Try the following links to the institutional bodies. You will be able to find a few in your area. (Planner) (Surveyor)



    Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616
    Originally posted by morty:

    G´day guys, been reading the site for a while but never written in so bear with me.

    My question is this: I´ve got an old house in brunswick, melbourne on quite a large block that i want to demolish and build either 2 or 3 townhouses. I´m not sure where to start as far as plans and permits are concerned, could anyone recommend a good architect/town planner that i could go through to get my plan underway?

    I´d appreciate any imput. Thanks, Morty.

    That’s exactly what we do and we are currently involved in project managing 80 developments for clients such as your self. We organise the plans, permits, working drawings, engineering, builder selection. In fact the whole lot from beginning to end.

    And there is no one in Mebourne project managing or developing more projects than us.

    Have a look at our web site

    Michael Yardney
    Metropole Properties

    Profile photo of morty

    Thanks a heap for such a rapid reply guys, I´ll definately check out the websites and hopefully get cracking not far into the new year.

    Thanks again and merry christmas!

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