All Topics / General Property / What’s the best Due Dilligence??

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  • Profile photo of JLtarraJLtarra
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 90

    Hi All

    I’m looking at investing in a regional town of victoria.
    i’ve done some research on the aust. census web site and got some useful info on population growth from the 1996 & 2001 census. growth was 21% & 11% respectively, the town has 6000 pop.
    what other research should be done on a new area that you haven’t invested in b4???
    a call to the local council maybe do me some good???? Ask them what??

    All help would be much appreciated


    Profile photo of obiwanobiwan
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 75

    also take a trip to the place, talk to the locals, why has pop growth been happening, is there a mine nearby ? Go for a drive. Also talk to people in your city who know the place as well. I meet a lot of people in my work, so when they mention they are from a place I am not famillira with my interest is piqued. Recently I met a guy who ahd just moved to Cobar, and I was wondering why that area had done well recently. In a 15 minute converstion I found out about the history of the place, recent changes and possible future changes. If you show an interest in people, they are usually very open about sharing information and their insights about a place.

    Profile photo of crjcrj
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 618

    There are a number of sources that might be useful:

    Council, not only generally, but there might be things in their management or social plans
    local newspapers – try the local library and read the bcak issues as that will give a picture of whether industries are growing, have potential or are declining
    if any of the major employers are public companies have a look at the past couple of annual reports and see if they mention any plans for the area
    tourism office
    chamber of commerce or business association

    Profile photo of Kiwi-FullaKiwi-Fulla
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 371

    you should be able to check out he council financials and this will tell you where the budget is getting spent. things I look for is a stedy increase in property zoning approvals and building plans for new houses approved. Find out what makes the place tick… like call information centre and tell them you are thinking of moving up there and ask them what sort of industry is there and is ther a lot of unemployment…. best of luck.

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