All Topics / Forum Frolic / The power of 5 cents

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  • Profile photo of p0sitiveCasHfl0w

    A woman was walking down the street when a man she worked with approached her. He said, “I have a proposition for you. I’ll drop 500 dollars on
    the ground at your feet and in the time it takes for you to pick it up I can have my way with you from behind.”

    The woman said, “Let me call my girlfriend on my cell phone and get her advice.”

    Her girlfriend said, “When he drops the $500 on the ground, I’m sure you can pick it up and run before he gets his pants down. Call me back and tell me what happened.”

    Later, the lady called her girlfriend back.
    “What happened?” the girlfriend asked.
    The lady said, “He had that $500 in 5 cent coins!”

    Who took my MONEY[?]

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    he he !

    PropertyGuRu [sultan]
    Mortgage Consultant
    MSN ID: amitash, Yahoo Id: bornguru

    NZ loan pre approval from OZ in 48 hours,Low Doc from 6.85%,Investment loan 95%+

    Profile photo of p0sitiveCasHfl0w

    I’m starting my 5c collection :P

    Who took my MONEY[?]

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru


    PropertyGuRu [sultan]
    Mortgage Consultant
    MSN ID: amitash, Yahoo Id: bornguru

    NZ loan pre approval from OZ in 48 hours,Low Doc from 6.85%,Investment loan 95%+

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