All Topics / Help Needed! / How to buy the first + ve inv property

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  • Profile photo of John Smith

    New kid on the block needs info and how to find the first property. appreciate anybodys help as I am going around in circles.

    Regards John

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Well maybe if you made it a bit clearer, what it is you want to know, we could help.

    To find a property:

    Look in local papers
    Look on internet sites (eg.
    Look in real estate agency windows
    Talk to real estate agents
    Talk to people in area of interest

    For starters…..



    Profile photo of John Smith

    Thanks Jo

    I am actually doing those things you suggest but I am puzzled as to how you would actually find one that could be postively geared as each house seems to expensive in the first place. In other words do they really exist.

    Thanks again


    Profile photo of Tough DealTough Deal
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 26

    Clearly you two are related.

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    My apologies John,

    I overlooked the title of your thread, and went straight into answering your first post.

    Yes there are positive cashflow properties out there, but they are not as common as in previous years. They are difficult to find, but not impossible.

    I guess the bottom line is perserverance. Many cashflow positive IPs will be further out from major town centres. Hence, my suggestion is broaden your search field to extend further out, and you may have more luck.

    All the best,


    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by Tough Deal:

    Clearly you two are related.

    As are you and a few others here no doubt, TD!!![biggrin]

    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    hehe – very sharp jo.

    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    Get last couple of issue of API and see the rental reutn of areas that will help you.

    PropertyGuRu [sultan]
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    Profile photo of Kiwi-FullaKiwi-Fulla
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 371

    Hey there,
    Depends whether you want:

    positive gearing = makes money after tax considerations and taken into account… or

    positive cashflow = puts money in your pocket prior to any tax considerations at all.
    I secure positive cashflow props in Metro without a problem. – you do need to know what you are doing to do this though.

    Profile photo of Pat VPat V
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 9
    Originally posted by Monopoly:

    Yes there are positive cashflow properties out there, but they are not as common as in previous years. They are difficult to find, but not impossible.

    What is the reason for them being not as common as previously? Is it the current market conditions, the fact that more investors are now after +ve cashflow properties or both of these?

    Profile photo of Robbie BRobbie B
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2,493

    Both of these but mostly because of a flooded investor market.

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    0414 347 771

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