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  • Profile photo of Robbie B


    I repeated it to emphasise a point. It is easy to do which we seem to both agree on. What I believe you have a problem with is how it is done and the associated risks.

    Regarding how, there are many ways, some of which were outlined earlier.


    Everyhing is dangerous to someone. People have different risk profiles but to people like me, and obviously the mappers (and I am certain many more on this website), this is not “dangerous” at all. There is an element of risk with all investments which takes us back to risk profile.

    What do you mean by “having so much property” and “being so highly leveraged”? Two of my properties (Green Square & Dee Why) total about 1 million dollars in value and are leveraged at 100%. I don’t consider two properties as “so much”…Leveraging may be high but I can afford it. So tell me, where is the risk or “danger” as you put it?

    I don’t think anyone is trying to say going from nothing to financial freedom is easy nor do I believe that anyone is saying controlling 1 million dollars worth of property equates to financial freedom. Things are not so cut and dry.

    The mappers were about “CONTROLLING” 1 million dollars worth of property in one year. Focus on the word “CONTROLLING” and they achieved their goals. It was not about financial freedom but how to do it so they could work towards financial freedom. They learnt how to ACQUIRE property and manipulate it to achieve their goals.

    There is an old saying….


    The mappers were taught how to fish!

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    M: 0414 347 771

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    Profile photo of crjcrj
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 618


    Don’t be worried about questioning anything. In fact, I think many people might buy a book or watch a program and think this is easy. Whereas, I think the message is not that it is easy, but that it is achievable if that is what they will focus on. Many people will never go further than buying a book because even going into investment scares them. I had an instance last year where some friends were interested in IP as they had seen some success I had had. We were on holidays in a solid country town, saw a block of flats advertised, they thought it met their objectives. But they didn’t follow it up. I spoke to them a couple of times after, they’d decided to leave it till they reorganised their finances, something else came up. Sure, some people will leap in based on a book or a show or a conversation, but they’re the exceptions.

    However, I don’t think Steve’s books present a one-sided picture. His first book details a renovation that took extra time etc. His second while it presents success, also points out that it comes at a cost which many people are not prepared to pay even at the start very few people did a journal which was one of the prerequisites to be considered for selection.

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    Well put CRJ.

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    M: 0414 347 771

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    Comments made are of a general nature and should not be construed as individual advice.

    © 2004 Mortgage Packaging Pty Ltd

    Profile photo of JunkersJunkers
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 47

    Each person has their own risk tolerance and “sleep at night” factor….there is an element of risk in everything inherent with investing – share trading is riky, but the rewards can be substantial if you get it right and have a good knowledge of what you are doing. Property is risky if you don’t know what you are doing and just buy anything hoping that it’ll go up in price or because it’s +cf. Being in business is risky, but it can be less risky than having a job and relying on others up the chain to do their job properly as well – not having the directors not blowing all the profits on bonus packages etc. Ever been retrenched out of the blue?? I don’t believe a job is more stable than running a business – one of the interviewers on “The Apprentice” said something quiet funny…’re not going to fire yourself when you’re the boss are you? But you can be fired if you’re an employee. So to me being an employee is less secure than running your own business. To others being an employee is their idea of being secure.
    I personally don’t try to do anything too complicated, just buy, renovate, sell – if I know what my target market wants and can afford, an I factor in risks such as interest rates going up or down, and property investing is my job and my business as the mappers have made it, then how can that be dangerous?? IMHO it can only be dangerous when you jump in without any knowledge and hope to become a millionaire overnight.

    Profile photo of FireflyFirefly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 30

    Just out of curiousity…..

    Please don’t take this the wrong way but i’m just curious….

    Why do people who don’t think it’s possible to achieve such big goals bother to become members of a website such as this? It’s just that i have 110% faith in the fact than everything that Steve and Dave achieved can be replicated… with the right amount of hard work, sweat, determination, guidance, knowledge and experience. I come to this site for ideas, advice, motivation and support. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with questioning people’s methods and ideas but if i wanted to hear negative tones in people’s attitudes, i’d go and speak to friends and family!! [biggrin] Yep, most of you will know that they’re the first ones to have a dig at such big goals and aspirations!

    As i said, just curious because most people come here to meet and chat with like-minded people, not people that don’t think it can be done!!

    “There’s no such thing as TRIED, just DID or DIDN’T!”

    Profile photo of Monopoly



    I think you misunderstand some posters here. Sure there are the “knockers” of the strategies used, but I don’t think it is personal criticism of them (the MAPPERS) as people.

    As I said before, I don’t question what they have done; THEY DID IT and GOOD ON THEM TOO; they deserve the praise/accolades. What many people are questioning I think, is the “tin tacs”, “nutts and bolts”, GROSS vs NET figures, that’s all.

    Incidentally, it’s worth remembering, skepticism helps to develop and broaden the mind; it is personal attacks that narrows it.

    In answering your question as to “why people join” well that’s like asking “how long is a piece of string.” For different reasons I guess, and although not intentionally looking to be negative, sometimes things turn out that way…it’s a fact of life.

    If you don’t want to read the negative comments (and btw that is a fair call too) skip by them, and read what makes you feel good about investing and what works for you.

    Hope that helps a little….


    Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    Jo, what does BTW mean again???

    I forget all these bloody acronyms… I have too many of them in education as is let alone this website too!


    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Hey Steph,

    BTW = by the way [biggrin]



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