All Topics / General Property / Selling Privately…best websites to list with?

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  • Profile photo of Nat R

    Ausprop is on the may be able to get a result as good or better if you have a talent for marketing, negotiation and selling. Three things that not many people are skilled at …especially all three together.

    The places I bought were as per Ausprops description, the vendor did not belive what the agent had told them and/or thought they could do a better job…the properties became stale, so I offered what I thought was fair (given the circumstances) and bingo…..they had the freedom to reject my offer if they really thought they could do better.

    Profile photo of Brisbanite

    Thanking those who are helping get this thread back on topic, although Nat R persists in his put downs of me, I’ll leave Nat R with this…

    How can you honestly sit here and say I ripped them off?

    YOU SAID IT!!! I don’t need to. That is the impression I have from what you have said. I quote you, yet again…

    I have bought 2 houses off private vendors and both times I have been able to completly screw the vendor as they did not have anybody with any skills helping them with the negotiations.

    Seems clear enough to me, do I also detect an element of gloat and condescenion in dealing with ‘foolish’ private vendors. Well, do I?

    The word, ‘screw’ implies the application of considerable pressure, to your considerable advantage, IMHO. Could you offer another interpretation where I wouldn’t form this opinion????

    IMHO, it could easily be argued that you are in fact conducting commercial trading with, and exploiting these private vendors, who are your consumers of the types of deals where you have formed the opinion (it seems) that they are at quite a disadvantage to you…

    Like your example, if it is an example of your modus operandi:

    I can do a quick settlement to help you but my price has just dropped by $25,000 and will fall by another $5,000 every 24 hours, whatdo you want to do?

    to me, seems like exerting influence and/or undue pressure, if it is at all applicable to the case of those two private vendors who “did not have anybody with any skills helping them with the negotiations” implying, to my mind, that you knew that they were incapable of negotiating to their benefit(ie fairly) with/against you, and you took full advantage to ‘screw’ them.

    So by your resoning they were the sharks …not me.

    Don’t put words into my mouth, you’ve only just told me they were ‘small time deveopers’, so how could I have had a chance to reason that???

    You can twist and squirm all you like… I’m of the opinion that your own admissions here of ‘screwing’ people calls into question whether or not you’re suspect of unconscionable conduct in your commercial wheeling and dealing that you would have us here believe you carry on.

    Reread your above quote and posts, until you understand and accept that I, and others here, might have trouble believing that you’re some innocent consumer hiding behing the TPA to protect you against those private vendors who you only now reveal as ‘small time developers’…aren’t you just as much a player?

    In any case, I’m sure, you would be judged appropriately.

    BTW: I’m trying to do you a favour in pointing out that you can’t treat people like fools and not end up making some of them your enermies, yet you continually dismiss me as a fool…???

    I just don’t know how you can sleep peacefully at night?

    Profile photo of CalderCalder
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 44

    Nat R
    I can’t say that I am good at any of the three skills mentioned. (Lucky we have a skilled negotiator on our team). Would you consider that different skills were needed for both buying and selling? If so, what skills and what priority would you place on each? I am curious as to what skills others would regard as important in property investing.

    Profile photo of Nat R

    “IMHO, it could easily be argued that you are in fact conducting commercial trading with, and exploiting these private vendors, who are your consumers of the types of deals where you have formed the opinion (it seems) that they are at quite a disadvantage to you… “

    I bought two bloody houses off two different morons, I lived in both houses…there is nothing commercial about the transaction.

    To suggest that I was exerting undue pressure on somebody by giving them a 24 hour deadline shows that you are a long way off the pace when it comes to property transaction…would you suggest I say to the vendor “here is an offer, hang on to it for 3 or 4 weeks and if you can’t use it to lever out a better price out of somebody else (ie use it to my detriment) then please call back at your leisure and accept my offer…but please no hurry”

    How would a normal property auction fit in with your thoughts on pressure and putting people on the spot?

    My thoughts and actions are based on everyday reality of life and the deals that we all have to do from a micro to a macro level everday…I really wonder how you function from day to day if these concepts are outside your sphere of understanding.

    Pity help you if a buyer turns up on your doorstep..what are you going to say??…. “there is somebody else coming to have a look at it later today” or some other flimsy cliche.

    You are with out doubt the most delusional person I have ever encounted on a forum (and you are up against some pretty stiff competion on that front)

    FYI…I sleep well at night knowing that I know more than you.

    Profile photo of Nat R

    Forgot to answer your question:
    “Seems clear enough to me, do I also detect an element of gloat and condescenion in dealing with ‘foolish’ private vendors. Well, do I? “

    Yes I do, the way I see it is that they had the option of using an agent to protect their interests and choose not to…so they are open slather. If I ‘chose’ to do my own dentistry I would only have myself to balme if something went wrong.

    I must say my views are biased by the fact that I have never met a smart private vendor….I guess by defintion smart vendors use agents.

    Nothing you have said changes my view.

    Profile photo of Brisbanite

    Nat R, you have only reinforced my despair of the damage that greed and self-interest can do to people and society. Nothing you have said changes my opinion about you, in fact, I hope people here, at least, might be better informed about the nature of the small percentage of small-minded people, like you, who are quite prepared to gleefully ‘screw’ people, less fortunate than themselves. Your ill-gotten gains will always stand between you and a conscious…what value is there in that, I hear you say.

    I guess I should have expected the RE industry not to welcome competition, however, I am surprised at the depth they appear prepared to stoop to stamp out the private vendor just trying to get a better deal for his family. They deserve their pitiful reputation, and more, that they have ‘earnt’ at the hard expense of society …($$$Billions every year).

    I’ve done alot of research reading private vendor success stories confirming the talent that private vendors do have in successfully negotiating their own deals saving them many thousands in RE commissions.

    People everywhere should educate themselve at how little training and experience ‘professional’ REAs need to have before they’re let loose on negotiating on behalf of people’s biggest assets…I was shocked… something like a two week tafe course (at most)…and that make them experts!!! That needs to be changed. If it hasn’t been discussed here already, that would make an interesting and eye-opening thread, anyone…

    I’m going to savour the memory of this discussion and the increasing unease and disgust, I have no doubt, that people like Nat R and the ‘professional’ REA industry will experience as they are increasingly proven wrong as they painfully read about the amazing inroads that the burgeoning private vendor market makes in Australia’s near future …

    Thanks to those positive contributors to this thread.

    No doubt you’ll have to have the last embittered say…

    Profile photo of richmondrichmond
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 831

    enough’s enough.

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