All Topics / General Property / Australians in trouble “warning”

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  • Profile photo of qwertyqwerty
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 117

    Hi Michael,

    My experience with kids is that once the first bub comes along the maternal instinct kicks in big time. Then number 2 comes along….[blink]
    I had a lot of trouble getting my “career” wife back to work!!!

    See you on the beach at North Narra some time. (BTW imagine what that caravan parks worth!!!!)

    Profile photo of Michael Whyte


    You are so on the money!

    I know my wife will make a great mum one day. We have a border collie and she dotes on him. She’s the one who always remembers to feed him, check his water’s full, give him hugs etc. She is maternal, I just don’t think she realises it yet.

    I’ve also considered the option of taking a year off myself. But I’m right at a critical juncture in securing my career level as an executive. However, it is CERTAINLY something I’m thinking about. I know I’ll be a great dad, to be honest I can’t wait! We’ll figure it all out down the track for sure.

    Thanks for the post, really appreciated,

    Profile photo of Scremin

    If she can look after a dog, a kid will be no probs… The dog you have to exercise, a kid, they just run around in circles.

    A dog you have to feed every day, a kid can get to an age where they can eventually feed themselves…

    Hee hee… Yeah, you go home and be a house dad. I am fully prepared after a year or two to swap with my husband so he can experience being a home daddy too. I don’t wanna be greedy…

    I’m itching to get pregnant too, but we have decided to wait until after april/may next year before we get started… I’m lucky too in the fact that I can work right up until I’m 8 months gone in teaching too. So I won’t lose too much…

    Plus the family daycare is certainly a big option for us as well.

    Good luck Michael and anyone else about to breed. Bring on the babies!!! Maybe we need to start a thread where you show off your latest additions and I don’t mean properties!!! Hee hee…

    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of Scremin

    Geez, I’ve just looked at the time! I’d better get moving off to school. LAST DAY TODAY!!! Woohoo!!!!

    P.s remember I’m in WA, 3 hours behind….

    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    g’day michael. your posts make me laugh cause your wife sounds a bit like my wife. when i first met my wife she told me that she was a career woman and wasnt that maternal. 7 years later she is a great mum…although work is still important to her and fair enough aswell…she is back 3 days a week. grandparents doing the childcare thingo which they love.

    i think what richmond says is true that i doubt when we are old and grey we wished that we had worked more.

    my daughter just truned 12 months old. highly recommended..

    Profile photo of Michael Whyte

    You guys have no idea how much I’m bighting my tongue right now… [biggrin]

    Mr and Mrs MichaelWhyte might and I mean MIGHT have some very exciting news to post in the near future…

    Oops, said too much already [blush2]

    Profile photo of richmondrichmond
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 831

    mrs richmond and I broke the “12 week rule” in announcing our pregnancy… we were just too excited. She’s due at the end of July.


    Profile photo of Michael Whyte


    That is so cool. My heartfelt congratulations to you and your wife.

    12 weeks is the rule eh? [biggrin]


    PS Just read this article about the impact of workaholic parents which sort of bears out all the arguments you guys raised too. Doh!

    Profile photo of Scremin

    Yay! Babies!! I told you we should start a thread showing off the forum bubs!

    Congratulations again Richmond!!! My brother and his wife broke that rule too, but only to family. They told at 7 weeks.

    All very exciting though. THe first Versace grandchild! yay!!! Mine will be the second… :(
    Not that I’m pregnant though.

    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of Michael Whyte


    I agree, time for a new thread. I think Richmond will be the one to post first [biggrin]


    Profile photo of obiwanobiwan
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 75

    net debt per head underestimates the average mortgage as it includes people who rent (who have no debt)

    gen x, far from being lazy layabouts are a hardworking group. I feel sorry for them that they are laden with debt from high prices.

    The other half of the recent increase in debt hasw been BB’s. Far from being wealthy as supposed, they have taken out more debt to play catchup. This is perhaps why our net savings rate has been decling (and negative in the last couple of years) despite the demographics indicating that this should be a time of high savings.

    Migration cannot possibly be a solution to the aging population. It would have to increase 1000% to make a dent. The only way the aging polulation can be arrested is if fertility rates increase significantly, but this is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

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    Obiwan, just two points mate …

    1. I think per head of population stats are a joke and should not be used.

    2. Don’t blame the BB’s mate because the gen.y’s are blaming the gen.x’s. I work with BB’s and your beliefs about them are not correct. Also BB’s went through 18% rates for 5 years, and that wiped many of them out.

    Regads Phil

    Profile photo of BonbeachBonbeach
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 214

    I’m actually not sure I even believe in Generation Y… The generation after me (My brothers age group, 18) should be called the Mcdonalds Generation coz they are all fat, greedy and have no idea about how to look after themselves.

    -I am not fat and greedy!!! (and I know how to look after myself thankyou very much!) hehe [biggrin]

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    So DEVIL now that you have established that, what are your beliefs on how you are going to create wealth, and what do you think about the gen.x’s.

    regards Phil

    Profile photo of Scremin
    Originally posted by obiwan:

    Migration cannot possibly be a solution to the aging population. It would have to increase 1000% to make a dent. The only way the aging polulation can be arrested is if fertility rates increase significantly, but this is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

    Obiwan, you brought up an interesting point about fertility. There really needs to be more encouragement and incentives for mothers to stay home with their children. I mean, nurturing the future generation is a fulltime job as is and maybe the government needs to treat it like that. Pay mothers a half decent amount to stay home with their children.

    I certainly plan to stay home regardless, but I probably would be more encouraged to fall pregnant quicker if I knew that some of the taxes I have paid out over the years will help me out.

    I’m not so sure in my head how it would work, but if the younger generations are to look after the oldies, we really do need to increase the birth rate in Aus.


    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    A $3,000 baby bonus is bad enough!

    I do not agree with paying women (or men) to stay home. If they pay people to stay home, I want extra tax dollars to go to work. I CHOOSE not to have kids as many other people do so it would not be fair on all of us.

    I also pay tax which is spent on things like public hospitals (I have private cover), public transport (I never use it), unemployment benefits (I will never need it), etc…

    I am not saying get rid of these but enough is enough. If people CHOOSE to have children and stay home, let them CHOOSE to ensure they have enough money to do so comfortably. Last time I checked, parents were already paid to stay home.

    I would very much appreciate not being attacked by any stay at home parents because of my views!

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    M: 0414 347 771

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    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    ” I CHOOSE not to have kids as many other people do so it would not be fair on all of us. “

    it is your choice but it is to the detriment of the nation, hence you are penalised

    Extensive list of ‘Off The Plan’ property available for sale in Perth.

    John – 0419 198 856

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    There are enough starving and under-priveleged children living in extreme poverty in this world. If we help them properly, the problem is solved.

    My choice is not to the detriment of the nation. It was the Government’s choice to go to war that saw everyone having sex before the men went away resulting in what is known as the ‘Baby Boomers’. Our ageing population is killing us and would never have occurred if not for the war!

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    0414 347 771

    FREE Finance-Related Newsletter – Click Here

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    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    “It was the Government’s choice to go to war”

    interesting take on history! (a) the Japanese weren’t invited to bomb us (b)it dawned on us that a huge underpopulated land mass may make us a target for invasion, hence ‘populate or perish’. The lessons of history haven’t been learnt, hence we are still underpopulated with no political influence in the world. nice beaches though and we can cook a mean bbq.

    Extensive list of ‘Off The Plan’ property available for sale in Perth.

    John – 0419 198 856

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    My point is simply that we are not all designed to breed. I believe enough is given to parents as is and this should not be increased – excluding education. I believe education should be free to all who cannot afford it and this would require increased spending.

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    0414 347 771

    FREE Finance-Related Newsletter – Click Here

    Comments made are of a general nature and should not be construed as individual advice.
    © 2004 Mortgage Packaging Pty Ltd

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