All Topics / Value Adding / subdivision… What costs are involved

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  • Profile photo of Bird

    hi everyone,
    My partner and I are looking into subdividing our current property. It is on a corner block and is approx 700msq. I have looked at our local councils web page and found out the cost of applying for a permit to subdivide. Besides this, are there any other costs involved.?
    Also once we have applied for a permit and been approved what else needs to be done.


    Profile photo of wwsurvey

    Hi Bird,

    Is there an existing house on it and where is it sited?

    Firslty check with council to see if it can be done in it’s current zoning and what the minimal area allowed is. Secondly, can you do a straight subdivision (preferred) or will it have to be a strata subdivision?

    cheers GQ


    Profile photo of Alistair PerryAlistair Perry
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 891


    You will most probably have to get a town planning permit before being able to subdivide. This can cost in terms of both time and money.

    You can check the planning scheme for your council at the DSE web site, if its in Vic. The address is The site will also give you info on zoning, overlays etc.


    Profile photo of Bird

    thanks guys,

    There is no house on it at the moment. Or at least in the area where we want to build another unit. We already have a small house at the front of the block, but there is plenty of room at the back of the block for us to take advantage of.

    Profile photo of wwsurvey


    The position of the existing house on a corner block is important so you can get one house coming of one street and the other house coming of the other. This makes it a tidy subdivision and more appealing to a potential buyer.

    Not knowing your area I can only tell you what I do in mine but at the end of the day it is all pretty similar.

    After your initial meeting with a town planner at counicl employ a Surveyor to do a contour and detail survey locating all the structures on the land in relation to your title boundaries. He could then prepare a concept subdivision design plotting the new boundaries and area’s etc. This plan could also be used in designing the new house by a house designer or Architect.

    Once you have this prepare a development application to subdivide, pay your fee and wait till council decides if it fit all the laws etc before approving it.

    The approval will come with conditions you have to meet(connecting sewer ties,elect,water,gas etc. for your new block). Go back to your surveyor and get him to finalise his subdivsion plan($ abt 3000-4000).

    Lodge it at council for signatures and stamp, and then once your legal person has seen it lodge it at you lands department for registration. All these steps have cost.

    hope that helps


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