All Topics / Value Adding / cheap building ideas (kithomes barns etc)

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  • Profile photo of lukis p

    my mother bought a block in NZ and would get veiws of mountains on 1 side, ocean on the other and a lake on the 3rd and maybe the inlet on the 4 th from a 2 storey place. The block cost 30k and is 45 mins from christchurch.
    Any ideas on cheap ways to build a solid 2 storey place for a reasonable price? Kit homes are quite pricey there compared to Aust, and people ship kit homes over in containers.I was thinking 1 of those colour bond shed type houses would be fairly light and cheep to ship? any other ideas????

    Profile photo of colliecollie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 60

    What about buying a house that needs to be relocated from another property (eg. the owner buys a block and wants to build a new house and get rid of the old one) I knoe people do this in OZ not sure about NZ?
    Good Luck


    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    thers is a kit home monthly magazine – check it out they will have some great ideas. your block sounds amazing and i remember seeing a kit home that was circular with 360 c views from all the windows. kind on hexagon shaped actually but can remember where ive seen it.

    also its interesting you say kit hjomes are more expensive in NZ. cant see why that would be the case?? if its true then as suggested you could also look at relocatable homes.

    good luck

    Profile photo of Michael WhyteMichael Whyte
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 269

    Lukis P,

    Check out this link. There’s a lot of different manufacturers represented here and most export to NZ.


    PS Post us when you figure out which approach you’re going to take. I’m looking for a cheap house approach for my acreage at bundaberg. Would like a nice 3 bedder for under AUD$100K.

    Profile photo of coastcoast
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7


    We are having a Kit home completed as we speak.
    Elected to have it built by a builder which is not the norm, but had no time to do it ourselfs.
    Nice three bed low set, good verandahs and a bit of style.
    This being built at Captains creek not to far from Bundy approx 1 hour. its just short of Agnes water 1770. they are made just outside Noosa so not far for you Michael to travel to see some example Lukis P may just have to look on the net.
    As for prices they always go up on the next quote, but ours was approx 65 for th kit and just under 100 to finnish works out to approx 1000 a square which is not cheap but cheaper then 12 to 1400 a square we were being quoted by local builders. This is my second favorite subject right now as we are trying to get the roof on by Christmass, so if you have more questions ask here or email direct. my favorite subject is the 12 comercial acres I trying to develop in the same area. Know any one who wants a woolworths site plus a service station next door??
    Wish me luck.


    Profile photo of lukis p

    hi thankyou all for all your advice. Yes mum relocated a house to a block she sold a year ago. NZ is very mountaious where she lives and it it can be a huge job getting houses up and down mountains even in peices. I think she will sit on the block and wait for the area to be built up a bit more. I spose no point in building a 1 storey if neibours build out the veiws.
    merry xmas[elf]

    Profile photo of QueenstownerQueenstowner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 27

    Hi Lukis
    I spec build in nz using products we import ourselves from Aust and have bought in two american barn style sheds to be fitted out for residential use.i can’t give advice on whether they are a cheaper way to build in the long run yet as this is our first project in steel and two storey.yes kits in oz are cheaper than nz but anyone importing and erecting them will charge almost the same as a local one,then you’ll need all the other trades to finish it off.
    yes you can import yourself,the cheapest way is to fill a 20 ft container with the kit and add any internal fittings eg doors,windows etc.a 20 ft will cost approx $3500 to freight from Bris to Chch,on top of this is hassle of being gst registered in oz so you can claim back gst on export,then you pay 12.5% gst here.Then when your container arrives you will need a MAF officer or autherised person to do a biosecurity inspection of everything that comes out of that container.
    also a steel kit from oz will need a nz engineer to stamp it before council will even look at it.
    You may find a project home builder in Chch who has two storey plans on offer are a cheaper and less stressful option.
    regards Queenstowner.

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