All Topics / General Property / Steve McK changes focus at Reno Kings Seminar

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  • Profile photo of spongefingersspongefingers
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    Some observations from another presenter at the recent Reno Kings propery to the Max seminar is Brisbane where Steve presented. Might change the focus of some of you ‘cashflow is king’ devotees.

    Quote:”Steve McKight was there and gave a very interesting presentation. Everyone knows he is a smart investor. What impressed me was how he has changed his strategies over the years. Initially regional properties, then wraps, then NZ property, now capital growth property.

    He admitted that while every property he bought always had positive cash flow, he has made more out of capital growth over the years than anything else.

    Hmmm, cashflow is king? Straight from the horses mouth folks. And Geoff and Paul provide a very interesting,informative and exciting weekend.

    Your thoughts?

    Profile photo of GramyreGramyre
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 110

    Well yes and he also said that at his Masterclass as well as saying it would have been hard not to have made CG since 99 seeing as we have been in boom times.

    I don’t think that’s any biggy really. Where has Steve ever said that cashflow + CG is a bad choice? As long as the yeilds are right there is nothing wrong with it at all.


    I know I can, I know I can

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    Just to add, what I also said was:

    Positive cashflow is (and continues to be) the meat and potatoes of the deal. Capital gains was (and is) gravy on top.

    The key is to align the way you invest with your expectation of the market. That is, growth assets for growth times, and income assets for income times. Having said that, I’m not at this point feeling like the property market is primed for another huge growth cycle just yet.

    However, what is true is that I don’t wait for the opportunity to find me, I find it.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

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