All Topics / General Property / Property Manager Berwick Vic

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  • Profile photo of rebecca2

    We have been trying to sell a property that we purchaced to renovated and resell for months now.[:(!]
    After talking to many agents who say we are now asking just below what they think it will sell for, we have decided to hold this property and rent it out. We are not particularly happy with our other property manager near by so, I was wondering if someone could help us find a good one. Also what about a rental manager like Metrapole that looks after more than one area. I thought their may be an advantage having one agent look after all or most of your properties.

    “You have to leave your mouth open for a very long time before a roast chicken flys into it.” Early Proveb.

    Profile photo of yackyack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,206

    <<<<Also what about a rental manager like Metrapole that looks after more than one area. I thought their may be an advantage having one agent look after all or most of your properties.>>>>

    I prefer to have my property manager in the area of the property. They know the area, have trades in the area to fix problems and the tenant/property manager does not have to travel to get a key to view.

    But the big clincher for me is that a renter would go to the agents in the area to find a property to rent. Thats what I would do if I needed to rent.

    Profile photo of rebecca2

    Thanks Yack,
    Thats what my hubby said. Bugger I hate it when he is right.

    “You have to leave your mouth open for a very long time before a roast chicken flys into it.” Early Proveb.

    Profile photo of abugslifeabugslife
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 15

    Hi Beck,

    I have been pretty happy with berwick ray white: ph 9796 2666

    I live in the US and do all correspondence through email which is promptly attended too. If a repair is needed they send me 3 quotes and I am told their are no kickbacks [wink1]

    Bye the way – when I last visited Berwick was booming. Is this still true?

    Profile photo of rebecca2

    Hi Toystory,

    Berwick is bubbling along quite nicely. With the new Casey Hospital opening up and the extended freeway, I can only see good things continuing to happen in the town.

    “You have to leave your mouth open for a very long time before a roast chicken flys into it.” Early Proveb.

    Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616
    Originally posted by Rebecca2:

    Thanks Yack,
    Thats what my hubby said. Bugger I hate it when he is right.

    “You have to leave your mouth open for a very long time before a roast chicken flys into it.” Early Proveb.

    Maybe you were right after all.[biggrin]

    But then I am biased, because Pam my wife runs Metropole Property Management the agency in question in this post.

    I know some tenants walk into the local estate agent, but that’s not the way the majority look for a property today.

    Most tenants search on the internet and that’s why we advertise (for free to our landlords) on the 4 major web sites.

    For what it is worth our PM’s leased 19 properties last month including 3 in Ringwood (that the local guys couldn’t lease) and 2 in Frankston. (For interstate readers – they are almost the opposite ends of Melbourne.)

    This month we have leased 17 properties so far (others say pre Xmas it is quiet)again all over Melbourne.

    We have found having a central office, but area specific property managers, works really well for our landlords. Especially since most have multiple properties and prefer one point of contact.

    With the internet, direct debit and and rent cards, it doesn’t matter where our office is.

    Anyway… in your search for a good property manager maybe the following report will be of help

    Michael Yardney
    Metropole Properties

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