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    Being poor must sux (yes i can spell) because their attitude is always “money isn’t every thing” well my question is, why are you on this site finding out how to build wealth [confused2][confused2][confused2]

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,612

    Interesting comment resiwealth,

    Please do indulge my curiousity a little; I am assuming here (so please forgive me, we all know one should “never assume”) that you have drawn this conclusion based on your own infinite wealth/wisdom as a comparison to those less fortunate???

    I for one, am intrigued, as to what has lead you to make such a statement……..[blink]


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    Hi Jo i thought this statement would cause some interest, my brash comment comes from fighting the negativity of people always knocking success. I know many wealthy good people, who are very positive and helpful, and the only time i hear stupid comments is when they come from uninformed individuals who have not taken the step towards helping them selves getting out of the hole they are in; therefor i can only assume;

    Success developes a good attitude???

    Profile photo of Still in SchoolStill in School
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    Hi Resiwealth,

    i can relate your question, not in that way i think… (im a very positive person – with lots of energy.)

    though, my best mate since high school… anyone he sees with a nice car, or has something nice, first thing… that he always says is…

    his dad, bought him that car, or his dad help him get the finance, never has he said, they worked hard for it.

    though he isnt, negative about investing, he is negative about seeing someone, having nice amenties or luxuries…


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    Profile photo of redwing

    So in your opinion Resi being poor or unsuccessfull must mean you have a ‘bad’ attitude?

    What is your definition of success then? [king]

    As to me the definitions would be as varied as the people on the forum.


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    Profile photo of aussierogue

    i have wealth and i enjoy making money but i dont think poorer people are any less significant or important than rich people. actually the people i most admire in this world dont have money – or alteast money is not a significant reason for them to be admirable people.

    try making a list of the worlds great people and people who deserved to be admired and money will play a small part.

    heres an example – i read yesterday that someone had recently published the 4 most important black people in recent histroy. they came up with malcom x, nelson mandela, martin luther king and oprah winfrey.

    none of these people are business people and all of them have achived greatness from the ideals, compassion and integrity. sure oprah has more money than new zealand but she is recognised for her devotion to charity, child abuse, reading etc etc..

    it would be pretty hard to imagine any of these people saying something as ignorant as ‘poor people are whingers who need to get a better attitude’.

    there a good article in the weekender magazine about those who like to drive large 4wd’s. its all about power and status and wanting to feel more important than the next guy. greed is the same thing.

    you can build wealth and be interested in investiung without being greedy..

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    redwing – show me a poor person with a good attitude.
    Deffination of success (mine) freedom.

    Yes i agree the people on this forum are varied u are correct.

    aussierogue; my dip in … doesn’t give me that much time on u. Oprah is worth over 2billion so u think she is not a business person???
    Your first paragraph, is you interpritation !!! only, unresolved issues !!!

    Parra 2 whats your point ???

    Parra 3 poor example not relevant

    Parra 4 Oprah could not do those thing without money so your comment is not relevant.

    Parra 5 read the message behind the question, don’t take life out of text, unresolved issues.

    Parra 6 i did not mention greed, once again your interpretation, more unresolved issues 4 u.

    Parra 7 yes i agree so what?, do you also take offence to , wealth, rich, mercedes (not 4wd’s)success,

    i appreciate it was my initial question that should have been more clear, however my responce to Jo i know you did not read correctly, i came from poverty and i know poverty does not change until it changes its ATTITUDE, i also know you anger to my my question has shown unresolved issues in your life and you understand what i mean by that don’t you. Opinions are like belly buttons – we all have one … regards Phil

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    good one phil

    unresolved issues, unresolved issues – are you a mind reader??

    btw im not angry – your thinking is flawed and im pointing that out.

    unresolved issues – you understand what i mean by that dont you?? no – please tell me what you think??

    maybe the fact that you came from poverty (as you state) is a reason for your perception.

    go for your life!! look forward to an intelligent debate (if you have the time)

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    you challenged redwing to show you a poor person with a good attitude. are you kidding??? there a great people without much money evrywhere in society. they choose to do other things with there life like charity, the arts, education, communal living, downsizing, sea changing etc etc.

    i think you need to broaden your horizons…

    Profile photo of redwing

    Mother Teresa had a good attitude and a good heart?

    C’mon, anyone who has overcome adversity in thier life is successful.

    Someone who beats cancer -successful

    Someone who Raises their kids to become well adjusted adults-successful

    Success differs depending on your viewpoint, there’s more to life than $’s my friend.


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    Profile photo of lifeX

    In trying to understand your initial point, I can see how a number of people would jump to conclusions that you probably did not mean to infer.

    When one trys to simplify their point to a single statement, it often becomes cryptic. That then leaves your view open to interpretation.

    It seems to me that you are using the view that “money is needed to do good” and using this as pro active motivation in your wealth accumulation….good on you. I think that this attitude may help you aid mankind for greater good.

    And yes, I do agree that those who wish to do greater good in the world should be challenged to rise above defeatist comments like “money isn’t everything”, if they actually are. (I doubt anyone who replied in this thread would anyway).

    It seems to me that this statement was taken out of context by the above replies and suddenly…#WHAM#…, conclusions were drawn that you were actually saying “money isn’t everything” to mean that “you need money to be successful”.

    It is great that the majority of people on this forum are so focused on good, right and humanity.[biggrin]

    It is a pity that this often blinds them, and onesided irrelevant rantings will follow a provocative post, which was actually meant to stir action and move people towards a better world.

    At the end of the day, if this is a positive motivation for you, go with it and don’t let misinterpretation by others knock that out from under you.

    Redwing and Aussie Rogue, try taking a step back from your goodie two shoes rantings and see that you may have jumped in with judgement rather than trying to understand what resiwealth meant.



    Profile photo of agileagile
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 50

    Point taken LifeX.

    However with a comment like:

    “Being poor must sux (yes i can spell) because their attitude is always “money isn’t every thing” well my question is, why are you on this site finding out how to build wealth “

    …I would think resiwealth was looking for reactions. That is precisely what he got.

    Kind Regards,

    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    nice spin life x. its not as if resiwaelth general point was difficult to understand. we all got IT!! I just dont agree with the ignorant crap that occampanied it!! keep rocking twinkle toes!!

    Profile photo of Mortgage HunterMortgage Hunter
    Join Date: 2003
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    I have never felt poor – even when I had no money.

    Poor is a decision to choose a state of mind.


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    Profile photo of redwing

    redwing – show me a poor person with a good attitude.

    LifeX see above..

    however i agree, things can be misinterpreted


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    Profile photo of lifeX


    show me a sentence (any sentence), that can’t be taken out of context when removed on it’s own.

    “show me a poor person with a good attitude.”

    ……. was followed by

    ” i came from poverty and i know poverty does not change until it changes its ATTITUDE,”.

    It would seem that resiwealth used this particular belief to rise out of his financial situation to a position where he could perhaps do more for the world. hey, look at Oprah.

    “Oprah could not do those thing without money”.

    I know I personally feel a little helpless as I become more and more aware of the vast suffering that goes on, and then have to plod off to work just to live. This is one of my major motivations for striving for financial freedom, so as to maximise the effect of my time and effort (and money) for the bettering of the world.

    And an earlier post by resiwealth.

    “my brash comment comes from fighting the negativity of people always knocking success”.

    Sometimes I see topics in this forum that begin as a communication problem, and then turn into a slinging match or a “i’m right” contest.

    But I will conceede I may be wrong, I would like to announce “That I know nothing for sure, and that anything I believe firmly in may be completely wrong” …feel free to quote me in the future.



    Profile photo of redwing

    Actually LifeX

    It was followed by-

    Deffination of success (mine) freedom.

    Yes i agree the people on this forum are varied u are correct.

    aussierogue; my dip in … doesn’t give me that much time on u. Oprah is worth over 2billion so u think she is not a business person???
    Your first paragraph, is you interpritation !!! only, unresolved issues !!!

    Parra 2 whats your point ???

    Parra 3 poor example not relevant

    Parra 4 Oprah could not do those thing without money so your comment is not relevant.

    Parra 5 read the message behind the question, don’t take life out of text, unresolved issues.

    Parra 6 i did not mention greed, once again your interpretation, more unresolved issues 4 u.

    Parra 7 yes i agree so what?, do you also take offence to , wealth, rich, mercedes (not 4wd’s)success,

    i appreciate it was my initial question that should have been more clear, however my responce to Jo i know you did not read correctly,

    Has Resiwealth risen to a state where he can do more for the world as you say? who knows, however it’s an admirable goal..

    My point is being rich is not the same asbeing successful..

    Being poor must sux (yes i can spell) because their attitude is always “money isn’t every thing” well my question is, why are you on this site finding out how to build wealth

    you interperet what you will from the above post and the posts that followed..

    As for ‘goodie-two-shoes'[blink] ummm..Thanks?

    hmmm..moving on..


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
    Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow Calculator

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