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  • Profile photo of pelican

    Hi Guru,

    Nope, all are in Australia, as well as a soon to become PPOR.. so… 38 all up….

    My partner has been doing the majority of the buying…..

    We’re about to start work on a development deal we have in place…. Subdividing a house & block to build 2nd house…..revalue the lot, and, use new value to buy more properties…..



    You may know the cost of everything…. but what about the value ????

    Profile photo of yack

    We just got back from Singapore. My favourite photo is one of the kids at a restaurant and between them is a menu saying “Curry Fish Head”

    I love the photo – did not taste the curry.

    Profile photo of pelican


    You guys really missed a lovely meal !!! The Curry is very nice, and, the fish meat from around the head is the most tender !!!

    Did you do any shopping at the ” House of Hung Jewellers” ??? ( I Kid you Not !!! ) They have a large female clientele….. :-)

    Profile photo of kpkp
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 509

    Ahhhhh…Singapore girl…you’re a great way to fly…

    Batam was strictly business…well kinda..
    Knew a gentleman there who owned a housing estate ( you know the ones…)
    Just out of interest, developing is easy there, 25 yr leasehold, peppercorn rent, pre sell the lots before commencng, use the deposit money to clear the land and do the subdivision, extend the leasehold by 50 yr blocks.
    Lawless place…but easy to make money there..

    Just you stay away from that Gaylan area….!!


    Profile photo of pelican

    Hi KP,

    Yeah, Bintan / Batam are very “interesting” places, however I think the risk is too high for me…..

    The laws there are decided by whoever has the knife or gun, or…. who you piss off….. No thanks…..

    Geylang – yes, quite a “colourful” place !!! [blush2] The food there is good….. but too many distractions [happy3]

    Profile photo of yack

    We did not do much in Singapore. The purpose of our trip was a wedding in Canada and we decided to see some family in the UK. We had around the world tickets and had to have 3 stopovers. So we decided on Singapore.

    We only stayed the one night and spent most of our time with the kids in the Pool. Our kids are 3 and 4 and we thought it was not too fair on them dragging them around after being away for 6 weeks.

    I got a brief taste of Singapore and look forward to my next visit.

    Profile photo of pelican


    drop me a message if you come thru again anytime soon…..

    Happy to be a tourguide… if I’m still here…….

    Headin “home” soon ( although home for the last 17years has been Asia…. )

    Profile photo of Craig RobinsonCraig Robinson
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1

    hi all, I’m new here so please be gentle.
    I think the prupose of RDPD and RK’s other books is to get you off your butts and find out as much info you can yourself and then go out and do it. If people are reading these books and are wanting all of the answers to be in them, they shouldn’t bother reading them cos the books aren’t designed to do that.
    So far my wife and I aren’t quite in the postion to buy positive cashflow IP’s but we r now much closer thanks to RK and his books and also meeting him last year.
    Anyway all of my homework on property is done for the UK and now I am starting to learn how things are done here and in what ways both places are similar and in what ways they are different.

    So is it all hype? well for me and my wife no, cos we are now 100% debt free and about to begin what is hopefully a wonderful journey. To answer the question, so far I have not learnt how to buy 130 properties in 3.5 years from reading this book. But I do know it is very much achievable and I know everyone of them, if I invested in the right place WILL give good cashflow.

    Thanks for your time

    Profile photo of Julian2Julian2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 82

    It must be remembered that there are four partners in Steve McKnight’s business unit – his business partner and two wives.
    This ability to pull together as a team, and work to a common goal is not emphasised enough, but I believe is one of the keys to achieving the meteoric growth they did. It works out to 32.5 properties per person, or just under 10 properties per person per year – an amazing result in itself, but not as impressive sounding as 130 properties.
    In fact I would argue that it would be harder for an individual to move from a standing start to 32 properties than it would for four co-ordinated team players to purchase 130 properties.
    With four players on board three can be bringing home the bacon while one is sourcing properties, and I think I remember reading this is how Steve and the team worked.
    Another thing to remember is that it’s not a race, and the name of the game is not to have the most properties, but to have the best quality of life – whatever that means to you.
    Cheers, Julian2

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