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Hiya Steve,
I think you are a wonder. Last night I was reading your book and when I got up to the bit when the individual mapper’s stories started. I was hooked and absolutely couldn’t put it down. I stayed up until 4.30 reading until I had finished the book, and then I had to get up and pace around and stuff cause I was so excited I still couldn’t get to sleep.
Today I am knackered but I get IT!!
I had a really strong empathy with many of the stories for different reasons. I think you couldn’t have picked a better group of people to represent diversity than you did.
It really was so inspiring. I wish this keyboard could speak more eloquently for me right now, I find it hard to convey actually what a special book it is.
I think it is because they made the money and reached the financial goals but they got so much more out of it that the money and the property was just secondary, almost like a symbol…
I can’t explain it, but I get it
people, just read the book ok!!
joy to the world
Hi Mini,
Although I’m in no way Steve….[blush2], I’d like to respond to your post…
I am SOOOOOO glad that you got the real meaning out of the book. It is hard to explain to people the blood, sweat & tears that the 12 months took. It was definitely not an easy ride for any ot the mappers, by any means, but it was an amazing journey into self discovery… The property was secondary to our wealth obtained.
As you have gathered, the book was written from the heart of all the Mappers.
I went to the Melb book launch last night, and I was humbled that people actually gather around us to learn about “our story”…[blush2] I hope that we can help others a little, that would be great.
Steve McKnight & David Bradley are an amazing team who never say never….. I take my hat off to both of them. We will remain indebted to them forever, for the knowledge of “LIFE” that they have BOTH passed on to us.
Passionate about property! especially NZ cashflow +ve property!! Join our database to receive great NZ property deals!!
I better read Steve Book fast as I bought another good book from John McGrath (You Inc.) same day and reading that one first.
PropertyGuRu [sultan]
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Originally posted by wilandel:I went to the Melb book launch last night, and I was humbled that people actually gather around us to learn about “our story”…[blush2] I hope that we can help others a little, that would be great.
???Blast, I thought it was tonight the 14th??????? At the Hyatt?? Would I be the Lone Ranger if I went tonight?
I salute you
Minijoy to the world
Hi Skippygirl,
Yes you are right about tonight…
It was last night at Albert Park, and tonight at the Hyatt…
Will – the other half of Wilandel will be there tonight without me – boo hoo…[confused2]
thankyou ….[blush2]
I will look fwd to reading your book one day soon!Del
Passionate about NZ +ve cashflow property!!! We can source property for you for a fee. Send me your email address to join our database to receive great NZ property deals!!
I went to the book launch tonight…what an eye opener! fantastic night. I’ve now got the new book as well to boot…………I was only give the 1st book last week by Dale (Gatherum-Goss), which was when I first heard about Steve. Now I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting both Steve and Dave. Two very genuine and nice guys.
“I will look fwd to reading your book one day soon!”
Ahm, well I guess that means I better start writing it one day soon!! hehe
joy to the world
I went to the launch last night as well, very good. (A bit bigger than the one for 0-130, a year or so ago at Borders!).
Welcome to the forum Phil, you’ll find plenty of information here. The real part though is not just having the info, but having the will/motivation/desire to use it.
Hi Rod and others
I hung around and had the book signed by Dave and Steve….Whilst everybody rushed to Steve, Dave was almost by himself, so I saw him first allowing me time to have quite a decent chat. I did meet Steve about an hour later…..Thanks for the welcome RodPhil
Stevie Wonder is right!!!
I am blown away!!! News has it that Steve is telling people at his book launches that he lives on a meagre $400 per month!!! My goodness, royalties can’t be that bad??? [glum2]
Come on, you can’t be serious Steve…2 adults, one small baby, having to buy food, petrol, pay bills, and milk money alone would cost more than that surely. And all achieved for just under $100 a week??? The leaded petrol your Mazda 323 requires, would consume close to this on its own!!!
Mini, I beg to differ…..Mr McKnight is more than a wonder; he’s a bloody legend (in his extremely tighly budgeted lunchbox)!!! [medieval]
Hi Jo,
Steve tells the story about how he (and Dave) lived off an allowance of about $100pw, as their wives were working, whilst they built up their business.
However, I can say that Steve is still not a materialistic person, and doesn’t get off on buying heaps of new clothes etc… to “make his image”..
– Del
Passionate about NZ +ve cashflow property!!! We can source property for you for a fee. Send me your email address to join our database to receive great NZ property deals!!
Shucks… thanks for the praise.
Jo – the $400 p/month was only while Dave and I were accumulating capital to invest when we got started.
Now days Jules is supported from our investment income as a full-time mum. It was a case of delayed gratification.
As for book royalties – these are donated to our foundation. But I do all right these days, so thanks for your concern [happy]
Steve McKnight
P.S. The Mazda is unleaded [wink4]
Remember that success comes from doing things differently.
**********Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO
https://www.propertyinvesting.comSuccess comes from doing things differently
Hi Del,
I have no gripe with Mr McKnight, quite the opposite, HOWEVER, criticism is not to be feared but welcomed especially if there is nothing to hide. And I know for fact, that whenever I have questioned Steve, he has answered me, honestly and without the hostility <edited>!!! That to me, is the markings of true respect!!!
Dear All,
I went along last night – lucky I was NOT the Lone Ranger – and found it very inspiring. A couple of points hit home with me – having a certain number of IP’s and still managing them myself, and not having congruence between the properties in the portfolio.
I had really been analysing each deal in isolation and if it makes $$ I gave it a “go” decision. Steve mentioned the IP’s inside the circle and the ones that went outside had to go so I have to revisit some.
The other important item was time – the never-ending dilemma. If I had a wife who looked after the house, the kids, the bills, the social engagements, the birthdays, Christmas, holidays etc then maybe I could be like Steve and focus on RE 100%. Crikey all I would have to do is go to work and manage the RE investing.
But unfotunately I am the wife and we both work full time and hubby is providing nearly all the parent time outside work hours whilst I work on RE in those hours. The “cost” is the sacrifice of time with the kids outside work and I assure you the other cost of delayed gratification we have in bucketsful.
The 2 salaries are strategic for debt servicing until our sold-on-vendor-financed IP’s earn 100% income status. Plus I actually love my job as it builds skills needed for RE and I don’t pay for learning those.
I’m reading “$1m in prop” so maybe some of the MAPPER women will give me inspiration in this area. My outpouring for the day…..
steve and dave
must say it took me a while but i bought the book yesterday and finished it this morming. like mini mogul i concur – its a fantastic book. the mappers stories are great – you have everything there – triumph, tradgedy, passion, pain…bloody good read.
i think the most insightful part of the book (apart from not crossing steve after a few beers) are the lessons concerning getting out of ones comfort zones. really hit a nerve with managed to make that topic very unguru ish which is a triumph in itself! i hate hugging strangers!
its not often you read a property investing book that smacks of integrity. i think it does becasue its not just a property book…
i have made a few changes already with regards to taking action (this morning) which i guess is the best compliment of all
well done
I have placed my copy of the Book on my Xmas list.
Should be able to read it during my quiet time.Hi Aussie,
Thanks for your feedback. I’m delighted that you enjoyed the book, but even more so that you gained a few insights about how to improve your investing.
Warm regards,
Steve McKnight
Remember that success comes from doing things differently.
**********Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO
https://www.propertyinvesting.comSuccess comes from doing things differently
Yep, Mini It just had to be said….
I went to the book launch, met da man, bought the book, read it in one sitting crying and laughing (sometimes at the same time)The book had everyting…Mystery, romance, tragedy, triumph,comedy and empathy. All in a book about investing !!
I was so inspired i went out and bought five houses. I just pretended i was one of the mappers and set myself a goal.
The Mappers were truely inspirational
Hey Supafreak,
WOW! That’s impressive!
It’s amazing how making yourself accountable really works..Best wishes,
Del [biggrin]
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