All Topics / Creative Investing / Confession time

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  • Profile photo of techatecha
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 79

    Every now and then we get a great bargain.

    Great position, high demand,LOW MAINTENANCE and we take advantage of the POSITION.

    But on the other side of the coin there is a lot of “Dogs” out there.

    Get one and it will cost you.

    PS happily married and princess looks after the IP’s tennents and Short termers in our apartments.
    So Im not a woman hater infact I lovem!!

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    hey who has read that book ‘How to pay off your mortgage in x years’ – cant recall the x… 5 years, 12 months, 10 minutes, something? If you want a miserable existence then be sure to pick up a copy. You would be better off paying the $20 into your mortgage though.

    Extensive list of ‘Off The Plan’ property available for sale in Perth.

    John – 0419 198 856

    Profile photo of NEWGEN

    I’ve read that book John.. the one written by Anita Bell? It’s How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in Five Years from memory. Can’t really say I liked it much. I thought that a lot of the tips/hints were only suitable for a very small perecentage of people.

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    OH! I didn’t realise Anita Bell was the author… it all comes together now! yes, its like “now dont have a shower today, use the money saved from the water to pay off your mortgage – presto, one step closer”

    Extensive list of ‘Off The Plan’ property available for sale in Perth.

    John – 0419 198 856

    Profile photo of Scotty BScotty B
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 44

    I’ve read that book – for one second I thought you were quoting a line as it sounded just like her.

    V funny[thumbsupanim]

    I live in Karratha and for a fee find quality cash positive deals there, email me at to join our database

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Bell’s first book was the 2nd RE book I read- after Somer’s. It was really one of the only books around at the time about RE. Bell’s book was written in 1999, and so it was related to pre-boom conditions really. My mortgage was so small, that the book really resonated with me. But paying a mortgage off in 5 years… she was really talking about cheaper properties- and there were plenty around at the time. Now… well, you buy an expensive property- in a vanilla buy and hold- and it’s hard to pay it off in 5 years.

    I wonder if she still ives cheaply. She must have done incredibly well post-boom, but I think people usually live as they live- those who make sacrifices probably always will, because enough never seems enough for them. I wonder if she now has 40 houses and still shops at op shops.

    I know I’ll never be wealthy in the sense that others might desire for themselves, but I also know I’ll never feel that I have denied myself enjoyment each day.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Gee I haven’t read this lady’s book, but using the example of not showering to save a few cents, I hope she reinvests the money on perfume instead, as she may need it!!!! Phew….[blush2][wacko][whistle]

    Profile photo of Ali G

    I was thinking that the family could bottle their odour and use it as an alternative source to heat the house… don’t scoff now we are all just jealous that we weren’t doing it first. [winking]

    Love reading threads like this that take off in minutes! Oh Monopoly – we all want to confess!!

    Large Fries x 1 p/week = $104 (ewwwww!!)
    Stationery orders from Officeworks = $1000 (I am a sucker for nice pens)
    Cafe lunch x 3 p/week = $1090
    Eating out x 2 p/week = $2600
    Overpriced clothes = $4000

    Ouch!! What’s that??? Almost $9000! Thank goodness I don’t smoke and that I am a one pot screamer!!! [biggrin] No, not really, but that would make things cheap!

    C’mon someone else… post your splurges and make me feel better… [biggrin]


    Ali G

    PS. Would love to add ‘rent’ – $15080 – to the list but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do… [sad]

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    plus if you add rent then you have to deduct the income that you are earned from the otherwise dead equity in your house – and you would probably be negative then!

    Extensive list of ‘Off The Plan’ property available for sale in Perth.

    John – 0419 198 856

    Profile photo of kpkp
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 509

    Oi !!
    Get back on topic..

    Well I am a saint compared to some of you… quit smoking some years back, hardly drink, never eat out, and no take away food. Where we live you would understand why.

    No more indulgance on toys…delayed gratification firmly set in place.

    To prove this, we came to a point last year where my sweetie ( the better half by a long way )finally grumbld about all the junk that was in our yard. So we decided to sell it all, this included 3 motor bikes,a boat, a 4WD, and we decided to go the whole hog, so we also sold an IP that we had in town. This all went through in 3 months…it was all gone and turned back into cash.

    This left us with….a boat, a motorbike and one 4WD…

    I read John Burley and it changed my outlook completely,…now wehave no personal debt and will keep it that way.

    Only borrowings are on property which is deductible.

    Our only indulgance is a few trips away every year,but even then I will be looking at property, so they are partially deductible.

    This concept of “abundance” really works when you reign in your spending on “wants” and stick to the “needs” till you can afford the wants…


    Oh and BTW, I live in Karratha and for no fee I will not find you a property as they are overpriced,even if the rents make them positive geared, and the agents are really bad to deal with, so if anything goes wrong it will cost you an arm and a leg to go there to sort out your property woes….( personal experience of someone who bought sight unseen and had problems with the local PM and asked me to help)..Don’t go there !! Don’t do it !!

    Profile photo of trisha007trisha007
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 85

    I must confess [blush2] I occasionally get the “retail therapy” bug, and when I do, look out!!!

    My most recent splurge was a professional timber bar (the kind that has the place to hang your wine glasses, beer tap etc)
    which I think was a bargain at $1000.

    Im not really a person who buys coffee every day, I save it up and then whammo! spend it all on something big!

    I think of these as better than a few bought coffees as my purchases give me lasting enjoyment.

    Jo, do you really enjoy your waxing?!![blink]

    I do love going out for coffee or dinner with my friends though and try to do that at least every fortnight.

    What do I work hard for? So I can play hard as well[biggrin]

    I manage the finances in my house too, so I do know how to take care of money its not always the women who are expensive to run!

    Geo if I bought a vanilla slice everytime I walked past a shop I would be extremely unwell!


    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by trisha007:

    Jo, do you really enjoy your waxing?!![blink]

    Does any woman really enjoy it??? [thumbsdownanim HARDLY!!! [wacko]

    Profile photo of stargazerstargazer
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 344

    Hi all

    Great post Monopoly now this is going to hurt but hey what can i say.

    3 boxes of cigars a week=$54 x 52= 2808
    take away 3 times a week=$60 x 52= 3120
    Restaurant once a week =$80 * 52 4160
    carton of beer a week =$35 x 52= 1820
    6 bottles of wine a week=$50 x 52= 2600

    No facials or waxes for me


    Profile photo of shaunwalker

    i have just started dance lessons at 66 dollars a week!.
    i dont like spending the money, but there are plenty of single girls there my age looking for a dance partner!

    Lead, Follow or get out of the bloody way

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Well Shaun,

    In the words of one of the forums most respected moderators (Derek), consider the money an “investment” (ie. finding a mate)!! And as such, money well spent!!

    Cheers, [biggrin]


    Profile photo of Ali G

    Alf, I am coming to your place for a party. [aacool]


    Ali G

    Profile photo of MJTMJT
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 80

    Hi all, great post! I read Anita Bells book and found that she lived a very deprived live in that time. [axe]
    I couldn’t do it!

    I spend on little toy cars for the “kids”, beer, wife and kids. and various other things that are too many to mention!!!!!![freak]



    Profile photo of NEWGEN
    Originally posted by alf:

    Hi all

    Great post Monopoly now this is going to hurt but hey what can i say.

    3 boxes of cigars a week=$54 x 52= 2808
    take away 3 times a week=$60 x 52= 3120
    Restaurant once a week =$80 * 52 4160
    carton of beer a week =$35 x 52= 1820
    6 bottles of wine a week=$50 x 52= 2600

    No facials or waxes for me


    . o 0 (tries to picture Alf’s beer gut in his head) [strum] Darn.. I thought I was living it up! lol

    Profile photo of mummum
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 104

    My indulgence list:
    1 book per week = $1560
    coffee with clients = $1300
    coffee by myself = $1300
    lunch = $1300
    snacks when bored = $1000

    Hmm. Maybe I should be channelling the snacks into books. Wouldn’t go to waist then.

    Profile photo of shaunwalker
    Originally posted by Monopoly:

    Well Shaun,

    In the words of one of the forums most respected moderators (Derek), consider the money an “investment” (ie. finding a mate)!! And as such, money well spent!!

    Cheers, [biggrin]
    ha, ha.
    thanks monopoly (and derek) makes me feel a lot better. lessons coming along fine, i can nearly do a pretty mean tango! [biggrin]


    Lead, Follow or get out of the bloody way

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