All Topics / General Property / Negative growth :(

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  • Profile photo of kay henry

    I’ve been checking out the latest edition of API magazine. Sadly, green is back… pale green being the colour to indicate negative growth suburbs. There is quite a bit of green in sydney and Melbourne maps, and none (lots of bright orange showing 20+ CG) on the Brisbane maps. (The other states aren’t shown)

    It’s sad to see the maps turning so pastel. It seems that orange is becoming so 2003 in the real estate fashion stakes.

    Green is the new orange in 2004.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of calvin_thirty4calvin_thirty4
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 556

    Hi Kay,
    is API just for Eastern Staters? It gets somewhat monotonous to see magazines that cover all of australia (VIC, NSW and QLD), just lucky the rest of us pay enough taxes to keep those three states up and running, hey?

    Sorry, sometimes my schitzo personalities get away from me. I should at least await your reply before I let loose the froot-loop insode of me. Sorry



    Profile photo of kay henry


    API is produced in Qld, and typically has articles of all states and maps/median price tables of brisbane, melbourne, and sydney.

    This edition has mapstables of the above three, and articles also on perth/WA and SA- but no maps/median tables.

    Generally, there are median price maps one month, and median rental maps the other month of the eastern states- except for tassie- the little eastern state who has no voice :)

    And I think you should let your fruit loop roll free- if you harness it, it will just become a whole box. :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of kpkp
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 509

    The less published and highlighting WA the better.
    Keeps the hungry hoard away…which will just create too much competition for you and me.
    Make money while the sun shines…forget the lack of publicity.

    BTW I just spent a week in Qland…and its definitely a great place to invest…and I will be putting my money where my mouth is starting now…

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    Hi Kaye, I remember when I came to Sydney about 8 years ago it was crazy trying to get a rental property. everything seemed SOO expensive, even for a tiny one bedroom flat with no balcony or view or anything, and even for those kind of places there would be ten applicants and there was just so much competition. Then suddenly rents went low about 3 years ago and you could pretty much negotiate it down. (that’s when we moved into our paddington house.) No coincidence that when rents were down and you could negotiate, it was when everyone was BUYING like mad and renovating like mad etc, less renters on the market, etc.

    So I have noticed the rents rising again. I think it is just so obvious what is happening….the cycle is behaving quite predictably and I for one know exactly how I am going to use it to my advantage.

    The cost to rent a place has been cheaper than buying for ages, but this is changing in the buyer’s favour and to the renter’s detriment….

    joy to the world

    Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    It’s also sad to see that API have reverted to the old style of Melbourne maps, which cut off at least 1/3 of the Melbourne suburbs.
    I had brought this up with the past editor a while ago, and they changed the map style and included heaps more, but I guess that’s gone now. The current editor doesn’t seem to care.

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

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