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  • Profile photo of kay henry

    Some people might be interested in this. It’s in Brisvegas, and stars the Reno Kings, Steve McKnight, Dale Gatherum-goss, Michael Yardney and some others :)

    Even if you can’t go to it… I always find it interesting to see what Seminars are on and who is hanging with whom in the guru scene :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Brenda IrwinBrenda Irwin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 119
    Originally posted by kay henry:

    Some people might be interested in this. It’s in Brisvegas, and stars the Reno Kings, Steve McKnight, Dale Gatherum-goss, Michael Yardney and some others :)

    Even if you can’t go to it… I always find it interesting to see what Seminars are on and who is hanging with whom in the guru scene :)

    kay henry

    Little known is the fact that Les and I have been invited and will be available throughout the weekend to meet workshop students and try to answer questions. Just don’t ask me all the hard one’s.[blink]

    If you want to get out of a hole, first stop digging.

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    Sideline business..

    Start taping these shows and put out the DVD’s
    [grad] then we can ‘all’ see them


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
    Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow Calculator

    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I was looking at this seminar before this thread and before the September Insider mentioned it. I’d love to go but I’m in two minds…

    I need a bit of help to get the whole PI business off the ground and I believe that this would be a very appropriate course for my current situation but… ATM I’d have to access equity (we’d still enough left over to cover a deal that we’re currently looking at) to afford the seminar, travel, accomodation and other associated expenses.

    Not sure if this would be a wise “business” decision or not. That equity could go towards another deal but the knowledge gained from the seminar could increase the return from other future deals.

    I just re-read my post and it sounds a bit like analysis paralysis perhaps? (now analysing that conclusion).

    Opinions anyone?


    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763

    Hi Sonja,

    What I would do is look at the people speaking and see what it was that they could offer to help you achieve your investment goals. Break up your points into short-term (0 – 6 months), medium term (1-2 years) and long-term.

    Furthermore, while you may need to acess equity in the short-term, provided you take action to recoup the cost then it’s more of an investment in its own right than it is an expense.

    For example, the cost is $2,198, so, assuming your existing investment yields 8%, then you would need to increase rents by just $3.38 per week to increase your equity by $2,198 (i.e. [[$3.38 * 52] / .08]).

    In the end though it’s (obviously) a decision as to the cost vs. benefit for you in your circumstance.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of kay henry


    I don’t think it’s analysis paralysis. I think that when we have limited money (as I do), then it is always a decision about how to spend it. I just think you’re honest- not neurotic :)

    If you can immerse yourself into a seminar, then you may take away lifetime skills. I tend to think seminars are about personal aspects rather than information- or else people would just buy the books of the authors. There are a number of people speaking at this seminar, so you’ll be given relatively short amounts of info on different topics- with different perspectives. What I think people look for in a seminar is networking opportunities, atmosphere, and focus.

    If you want to save money, you could make a deliberate effort to buy all their books- at once- and read them in a period of time- that way, you wouldn’t feel like you were missing out. But if face to face stuff is your bag, and you get more from listening, participating and meeting people, than you get from reading, then a seminar might be the way to go.

    Steve’s numbers thing – as in return on investment- is obviously food for thought.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of geogeo
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,194

    Hi to all,

    If anyone is interested in going, perhaps we can get the double ticket to save on cost? Let me know? PM or email me if you want to go!

    Best Regards,

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

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