All Topics / General Property / How RICH ! Do You Want To Become ?

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    Tim you are on track well dne !!

    SIS – when i come back in my next life i don’t want to come back as your money, cause you would work me tooooo hard he1 he1, love your work and as i have said before mate you will be in the 1% at the top, no problem.

    By the way SIS in another post (answer) you mentioned a strategy that you are applying in buying property for the asking price – i’m interested in your approach?? i’ll try and find it in theother post … cheers Phil

    Profile photo of Im excitedIm excited
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 9

    Hello, Im entirely new at this, this is my first!!!
    What an interesting question. This has really made me think! Basically Im aiming for $200K cash flow each year. How Im going to achieve this is the part Im still working on. If I reach this then I will retire! If I reach retirement age first then I’ll need to do a stock take. These forums are so exciting! Cheers!

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    Welcome aboard i’m excited too, if you want to attain your dreams quicker it helps to get clarity.

    Over the years i have attended many seminars,Tom Hopkins, Anthony Robbins, Bob Bays, Zig Zigler, Jim Rhoan etc etc and they all talk about goals and getting clarity.

    I meet so many people who are in a rush to buy properties and make lots of money, however the one question most of them cannot answer is how much they are ofter, funny isn’t it?

    The power of writing goals is well documented, so “i’m excited” i hope you write fantastic goals.

    Regards Phil

    Profile photo of BofclarkBofclark
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 31

    Hi all
    When I was 22 years old I had a mortgage, a job and a future all mapped out. Three months later I had a mortgage, no job and was enrolled full time at uni. Shortly after this my clothing began to wear out and I was 22 years and four months old with a mortgage, no job, wearing my gandfathers hand me down coats and trousers ( I had my own underwear)and a schedule for the lectures I had to attend at uni. The thing that struck me at this time ( like an A Ha moment) was that I was no happier or sadder being broke, wearing hand me down clothing and being a full time uni student than I was when I was employed, had money, wearing three piece suits and working in an accounting firm. I learnt that money does not buy happiness. What it can give you is time and choice. How much money do you need, enough to have the time to make the choices you want to make.

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