All Topics / General Property / How RICH ! Do You Want To Become ?

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  • Profile photo of aussierogue

    Pete – great post. you have some clarity that some of us will never have, due to your circumstances. at the moment i feel like im treading water a bit and your post has added some perspective.

    thanks and good luck!!

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    btw – by deliberatley not talking about giving to charity isnt this false modesty??

    charity should be encouragerd as an everyday thing – and people discuss everyday things, just like they discuss cars, houses and sex. sure its a little passe, a little middle class but if it makes you feel better and makes you give more then go for your life big boy!!!

    charity isnt just for the righteous. let braggards show of as long as the money comes in.

    surely its better to talk about giving then to talk about taking.

    The charities know this aswell. check out there marketing, tugging at the heart strings with one liners like ‘1 dollar a day can help save a childs life’…sure its in your face and might make you feel uncomfortable whilst your watching ‘lets make a deal’ or ‘who wants to be a millionaire’ – but the message is true….

    and btw to say that charity is for weak people is over the top. there are alot more worse things in the world then giving to charity. i can name them for you if you want -.

    not all rich people are successful and not all poor people are unmotivated twits.


    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    It is a a gift to get insight from a life threatening situation. Nothing like a degenerative incureable disease to get the focus sharp and pointed.

    I often see people living like there is no tomorrow, I live like I only have today. There is a major difference between the two.

    I want to be rich enough to reach two personal goals before December 1, 2010. I have them on my PC wallpaper so I see it multiple times a day. One is to have enough to build the house we have designed in a place we want to live (probably 3-400K worth all up). The other is to leave working for someone else because I no longer have to. (earning over 100k a year)

    Business goals are every 6 months and not dependent on wealth


    I know I can, I know I can

    Profile photo of petebell

    Fortunatley, I really mean that, they got the whole thing first go, and I am now 100%. I put on about 30kg after the op from the steroids I was put on. That day, I won the lottery, in health terms, everything works, no ongoing sideaffects, but as you say, gets the focus real sharp, real quick.

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    To petebell

    Congratulations on comming out the other side and surviving, a clearly defined goal will get you to where you want to be sooner than you plan for it, there is magic in writing down ones goal and i know you will be successful.

    As said previously, its a shame that some people have to go through what you have done to get a wake up call but i am glad you did, i mean that in the nicest way.

    I have developed a goal book which i hope to have published soon, if you contact me i will down load a free copy for you and you can test it for me. The book is the only one of its type and is the working result of many seminars i have done, it is designed to develop balance and clarity, just fill in the missing words etc …

    keep up the good work … Phil

    Profile photo of petebell

    Thanks for the encouragement Phil,

    Good to know that someone with runs on the board thinks Im on the right track, and thanks for the opportunity to test your book, got your email and will start reading it tonight.



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    Thanks Pete good luck, can’t wait

    Profile photo of jsprijspri
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 55
    Originally posted by residentialwealth:

    Hi jspri

    It’s a shame your goal lacks clarity so i hope you get some – have you read The Richest Man in Babylon??


    You Don’t have to be Born Brilliant by John McGrath ??

    I read sooooo many replys on the site from young people who have no idea or take seriously the importance of clearifying certainity.

    another good book is “Awaken The Giant Within”[cap]

    Thanks for the reply, but dont try to read someones post and think you know their position. Of course these aren’t my total goals (what is taking over the world ?) unlike others have posted but i felt more comfortable saying what i said then posting the 5page report that i wrote up about my self and clearly detailing my short term and long term goals and how i plan to ascertain them. A short term goal, nearly on completion is that of owning my first ip before my 19th in december. This ip is only for a grounding, and not a bad effort being first yr uni, and making all the money to support the property my self. I congradulate others that have attained their goals, as i will obtain mine to.

    cheers, good luck everyone.

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    jspri – dont try to read some ones post and think you know their position – you should be more careful then what you write because we are all judged on what we say mate.

    Dont take it personally 100 years from now no one will remember, good luck with your first choice i hope it has many off spring.


    Profile photo of patriciavpatriciav
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 8

    Just providing another view on this…i think it’s interesting how a lot of people post on this forum that they are not after money, and that money doesnt provide happiness. Its interesting because, for one reason or another we are all here because property = wealth, meaning some can have their goal of quitting their jobs, living a glamorous lifestyle, or quitting their current jobs to find their true, but poorly paying calling. Without wealth, in most cases, you cant do these things. So really, when most people say ‘money isnt everything’, i respond with ‘no, but it is something….’. Just an observation i wanted to share….. :)

    Profile photo of Tim_3

    Hi All,

    very interesting post – some great reading here. Resiwealth I would be very interested in reading your works on goal setting, if you felt like sending me a copy I would really appreciate it, I am sure it is a worthwhile excercise to go through it.

    Anyway, in response to the orginal question:

    Target Critical Mass: $6M by August 2008
    Properties to own: 24
    Weekly Passive Income: $75k by August 2008, $220k (in current dollars) by 2025

    What level is happiness: Sustainable happiness is the purpose in life. Wealth assists in freedom of choice and life options. The level of happiness for me is not so much determined by wealth, but rather feeling in control and in balance with what I am doing, and experiencing the things that I value in life.



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    No problem Tim my secretary is updating the “goals setting manual” on wednesday love to give you a free copy … Phil[aacool]

    Profile photo of Tim_3

    Thanks Resiwealth,

    that’d be great.


    Profile photo of ian_from_brisbaneian_from_brisbane
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 97


    One of my major life goals is to take a holiday in space for one or two weeks. Needless to say this will be expensive, even if the cost does come down in the decades to come. I figure by the time I’m ready it may cost me about $5 million but that’s just a guess. So this is one of my main motivators for creating wealth.

    After I’ve taken care of that huge expenditure, I would like to have about 10-15k / week (indexed) to play with for the rest of my life. So I guess that will mean about $20 million net worth. I don’t know how many houses I’ll need for that but I’d say it’d be quite a few.

    Hey Pete, I hope you don’t mind if I steal your phrase “free by 33”. I’m 26.3 at the moment and that time frame suits me very well :)

    Anyway, I’m still only on property #1 at the moment and body corporates are so much fun. Little bit of sarcasm there.


    Profile photo of destined_for_millionsdestined_for_millions
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 38

    I want to stop working before i reach 30 ( i’m 19 now). I’ll need enough to travel anywhere i like, anytime i like. Somewhere around the 75-100k bracket per year after tax would be great.
    I have a sponsor child in Ethiopia… to support him and his family would be awesome. Anyone who sponsors a kid knows the huge rush you get when you see what your money is doing for them!! I want to be able to support my parents when they get too old because they have been a huge help for me over the years and would love to pay them back somehow, even though that sounds lame[biggrin]

    Profile photo of SpankySpanky
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 102

    I am 19.

    I don’t want to work in a paid job (unless I really enjoy it) for a single day after my 30th Birthday. $100k per annum (in today’s money) would do it.

    Before I die, I want to donate $1,000,000 to research into Cystic Fibrosis. Then I can die with a smile on my face, while signing a will that cuts out any bastard that ever doubted me.

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    Hi Spanky – i’ll never doubt you … regards Phil

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    here’s another small twist 4 you …

    How much are you worth today $___________

    How much do you want $___________

    What is the difference $___________

    How are you going to get there …….


    Profile photo of Tim_3

    here’s another small twist 4 you …

    How much are you worth today $1.2M___________

    How much do you want $6M___________

    What is the difference $3.8M___________

    How are you going to get there …….

    1) Currently need to refinance to free up equity
    2) Look for trades and private investor deals
    3) Expand existing property portfolio
    4) Continue to save 10% of net income towards investing
    5) Always look for next oppurtunity, as well as visualising future wealth
    6) Leverage of ridiculously generous super scheme I am
    7) Invest, invest invest

    Profile photo of Still in SchoolStill in School
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,844

    Hi Resiwealth

    How much are you worth today
    not quite sure…

    How much do you want
    multi-millions of net assets worth (truly multi-millionaire or close to billionaire, eventually one day

    What is the difference
    about a 5 years from my personal targets, larger targets, be listed on the ASX, with several or many companies at age 40

    How are you going to get there

    consistenly, trade, invest, compound, velocity of money, and work the assets hard… but just repeat my current systems that are in place, but force them to grow, at daily, weekly, monthly and yearly targets. (and doing other small projects on the side)


    Wanna Talk About Stocks

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