All Topics / General Property / Are Farms worth a look ?

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  • Profile photo of PursefattenerPursefattener
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 217

    Here in South West Victoria we have tree companys buying up dairy farms at take what you can get prices. Dairy farmers have been doing well to get 3k an acre where in Gippsland you would look at around 5-6k or NZ at about 12-14k.
    Deregulation has not been kind to the dairy industry but world prices are firming and a resurgence in interest again from NZ property buyers due to the strength of the cross rate on NZ$.

    With all that, I reckon on good growth prospects here. As far as cashflow for an investor goes, well, I’m sure you could do better elsewhere.

    Any one like to throw their hat at me ?


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