All Topics / General Property / Free Ticket To Anthony Robbins

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  • Profile photo of kay henry

    Sonja from this Forum generously gave me a ticket to the 4-day Anthony Robbins seminar- for today, tomorrow, Sunday and Monday. I went along today… but as much as I tried, it just was not my thing.

    I’ve tried to contact Sonja but she’s not available… so I would like to pass the ticket forward to a Sydney person who might be able to attend tomorrow, Sunday and Monday. I think many people would find in incredibly worthwhile- Anthony Robbins is obviously a nice dude with lots of goods things to say.

    I guess it would be good to pass it on to someone who wouldn’t normally be able to afford to pay the price- the ticket is worth $1300 (well, 3 days of 4 days willbe worth a bit less- but it’s still worth a fair wack of money.

    If anyone would like to post a message here, or private message me, I can fix it up. I have to say, I’d prefer to give it to someone on the Forum that I know … and not the old 1-poster… as I really feel like Sonja did a lovely thing for me, and I’d like to return the favour to someone for whom the Robbins experience might really benefit their life.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Andrew_AAndrew_A
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 392


    Why didn’t the day appeal to you?


    “Write the wrongs that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on marble.” Arab proverb

    Profile photo of kay henry


    I think a lot of these things depend on personality. Let me begin by reiterating that I think Tony Robbins has a great personality, is broad in his focus, doesn’t speak in cliches or like he’s rehashing a number of other authors, and he is very chilled out.

    I found the activities difficult- lots of dancing and jumping, yelling, hugging strangers and stuff- I just found it extremely challenging. So I either stood up, punched the air, danced, shook… and felt embarrassed… or I sat in my chair and kind of felt more out of place (because everyone else was up and jumping etc…)

    Actually, Tony was saying that we all get out of the event what we put into it, and all of these people had paid large sums of money for it (some had paid $1400, they told me). I agree with him that one gets out what they put in; and he also said that if one put lots of *energy* into it, it would make one feel happy… and I agree with that too. It was just that it is not my style to do such things. I have to say, others felt more at ease with it than I did- which is great :)

    I think people would really like Tony’s style- he is a very funny guy- withpout trying, and he is as fluent as you would find. He also swears like a mofo, which made him seem more laid back and non-corporate than I expected- I am unsurprised that he is so popular- he’s very likeable.

    What he says makes very good sense- his content is well0-thought through and doesn’t seem artificial – it has universal application and he isn;t like a “marketeer” who puts people down. He wasn;t doing that “winner vs loser” stuff- which I think is gross.

    I did feel uncomfortable when he asked audience members who was depressed, and a woman said her husband was having an affair and was going to leave her- she was just so sad and upset… and as a demonstration of how she could change her feelings, he asked her to remember an orgasm and to emulate it- all there in public. You see, that kind of thing kind of makes me cringe.

    Having said that, the messages Tony Robbins has- well, I think it’s all good- and I can be a tough critic. I really think the guy is a sweetheart… I just think that someone else- someone else who can enter the spirit of the event… would gain more benefit from it than I was capable of doing.

    and sonja- if you’re reading (until I can catch you and speak to you), I am SO grateful to you for the opportunity- I’m still gonna repay you somehow, even though you gave freely :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of kay henry

    Good morning all :)

    The ticket has been passed on to the lovely PropertyGuru- yay!

    Mr Guru, let us know how it went for you :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of ToolsTools
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 363

    Hi all,

    i went to the seminar two years ago,and it was the most exciting weekend I have had for many many years.I consider myself to be quite conservative and reserved,but when I decided to go (I had wanted to go the previous year when it was in Melbourne),I thought I had to make it all worthwhile.On top of the ticket,I also had the cost of airfares and accomodation.I flew up and went by myself,not really knowing what to expect.They are four really long days…sat and sun were more than 12 hours each,with only one break.I was just glued to the information he was presenting.At first I was concerned abouit all the jumping around and hugging strangers etc…I was WAY
    out of my comfort zone,but thoroughly enjoyed the weekend,and would do it all again.When I do go again,I will go by myself again.I learned alot about myself that weekend and would recommend it to anyone.I laughed alot,cried alot,hugged people I have never seen before (including many guys,that’s out of my comfort zone!),and challenged myself in many ways.Friday night was incredible…we had been there for probably 7 hours,and hundreds of us went out and did a fire walk…..walked bare foot along a 6 metre bed of hot coals…tell me that doesn’t teach you about mind over matter!

    When he comes back next year,GO FOR IT !


    Profile photo of kay henry


    I think you would have had the experience that many had. It’s great if you can involve yourself in that way. And yes- they are extremely long days:

    Friday 24 September 2:00 p.m. – 12midnight
    Saturday 25 September 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.
    Sunday 26 September 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
    Monday 27 September 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

    42 hours in 4-days- hehe. I’m afraid I wasn’t up to it :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of PhoenixrisingPhoenixrising
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 58

    On sat. night while in town (Wynard station area of Sydney)I had a breif conversation with a couple who had just come from the seminar

    They were positively bubbling over with enthusiasm

    Needless to say they loved it


    P.S. I dont have any conections with A.R.

    “When you can walk on water…take the boat”

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Thanks Kay!
    Oh yes Thanks to Sonja also.

    I am just back after doing this long seminar (though I only did 3 days). I have done before also 1 3 days long property seminar but this was different as I was not ready for it [suave2] 11:00 am I got call from Kay and around 12:15pm I was there seeing people jumping and clapping.

    I think over all seminar was very good though I can’t concentrate when he ask to shut your eyes and follow what he is saying but other people were crazy after those things and crying in happiness. If you are reading all the books then you feel lot’s of things just repletion but he reminds you all the things and you get different feeling when you hear from him.

    Today he was not there so we all watched his video and another guy Joseph was coming in between. He was also goooood. Monday was all about health I guess I learn a lot and bought broccoli to eat (which I normally like) [exhappy]

    He promote being vegetarian, which I am already but knowing someone famous was great feeling. Some of my friends say how do you get energy and protein etc if you don’t eat meat I think I got answer for those question now. AND yes I never saw anyone in my life having that much energy as he got. Incredible! (AND yes he doesn’t easy Meat [exhappy] )

    Last thing I might write a book now title 101 ways to Clap [exhappy]


    Mortgage Consultant

    Profile photo of kay henry

    hehe PG @ 101 ways to clap [cap]

    Yeah, it’s pretty cool that he’s a vegetarian (I did my 4 years as a vegetarian- that’s enough for me). And apparently, TR sleeps around 5 hours a day!

    Glad you enjoyed it, PG- whatcha gonna do with all that new energy and positivity, huh?

    kay henry

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Hi Kay,

    I am always full of energy and postivity [evil4] so when TR asked every one to write believes which they think is doing bad to them I couldn’t come up with anyone felt very bad or should I feel good lol! [suave3]

    Yes he refreshed every thing with his extra boost energy.

    Ok What I am going to do I think I am going to eat lots of broccoli first! [evil4] according to him I should eat sugar, drink coke etc which I can’t stop but will try to reduce.

    Trying to sleep less lets say start with 7 hours to start with ( I always thing I should be sleeping less but never worked )

    Going to drink lots of water and watery food.

    Other then that I don’t think I can change much in my life at the moment.

    It was really tiring all the jumping and clapping for 3 days. He got other seminars for 3k,4k and 5k which people joined like crazy I think Wealth one might be good one for me but I don’t think I will do for next 3-4 years any big seminar like that after paying money ( yes always welcome for free one [suave3])


    Mortgage Consultant

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    Today he was not there so we all watched his video and another guy Joseph was coming in between.

    Hehe PropertyGuru, I can’t help wondering whether Anthony Robbins was catching up on some sleep today! [sleepy2]


    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Hi Celivia,

    May be sleeping but I spoke to one of his team Member (High postion one) and she told me that he doesn’t sleep much.

    This was according to their plan that Joseph will be doing todays event. He is one of his head trainer ( he got 4 trainer. they give personal training for 65K a year)


    Mortgage Consultant

    Profile photo of kay henry

    Personal training for 65k a year? hehe… they’d want to clean my house too, for that :)

    What sort of support would you get for 65k a year, I wonder? Did they give details of it, PG? Got a link I can check out?

    kay henry

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Hi Kay

    i think you did hug strangers (us) by offering your ticket to the seminar (!!!) and I think you are cool

    thanks for that

    joy to the world

    Profile photo of kay henry

    Well, Mini- it’s not hard to give when one gets something for free – hehe. And I know that you and other members enjoy seminars and have got a lot out of them :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Hi Kay,

    THis is the link but not saying much

    With platinum member ship you get free access to all his seminars all over the world ( you have to pay for travel, food etc ).

    You get 3-4 30 minutes phone session with his 4 trainers (not with TONY).

    You go for 2 weeks holiday with Tony. and you get 2 week more holiday with his trainers. In holiday you will meet lot’s of famous people.

    You get front seat for all his seminars.

    and may be some other benifits.

    Only 100 people can get membership.

    If I have money I will become member.[biggrin]


    Mortgage Consultant

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Hi Kay,

    yeah if it wasn’t for Steve’s seminar I wouldn’t be a) here right now and b) living my dream which property deals got me to and c) having a few properties now.

    I just was so not comfortable with the whole numbers and investing thing in general as it was so far away from my life thus far. Reading books helped, but it didn’t push me over the edge to TAKE ACTION like a seminar did. it helped me figure out in actual $$$ what the risk actually really was, and then realise I could handle that risk and be OK. So I went for it and the rest is history.

    The FUN part of the seminar is (can’t speak for AR, only for Steve’s one – ) a) when the light bulb finally goes off in one’s head and b) meeting other like-minded light-bulb people.

    outside the seminar, the world seemed to be full of people who weren’t investors, didn’t think it was a good idea, etc and inside the seminar it was full of not only successful investors keen to swap stories and tips, but others ahead of one on the ladder who were full of encouragement.

    It’s also fun to see how far I’ve come and that even if I’m only 4 steps up the ladder, I can still be of use to people who are yet to take the first step

    Anyway, yeah, I would have liked to have gone, but my mum bought the CD set and I will get to listen to it at some point!


    joy to the world

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