All Topics / Heads Up! / Anthony Robbins
Hi All,
Just a question….
I have been offered a free place at a four day Anthony Robbins Seminar in Sydney. Friday 24 Sept to Mon 27 Sept – yes very short notice – I only gotthe e-mail yesterday.
Problem is that I live in Leeton and it is an 8 hour trip by bus and train to get there. I’ll be leaving the car at home so hubby can get to and from work but I’ll be taking our two kids (aged 4 and 2) so it will be a hellish trip. Once I get to Sydney we will stay at my parent’s house and my mum will mind the kids while I am at the seminar. Then another hellish trip home with the kids at the end.
Is this guy worth the trouble? The seminar sounds good and I must respond by midday today. It’s just the trip with the kids that puts me off. Brianna, 4, will be bored silly and Daniel, 2, who is autistic, will be almost impossible to keep in his seat and will most likely scream the whole 8 hours.
I’m still undecided and running out of time. If I decide not to go would anyone else be interested (as the offer is transferable)? As it was offered to me free I’d be happy to pass it on for free if I decide not to go.
SonjaHi Sonja,
Can’t really make an totally informed comment on this guy’s abilities as such, however a friend of mine played me some of his CD once (which I only heard about 5 minutes of) and he seems to be quite the “motivator” as many in this type of money-making industry do!!!
The little I did hear, was very positive and worth listening to. Not sure that I would pay to listen to it, but if it is offered to you for free, it might be worthwhile, even if it is to get you fired up!!! Although, having to put yourself out because of the littlies may be a problem, and may make me think twice!!! Sorry not being real helpful am I???
Aside from that, IMO the only other thing I know about Anthony is that he is a HUGE hunk!!!! (drool, drool) [biggrin] (I’d hate to be standing next to him, I’m all of 155cm)[glum2]
Does he still do his own seminars? If I had a free ticket I would make the effort. I think he is one of those very well known international motivators. Eventhough he was associated with Rivkin on some of those late night infomercials.
As for kids travelling – we are currently in Canada (East Coast) and it took us nearly two days to get there. Fog in Melb meant we missed connections in LA and had to spend night there. Our kids are 3 and 4.
A friends Mum has just returned from one of his seminars. She came back pumped all raring to go.
I have heard quite a few of his CDs too. They are very motivational and make you think about things differently.
If I had a free ticket, I would get there any way possible. The seminar should more than make up for the 8 hour trip ( x2 ) with your kids ( probably even help when you get home too )
From anecdotes and my experience from CDs – go for it.
And no I don’t work for him or anyone associated
“Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”
Hi Sonja,
I think a free four day seminar with Anthony Robbins is worth the trip. Just a thought — and I know its a long shot — would your mother consider baby sitting your children in Leeton. Or alternatively isn’t there an airport somewhere near where you live. Although the airfare will be a cost factor, on the other hand the seminar is free and your parents will provide accommodation in Sydney. All in all a good deal[biggrin]All the best,
Helen[cap]Hi Sonia
Just do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best 3 days ever spent
Garrytas[thumbsup2] Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
availableTony’s cd’s are great as well as both of his books, if you decide not to go you should put the ticket on ebay, i’m sure there’d be some people willing to pay to get along to that event,
e x
Thanks for the interest everyone. I was dissapointed not to go but have passed the ticket on so I’m sure it will be well appreciated.
Apart from getting to and from Sydney, without getting too negative and heavy, my mum is a full time carer to both of my sister’s kids as well as my elderly grandmother. Adding my two would just increase her load (especially as Daniel is autistic and a bit different to minding your average child). I decided it was a bit much to ask considering the early starts and late finishes involved. If I’d had a bit more notice my hubby could have organised time off work to take care of the little ones. Unfortunatly we don’t have any family but mum to call on for this sort of thing.
Other opportunities will come up I’m sure – it was a shame to miss out on such a gift but I got to pass it on so it wasn’t really lost. (Now that I’ve shed my tears and had my dummy-spit) I am dissapointed but not going to dwell on the negative.
SonjaWell done Sonja. you have made a choice for FAMILY FIRST and this is what you are investing for anyway.
Another opportunity for you is right around the corner.
I am impressed with the calibre of people on this forum – often times it’s not just about the money.[thumbsup2]
Nevermind; maybe next time Sonja, (I agree, family is more important!!!)
I’m sure Anthony will be back in Sydney soon enough; although if he came to Melbourne, he’d make this little camper really happy!!!
Cheers, [biggrin]
That’s a shame, Sonja, that you weren’t able to go, but very understandable- family first.
If I had the opportunity to go to his seminar right now, I wouldn’t be able to go either- also because of family circumstances.
Hi Sonja ,
It’s a shame you missed out[agro3] but….yes kids do come first as a mum myself I know how it feels to have to juggle.. trouble is when you juggle too many balls one is bound to fall[juggle]
By the way I could of baby sat we are practacally neighbours !!! what a small world.[stun]
have a nice weekend
Yeah, finally some one that’s shorter than moi. Monopoly i tower over you at a whopping 164 cms.
Ps Sonja, you shoulda gone, the bloke is eye candy, As a mother it’s your god given right to inconvience as many people as you can to have a bit of a whoop up!!
Originally posted by WallFlower:Yeah, finally some one that’s shorter than moi. Monopoly i tower over you at a whopping 164 cms.
Wallflower, I always believed you to be a “tower” of a woman and now I can say with confidence that I have reason to look up to you, literally!!! [grin]Ps Sonja, you shoulda gone, the bloke is eye candy, As a mother it’s your god given right to inconvience as many people as you can to have a bit of a whoop up!!
Glad you said eye candy and not eye level, as that would hardly be the case for most people standing next to this gorgeous hunk!!! [eh]I went to his seminar on september 24th at the ent centre sydney, What a fantastic experience,Mind boggling, he has so much energy.He is back next year for his last unleash the power within seminar.What a motivator he will streth your comfort zones by a mile. love him.
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