All Topics / Value Adding / Subdividing 23 ha into 1 ha blocks with other inve

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  • Profile photo of Administrator

    I need advice re the best legal structure to use re a proposed subdivision on a 23 ha block of gently sloping farmland zoned Rural Residential.

    We’re not sure if our Family Trust is the correct vehicle to use here, as we have invited 3 or 4 minor investors to put smaller amounts of cash into the deal (one is our 20 year old son, and the others are friends on the pension, not family members).

    We are asset rich, cash poor with permanent jobs. We are reluctant to cross-collateralise any of our other properties (been there, done that, avoiding it like the plague!!). We’re aware the 2 major Mortgage Insurers are wary of supporting applications from people with total mortgage debt > $1.8 – $2 million (we fall into this category).

    Our goal is to put no cash in ourselves, but use our standing with the banks to borrow the bulk of the money, plus our knowledge/experience to see the deal through to fruition as the primary investors /developers.

    We are inviting friends/family members into the deal to help us raise 20% deposit to cover both land purchase plus development costs so that:
    1. We avoid the Mortgage Insurance trap
    2. Our new venture stands alone, with no cross-collateralisation.

    Contract to buy the land will have a “Subject to subdivision approval” clause. We have an appointment with the Town Planner, who says:
    1. Council looks favourably on such Subdivisions
    2. Block is zoned for subdividing into 1 ha lots.
    3. Council headworks approx $5000/block. Bitumin road must be 6.5 metres wide with gravel fringes (ie., no kerb and guttering: FANTASTIC!!).

    Basically, cheap, entry level land which is in high demand in our area.

    The win/win for us is outlined above; the win/win for our son and friends is they get their first entry into the property market at WHOLESALE PRICES, NOT RETAIL, at least double their initial investment. We may wrap a couple of our investors to help them build their homes on one of their blocks, but as we will all be increasing our Net Worth, hopefully they will be in a position to approach the banks in their own right (ie., they won’t need us to help out with wrap finance).

    How do we set it up with the correct legal structure? Any other tips, incentives to help build a stronger win/win would be most appreciated.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Moderator, where are you?

    No one seems to want to answer my rural land subdivision questions. [confused2]

    Do I need to post this in another section?

    I’m keen to learn what’s involved in selling blocks of land “off the plan” in my proposed subdivision. Does anyone have any Contract templates which might help me?

    Greg F
    PS: It’s embarrasing having to “answer” my own post.[blush2]

    Profile photo of Seano

    Sounds like a fantastic idea. I could think of heaps of areas to do similar deals, it could be a great money spinner for you. You need to do a lot of work for your $$ but I asume it will be very worth while.

    you will need to contact surveyers to survey the bock and give you the subdivision map on paper to take to counsil(and many other people). Then extensions of electricity and sewage and water to the blocks, fencing the blocks.

    once you have your subdivision approved, see a lawyer to help you draw up the contracts if you are selling them your self, or just go straight to a real estate agent and let them sell the properties and they can find the right contracts sutable for you if they have done similare deals with other clients. They could advertise to a much bigger market like nearest city areas, and on the internet.

    See an accountant about your company structure. if you go for certain structures you will have to pay gst on all that you sell then subtract the gst aquired during the subdivision then take away 30% company tax on your profits. you could decrease your tax maybe by increasing your expences (make improvements to some blocks, maybe including the one you are keeping if you are keeping one). pain in the arse but it beats paying 48% on all your capital gains

    so see a surveyer, council, accountant and then lawyer or real estate agent and then sell away.

    I hope I was some help for you, at least you got a reply hey.


    Profile photo of Administrator
    Originally posted by Seano:

    I hope I was some help for you, at least you got a reply hey. Seano

    Hi Seano, and THANKS SO MUCH for your reply! It was quite lonely hanging out in cyberspace for so long (but hey, I’m having fun!) [bike2]

    Went to see the Town Planner, and have an appointment with a wrap savvy local lawyer today (a friend of mine “trained him”). Boy, did the Town Planner have some GREAT NEWS:
    ~ The 23.4 ha is currently zoned 1ha (ie., 10,000 sq.m)subdivision with a 50m frontage to the bitumin road, but the NEW Draft Town Plan soon to be approved by govt. allows for 6,000sq.m lots with a 40m road frontage.[cowboy][cowboy][drummer]
    ~ He gave me a CD of the entire Draft Plan
    ~ He said “If I had the money I’d be doing it myself”. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I’m trying to stitch up the deal with precious little of my own money.[cigar]
    ~ 23.4ha = 234,000sqm div. by 6000sqm = 39 lots in theory. Allow parks and gardens space and road (6.5m wide bitumin, with 4m gravel sides = approx 20m frontage for the road, you’ll maybe get 32 -34 saleable lots.”
    ~ Doing my feasibility figures on 20 lots, treating anything else as a bonus
    ~ Asking for a 6 month settlement on the purchasing contract, to allow time to get my survey plan drawn up and into council.
    ~ A local Shire Council is hungry for sub-contracting work (he tipped me off they’re doing a nearby subdivision) so I rang Vince, this Council’s Works Dept overseer. Vince is giving me an approximate price for the road per lineal metre so I can start getting a ballpark idea of key costs.
    ~ He gave me the names of key surveyors and Project Managers with local experience/track record in managing such projects.
    ~ Suggested I put in the application as a 3 stage development:
    ~ Stage 1, cut off 5 or 6 blocks already on the existing bitumin road, sell them to get my money back I spent buying the block (land for Stage 2 and 3 is free!!)
    ~Stage 2: Build road half way up the block, carve up and sell say 16 blocks
    ~ Stage 3: Finish building road, carve up and sell the other blocks
    ~ Boy, is this guy GREAT VALUE [gossip]

    If you guys keep sharing your expertise/tips with me, I’m more than happy to reciprocate. I’ll let you know what my lawyer says.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    If you guys keep sharing your expertise/tips with me, I’m more than happy to reciprocate. I’ll let you know what my lawyer says.

    Hi Folks

    At last count, around 140 people have read my post, but only Seono (thanks so much mate) has tried to help me out with their experiences / advice.

    I’m happy to keep spending money on lawyers, surveyors, town planners etc etc etc (I’ve already set up my Family Trust, have purchased the Wrap Kit plus stacks of other RE products) but I was hoping a few people out there might be able to shed some precise, detailed advice on the more technical aspects (which is what I thought this thread was supposed to be about).

    My current thinking re building win/wins to bring my son plus a couple of friends into the deal is to let them buy a small number of blocks off the plan at wholesale prices (ie., what it cost me per square metre) in return for their deposit cash up front. This way they get title on property as their ultimate security, and I get to use their deposit.

    DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY SAMPLE “OFF THE PLAN” CONTRACTS you might be able to scan into your computer and email me? If so, I’d be consumed with happiness and gratitude. [hat][headset][helmet][brave][chief][jester][joker][laugh4][lmao][mad][mario][mickey][party][rolleyesanim][santa][snorkle][sunny][thumbsupanim][toff][tongue]

    At the risk of overly repeating myself:
    1. “If you guys keep sharing your expertise/tips with me, I’m more than happy to reciprocate”

    2. Moderator, where are you?

    3. Help


    Profile photo of Seano

    Wow I might try to walk behind you to catch all the money fallng out your pockets(joking). sounds like you got most of the info you need, where is your block located, and how much are you going to sell them for? That 3 stage system is an awsome idea, and if your mates buy some at whole sale, it will pay for the rest of your development costs, create demand and those who get them at wholesale could make some great capital gains in the next stages.

    If you dont get info from anyone here on off the plan contracts, try a few real estate agents who have sold off the plan properties. They would have all the contracts you need hopfully. Run everything by your lawyer before you sign anything just to be safe.

    so what will be your most profitable subdivision. I am looking at a 5000 m sq block at the moment. It could fit 6 blocks on it but I would sell them at a loss, but if I split into 3 I could make $30000 off each one. Just depents if council approves what I want(unfotunatly).

    any way I hope you get some more answers Greg, sound like your doing great.

    rock on buddy


    Profile photo of Administrator
    Originally posted by Seano:

    Wow I might try to walk behind you to catch all the money fallng out your pockets(joking)…. I hope you get some more answers Greg, sound like you’re doing great. Rock on buddy

    Seano, looks like it’s you and me, buddy (for the time being anyway). Thanks for your support, and I’ll ring my RE agent to follow up your suggestion re getting sample contracts off them.

    I’m off to see my lawyer today, so I’ll keep you posted on the legal technicalities.

    Cheers and thanks again
    PS: I’ll be PMing you soon to answer your other questions

    Profile photo of calvin_thirty4

    Sorry Greg F,
    I only came accross your thread today. My father origianlly wanted to do something like this (WA) but it fell thru because he couldn’t raise the capital. I got excited when he started as I am for you, simply because it would have been the once in a life time deal for my dad and he would have had some substantial $$ behind him and my parents could have had their dream of holidaying in europe and still have money to live on. At the time I was really into girls (somewhat younger than today) and didn’t pay a lot of attention. One thing he did mention was that he would have to advertise the lots long before he was ready to sell (kind of like they do today in new developments) – people send in their expression of interest with a $1K down payment, etc. Perhaps some home builders might be interested in ‘modeling’ new display homes?

    Anyway, sorry again for not being helpful.



    Profile photo of Administrator
    Originally posted by calvin@thirty4:

    Sorry Greg F, I only came accross your thread today. My father origianlly wanted to do something like this (WA) but it fell thru because he couldn’t raise the capital. I got excited when he started as I am for you, simply because it would have been the once in a life time deal for my dad…. sorry again for not being helpful. C@34

    Hi Calvin

    You’ve got nothing to apologise for MATE, unless you’re the Moderator. You’re not, are you? Thought it was Peter Comben.

    I was saddened to hear your dad’s opportunity didn’t work out. My secret? This is not my “once in a lifetime opportunity.”

    I have spent, and am continuing to spend a fair bit of money on educating myself in learning how to apply a rich, diverse basket of RE strategies. My business partner and I are in the process of working out our offer to purchase the block. We’ve written down our list of 5 creative offers. We’re both experienced RE investors in our own rights, and this particular deal is our NEXT STEP ALONG OUR LONG, ONGOING LEARNING CURVES. This deal is definately our next step up the ladder, but when (not if) this turns into healthy +CF with capital gains, we’ll do another deal, and another, and another….

    Bottom line? We’re not only learning to become developers, but we may also apply wrap and lease option strategies as back ups if the RE market takes a sudden swing down and land sales are slow. So…

    WE HAVE A PLAN..[cap][biggrin]

    I appreciated your comments, Calvin. Thanks

    Profile photo of calvin_thirty4

    Thanx Greg,

    sounds like you are a person I should get to know (mentor wise). I have just started out actually buying, not just planning and trying, but there are areas in Perth I’d like to get into to do something similar to what you have proposed here on this post.

    Just something else, I was suffering from the illudion that you need to have a ‘licens’ to wrap. Because you are in a way ‘lending’ money. Feel free to correct me, I admit to not knowing much about wrapping at all, but that bit seems to pop up in my mind every time I hear wrap.

    Hope I’m wrong – unless you’ve got it covered!



    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    Hi Greg

    You might want to look at as there is some information there on best structures for doing developments etc. You may have to may for the good info, but I am sure it will be worth it.

    Discover Home Loans
    North Sydney

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
    Email Me

    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of Administrator
    Originally posted by Terryw:

    Hi Greg You might want to look at as there is some information there on best structures for doing developments etc. You may have to may for the good info, but I am sure it will be worth it. Terryw

    Hi Terry and Calvin
    Terry, thanks SO MUCH for the tip re I logged on and his site looks AWESOME. Have no time now to dive into it as deeply as it obviously deserves from a quick scan of his home page. I’ll devour it tonight.

    Calvin, have a quick look at the current post on Mt Isa, where I’ve made some comments to the poster there. He asked if he should buy in Mt Isa, I said I own some QUALITY brick properties there, gave him a couple of agent suggestions and then said (I’m paraphrasing):
    “Bottom line. Buy one or two HOUSES in Mt Isa if you must (to get it out of your system so to speak). Then get yourself off to a seminar run by a reputable guru (Steve McKnight’s or Rick Otten @ ). The key point is you’ll make money ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME IN THE REAL ESTATE CYCLE, as long as you move beyond the traditional BUY AND HOLD mentality, and get into wraps, lease options, sandwich leases etc.”

    I know a mate who flew from Perth to attend Rick’s Boot Camp in Surfers Paradise, paid nearly $5000 for the privilege (plus airfares etc) and said it blew his mind and he’ll make his investment back easily in the next few months.


    Profile photo of investroninvestron
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    I’m not sure if it will help, but it can’t hurt.

    Put an ad in the paper, asking for expressions of interest in blocks in your new subdivision, with written replies only.
    This will give you a good indication of the level of demand for your size blocks, and when you have a good number of replies, you can take it to the bank, as proof of demand and you should have no trouble getting the funds, without having too many partners.

    Profile photo of Seano

    your getting some answers which is great. what is PMing- I am new to this site. Everyone seems to think you have a great deal, which is comforting and should give you heaps of confidance. drop us an email some time buddy


    Profile photo of Administrator
    Originally posted by Seano:

    What is PMing- I am new to this site. Drop us an email some time buddy Seano

    Hi Investron and Seano

    Investron, Peter Comben’s
    is an excellent site. I have it saved to my Favourites list. I appreciate your tip about running the private adverts asking for “Expressions of Interest” which we can take to the bank.

    Seano, I’ve just sent you a PM, to show you how easy it is. A PM (Private Message) is where you click the PM button on the bottom LHS of your (or anybody else’s) post to send a “Private Message” to a respondant. It’s handy if you are prepared to say something in private to a respondant which you don’t want advertised on the forum

    Cheers and Many Thanks

    Profile photo of MsElvisMsElvis
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 26

    My first post in a while.(been over a year)

    I am only just experiencing my 1st subdivision, (in comparison its only a residential block and not in the scale you refer to) and I’m not sure if its helpful advise but have you thought of combining with an experienced developer? You don’t stand to make as much profit as you would doing it your self but what you stand to gain in experience will set you up to be able to do it all yourself in the future.

    If it were me and it was my 1st big project I’d definitely consider approaching someone who has the money and experience to back the project, making sure I had legals inplace to ensure I was still rewarded financially etc. I’d also negotiate that they have me in the forefront of all the processes so I could learn 1st hand what goes on.
    I’d choose this road as I have no idea about the hidden expenses and processes involved in building roads and supplying water & electricity etc so having a experienced backer could save me from loosing the lot.

    Anyway it’s just a suggestion. Good luck with your project. I’d love to hear how it turns out as I would like to go in that direction myself one day.


    Profile photo of AUSPROPAUSPROP
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 953

    also be careful with those deposits on the blocks – in a normal 3rd party sale it would be illegal for the developer to just go off and spend the deposit money willy nilly. If they are relatives though you could obviously swing a deal of some sort.

    Extensive list of ‘Off The Plan’ property available for sale in Perth.

    John – 0419 198 856

    Profile photo of kpkp
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 509

    Hi Greg,

    Boo Hoo !! still no moderator to add guidance or comments….maybe we should lobby for you to be the moderator….at least you reply to your posts…

    Calvin, its a requirement in WA to get a Credit Providers Licence before you can offer vendor finance, but this does not apply in other states.

    However, it is illegal to wrap or offer vendor finance in South Australia.

    But there are other ways to skin a cat to get around this restriction.( sorry to any cat lovers out there!!) Greg knows what I mean….about the other ways, not the cat skinning…


    Profile photo of wrappackwrappack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 182

    Nice to see your enthousiasm Greg, but I think you may need to tone down your comments regarding the amount of help you feel as though you are receiving. My understanding is that moderators are mainly here to stop the arguments and flaming, and perhaps offer some guidance, but not to answer all of our questions. The info which we seek is scattered around, there are few people who know it, and it is a bit like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. Each piece fills in the picture just that little bit more, but you still need more, more, more, more, and even more info after the last piece you found. Ill give you a few starters, to bring you up to about where I am, which will really reduce the amount of time you need in your search

    I am also searching for almost exactly the same info as yourself, as I intend to do almost the same in the near future. Unfortunately, Mr and Mrs Wrappack are having a trial seperation, so that my property plans are somewhat on ice at the moment. I think that if this proceeds, I may have to just try and get ds’s and then sell with approvals in place for a profit, as opposed to doing the development myself, which is what I really want to do. Again, think of contingencies.

    Regarding trust structure, check out Chris Battens web site- I havent subscribed, but I certainly will, prior to starting. You must have the correct structure in place, prior to putting your offer in writing. Why? well you dont want a contract for sale in Chris R’s name, then be up for double stamp duty when putting it into your trust/unit trust. As for questions regarding finance, you can put them into the finance section here, or, go to the acounting and tax subsection in, which has a HUGE information database. Getting your structure right is probably the number one thing you need to do yesterday, because then you can start making offers- either by a subject to da approval for subdivision, or by an option agreement.

    Buy the book ‘Clauses made simple’ by Robert Balanda- the ad for it is in the back of the api mag. There is heaps in here, and you will probably save more than the eighty bucks in simplifying your legal costs.

    Get on the net and jump onto the moderators web site, There is about five pages of free downloads, that you will be continually rereading in the months to come.

    Then, go to and buy the downloadable ebook – about $20 if I remember correctly. This has heaps of info, that is not found elsewhere, and is one of the few sources of good information regarding some specifics of financing. Do not even bother buying the ‘developers toolbox’ for $20- it is not really property related, and is total junk.

    Ron Forlee’s book ‘An intelligent guide to australian property investment’ is also a good read.

    Another web ebook by Colm Dillon is under A$100. Another great thing about this is that you can email the author! I wouldn’t hound him with too many questions, but again, sometimes that little piece of information may complete the picture about something that you have been unable to find elsewhere.

    Regarding selling, I would complety forget about wrapping it. I do not think that anyone will enter a wrap agreement on a vacant, unlivable block, while needing drawdowns to cover building costs, while paying rent.

    I would sell this way- approach all of the home builders in your area, with detailed maps of your block. Why? Well, if you are going to build a house, you will check out all the display homes, and the builders themselves may just end up promoting your blocks, so that they get the building contract! A true win/win from different businesses in the same industry.

    Also, send out something to all of the mortgage brokers, as they too, will want your business.

    Regarding wrapping, why not just offer to vendor finance say a 10% deposit? This will really tip the scales in your favour, compared to the block down the road. I am sure that all mortgage brokers and builders would be aware of the ease of which a loan would be approved (and thus their business would increase), simply due to you leaving some money in the deal.

    A good idea would be to heavily advertise and stress the delayed settlement idea, that they can get all of their building permits, council approvals, etc, done on your time and interest bill, and not theirs. They will love this idea!

    When talking to council, the first question to ask is ‘are you a town planner’, otherwise you wind up talking to a receptionist, or the work experience kid. Ask regarding the new planning scheme, and when it may be implemented.

    Simply dividing your size, minus roads by the allowable minimum will give you your maximum lottage, but the real amount will always be less, due to access roads, frontage required, easements, drainage problems, funny allotment shapes, etc. Also, if you can get some different sizes in, it would be good, as then purchases could have the ‘minimum’ of 6/10 000 metres, or a bit more.

    You would really need 12 month settlement, as you wish to get something through council, that may not yet be implemented. Even if your da is passed, then the new draft plan is implemented after, you could probably get boundary realignments easily. After da, you would want to be marketing like mad.

    Why give your financiers the land at cost? Why not at market value, and reward them by a profit sharing? My understanding is that if you put up 30% of the developments final cost, so that it can be fully financed easily by the banks, then you get half of the total profit. ie if you put up 15%,you get 1/4, put up 10%, get 1/6th, etc. You, as the brains behind it all, get 1/2, plus a percentage of money as above. An advantage of this, would be, after da is approved, you may be able to get three or four contracts drawn up, conditional upon the buying of the land, and putting services and roads in. The bank will then have a da approved site (which will value at more than the original), and the valuer will be able to give a good value, based on pre sales.

    Another way of raising finance through mezzanine lenders- I have no experience of this, and know of only two companies. Co-develop are often in the papers wanting investors, and one would assume that they would want to help you too. The other is macquarie bank, but I suppose there are a heap out there. If you have a da approved, with some investors, I would assume, (if the numbers and valuations stack up) that it would be very easy to get the rest of the deposit needed through mezzanine finance. This is one reason alone why you really need to get your info on your structure yesterday. After all, the banks will want to see a certain structure that limits their problems with your development.

    Unfortunatly, you cannot advertise your wares on pi, but there is a caveat emptor group on somersoft you may like to try.

    Let me know how it all goes- particularly regarding the Chris battens site- he seems to say a unit trust is needed, but you need to subscribe for the specific structure!

    Regarding the cost of the road, I too tried to find that out, the best info I got was to ask a civil engineer! It is the epitome of the how long is a piece of string question. Just because you dont NEED kerb and guttering, or a rolled kerb, doesn’t mean that I would not be doing it! I would find out the cost with crappy gravel sides, then the cost with a decent kerb, and compare that with the total cost of the development. I would think that the final selling price would be higher with nice black bitumin and a proper edge. When you get the quote for the road in square metres, would you please post it, along with your structure?

    You can always open the yellow pages, look under ‘property development’ and see who is there. I found a lady who is helping me, and really knows her stuff regarding zoning, what is a good idea to pursue, and what to forget about, and what order to do things.

    I have personally found that the best way is to read, read, and read the stuff I have suggested, then, if you have ten questions, to break them up into five lots of two questions and direct them to the appropriate forum. This seems to have had good results for me. Also, spend a few days and look at ALL of the posts in the past-yes it will take ages (part. without broadband, and especially if telstrawankers have put a pair gain on your line), but it will repay you tenfold, and save you heaps by needing less (but not none) proffessional information while the clock is ticking.

    If you want everything answered, a quick way would be to do Peter Combens course- about 8-900 if I remember correctly. This includes 1 hour of one on one. I personally intend to do it, but I have found that books, and the net can be a huge source of information, then I will use Peter to fill in the gaps, before proceeding

    The last bit of information that I would suggest is something that I have heard from a number of people in the game, and that it will ALWAYS take longer than you planned for, cost more, and NEVER GO INTO A PROJECT UNDERFUNDED. Contingencies, remember.

    I personally look for sites, then take them apart , studying the council dcp’s and how they may apply- setbacks, min sizes, max slopes, etc. Of course they are all sold to someone else, but I find that it is much easier to learn about a specific site, as the info seems to stick longer, easier than just trying to remember the dcps. Then onto the next site, the next, and you will be amazed at your encyclopaedic knowledge.

    That is one reason why you shouldnt think that this is your one killer deal, and must be done at all costs. There will be plenty around the corner, and sometimes the best deal is the one in which you walk away from, or cannot partake in. Get your knowledge, structure, legals right, and then get your contractual rights to buy the land (option or subject to da approval within a time frame)

    All the best, and let me know about Chris’s structure, and the cost of the road when you find out please.

    Hope this is of help to you.

    Profile photo of Administrator
    Originally posted by wrappack:
    Regarding selling, I would completely forget about wrapping it. I do not think that anyone will enter a wrap agreement on a vacant, unlivable block, while needing drawdowns to cover building costs, while paying rent…. Also, send out something to all of the mortgage brokers, as they too, will want your business.
    Regarding wrapping, why not just offer to vendor finance say a 10% deposit? This will really tip the scales in your favour, compared to the block down the road. I am sure that all mortgage brokers and builders would be aware of the ease of which a loan would be approved (and thus their business would increase), simply due to you leaving some money in the deal…. A good idea would be to heavily advertise and stress the delayed settlement idea, that they can get all of their building permits, council approvals, etc, done on your time and interest bill, and not theirs. They will love this idea!…. Another way of raising finance is through mezzanine lenders…. When you get the quote for the road in square metres, would you please post it, along with your structure. Also look at ALL of the posts in the past-yes it will take ages (part. without broadband, and especially if telstrawankers have put a pair gain on your line)

    Hi everyone

    Thanks for all your replies. Now I’m able to roll my sleeves up thanks to your hefty info.

    Wrappack, I was genuinely sorry to hear about your trial separation from your wife. This is always a really trying time for all concerned, especially if you have kids. I wish you both the very, very best of luck in sorting it out amicably.

    Thanks SO MUCH for the awesome amount of subdivision info and tips. Your tips on marketing to local mortgage brokers, plus offering to leave 10% into each deal are brilliant. And yes, I did get a clear answer from our lawyer re structure, but first may I start with 2 quick questions:
    1. You mentioned telstrawankers putting a ‘pair gain’ on our phone line. What’s a pair gain?

    2. What’s a mezzanine lender? Are they venture capitalists?

    Now it’s my turn to reciprocate:

    STRUCTURE: My wife and I are forming a Joint Venture with another investor. Our skills, experience and expertise complement each other nicely, and we are mentally at the same stage, keen to keep moving speedily and proactively along our learning curves as RE investors / developers/ wrappers. Both our JV partner and ourselves already have our separate Family Trusts in place. Our ‘wrap savvy’ lawyer advised us to set up a SEPARATE Trust (plus a separate Pty Ltd company as its trustee) for the purposes of this subdivision. Our two Family trusts will each own 50% of the units in the new trust structure, with 3 directors:
    ~ Our JV partner with 2 votes
    ~ Myself with 1 vote
    ~ My wife with 1 vote
    Assuming we are happy with each others contribution /vision etc throughout this current subdivision we intend to keep our JV association going afterwards. We asked our solicitor what we should do if /when we wanted to do our 2nd, 3rd, 4th subdivision etc together. He urged us most strongly to DISSOLVE our 1st Subdivision Trust and set up a totally new 2nd Subdivision Trust, 3rd Subdivision Trust etc etc. Why? In his words: “What happens if someone falls into a hole, breaks a leg (or worse) and sues your 1st Subdivision Trust? You want to INSULATE or CONTAIN THE DAMAGE within this Trust structure so it doesn’t stop you moving ahead with new projects. The $1500 cost to set up a new trust for each new venture is necessary insurance to make sure you won’t be tied up for years in possible legal battles etc when you’ve finished and sold all the blocks years ago and want to move on.”

    Our Mortgage Broker says we apply for finance in the name of our new 1st Subdivision Trust structure, and the banks will require each director to personally guarantee the debt.

    COST OF ROAD, KERB & GUTTERING Vs. GRAVEL FRINGE QUOTES etc etc: I’ll post this info when we get our “ballpark qoutes” back from the 2 companies we have approached for quotes to Project manage the whole project.

    Sorry if I misled you. We have no intention of wrapping land. We’re investigating the feasibility of building and marketing house and land packages, some of which we may wrap if we can keep the cost of such brand new houses at an entry level price which suits our wrappees’ demographic. By the way, I was impressed with your idea of leaving 10% in the deal as a way of sweetening the deal and advertising it to local mortgage brokers. I assume this is not a wrap, but a 2nd Mortgage carry back? Unless you don’t trust the security 2nd mortgage carry back gives you as the vendor, and have a cleverer way of getting stronger security than 2nd mortgage offers?

    I’ll keep you posted.



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