All Topics / General Property / peak oil crisis.

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  • Profile photo of MillyMilly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 288

    We are all involved in investment property to ensure a comfortable future. I am wondering if people concern themselves with this looming doom the oil crisis and how it affects their buying.

    Some doomsdayers have suggested we will return to medieval living in as short a time as 20years.

    Now I have no wish to turn this into a political or philosophical debate about the ‘end of the world’ But I am wondering how much consideration you give to this issue when buying your investment properties.

    Should we be buying up those newly built vacant units in Brisbane so people wont require a car? Should we be buying in the country where people have space to grow vegies and keep livestock.

    Do you think we should be considering solar powered houses? (yeah i know, terribly expensive)

    just interested in your thoughts

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,612

    Hi Milly,

    Properties within close proximity to public transport services have always fetched a better price simply because of such convenient access. Smart investors will always look to buy close to nearby tram/train/bus routes, not so much because of rising petrol prices (although that may well influence them even moreso thesedays) but because they realise that there are people who don’t drive to work, or for that matter, don’t even own cars!!!

    Sit yourself down girl, take a deep breaths, and relax…..I know it sounds daunting, but there is always a brighter (flip) side. Who knows, maybe by the time oil resources have finally dried up, we will all have been driving solar powered cars for years!!!

    Yes the rising petrol prices are a pain especially to the hip pocket, but this annoyance is so minor in comparison to other ongoing world atrocities!!! If only it was the world’s only problem, I would welcome high petrol costs without blinking, but it’s not; terrorism, cyclones, draughts, famine, child abuse, etc etc far outweigh feeling bad about the few extra dollars I have to fork up every time I fill my petrol tank!!!



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