All Topics / Site Problems / Feedback / Cannot Order Tickets

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  • Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1

    Hey Steve,
    The URL that is with your email does not allow me to go to your web site and order 3 tickets for the forthcoming Book Launch in Brisbane on the 8 th of October. Please Reserve 3 tickets if I am unable to go on to the site and would love to catch up with you. Many thanks for your invitation and am awaiting the Kiwi info proior to fact finding in NZ.

    Profile photo of AphroAphro
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1


    Hi Steve I can’t access the links for your book launch either and would like to reserve 2 tickets for Melbourne please?

    Profile photo of RegrowRegrow
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 77

    Hi Steve

    I also cannot access the web page. Could I please reserve 2 tickets for Melbourne please.



    You are a fool for 5 seconds if you ask a question, but a fool for life if you don’t.

    Profile photo of arbredhauer

    Hi Steve,

    The link’s not workin for me either( hmmm there’s a pattern here somewhere). I’d like to reserve 2 tickets for the Brisbane launch.



    Profile photo of ToolsTools
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 363

    Hmmmmmmmm…seems to be a common theme……I wanna go to the Melbourne Llaunch please!


    Profile photo of trisha007

    I also cannot access the site to order tickets, let me know when its fixed Steve!


    Profile photo of trisha007

    Ok I was able to access the site now,
    but missed out


    Profile photo of arbredhauer

    Hey and now Bris is all gone too. I wouldn’t mind missing out so much except that I did try to get tickets every day since I got the email. [baaa]
    Oh well thats my whinge I guess. Any thoughts of putting on another event for Brisbane?

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