All Topics / Heads Up! / Brisbane Book Launch Afters

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  • Profile photo of MichaelK

    Hi All,

    Any one who is going to Steve’s Brisbane book launch keen on meeting up after for a drink.[gossip] Its always good to meet like minded people. Feel free to email me or post here.



    “We aim for Perfection, however excellence will be tolerated.”

    Profile photo of emcdonaldemcdonald
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 162

    hi michaelk,

    i’ll be there, partner in tow (hopefully) happy to meet up afterwards with any other forum members, they make a mean red lobster cocktail i hear… :P



    Profile photo of Andrew_A

    I will be there, and staying for a drink afterwoods and dinner if anyone is going.


    “Write the wrongs that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on marble.” Arab proverb

    Profile photo of MichaelK

    Thanks to all have replied via forum PM and email. I will PM you all as the date gets closer and suggest a meeting place. Does any one know if they will be using name tags on the night.


    “We aim for Perfection, however excellence will be tolerated.”

    Profile photo of Andrew_A

    I will bring my name tag just in case (business card in a plastic holder).

    The only other seminar/event I went to I found that the organiser of the “afters” was somewhat let down by people changing plans and having to go and do other things. I wouldn’t worry about making anything to formal with bookings, but just have a drink afterwoods and take it from there.


    “Write the wrongs that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on marble.” Arab proverb

    Profile photo of Andrew_A

    Oh, and I look nothing like my avatar.

    I park that in “stealth mode” so as not to disturb the locals of this weird planet.


    “Write the wrongs that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on marble.” Arab proverb

    Profile photo of MichaelK

    Hi Waysolid,

    I agree about alot of possible no shows. Therefore I intend to select a suitable bar at the venue or very close by, let everyone know and who ever shows, shows. At the very least I will enjoy a drink with my wife who will be along for the night also.


    “We aim for Perfection, however excellence will be tolerated.”

    Profile photo of MichaelK


    Thanks to everyone who replied via PM, Email and reply post saying that they would like to meet up after the book launch. After talking to staff at the Hilton I have been advised that the best place to meet up would be the lounge bar. This bar is situated one floor above where the book launch will be, and in the lobby. For those of you who will be looking for me, I am 6’2″ and have short dark hair. I will be in business atire and will have my wife with me who is about 5’2″ and has long fair hair. We are both about 30 yrs of age if that will help any. I will turn my mobile phone on after the book launch and be contactable on 0416 057569. Look forward to meeting a few of you there.



    “We aim for Perfection, however excellence will be tolerated.”

    Profile photo of alwayscurious

    you’ll recognise me by the dummy in my mouth and the puzzled expression. Plus the fur.

    Perhaps a nametag with your nicname would be good?

    Profile photo of MichaelK


    I must appologise to all those who were going to meet me tonight. Due to short notice of an onforseen circumstance I am very regretfully unable to attend tonight.[glum] Anyone who would still like to meet up at a later date please let me know.


    “We aim for Perfection, however excellence will be tolerated.”

    Profile photo of alwayscurious

    That’s a pity Michael – I’ll be there still if anyone wants to meet up later


    Profile photo of FluffyFluffy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 35

    Hi All,

    Just wanted to say I had a wonderful time last night at Steve’s books launch and met some great people.

    MichaelK – pity you couldn’t have made it, maybe if people are going to his seminar in Bris in November, we can all try to meet up again.

    Alwayscurious, I was looking for you but couldn’t see any hairy person with a dummy hanging out of his mouth. Will have to catch up at the next one.

    I quickly met Blondie2 and went looking for her later for a drink but was gone.

    I met up with Minimogul, castledreamer, Brent, Les & Trixie and also met some of the girls from Wildly Wealthy Woman.

    I got Steve and others to sign my book, then when I read it will remind me.

    Anyway I had a fantastic night – thanks to all who offered assistance and some insight into what they are doing. It’s always great to hear what others in the “industry” are doing!

    Look forward to catching up next time.

    “The world stands aside for those who know where they are going”


    Fluffy :-)

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