All Topics / Forum Frolic / An Introduction

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  • Profile photo of the_aimbot

    Hi everyone just thought I would formally introduce myself. Since it looks like I’ll be spending a lot of time here over the next few months.

    Name: Jay
    Age: 24
    Location: Melbourne
    Profession: Personal Trainer
    Goal: To be Financially free before 30

    The first book I ever read on wealth creation was Rich Dad, Poor Dad and boy did it can the way I look at world. Since then I’ve read many positive/wealth thinking books which have really helped me with my mental outlook on life. However, From 0 to 130 Properties in 3.5 Years was the first book that I felt like I could actually apply it to becoming financially free. I read it in under a week which is good for me since I’m a notoriously slow reader [exhappy]

    I’m about to start on The Property Investor’s Handbook

    Anyway I look forward to getting to know you all over the coming months.

    Profile photo of salacioussalacious
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 373


    Good luck with your investing, your on the right track . IF you go to search function you will be able to find most answers you are looking for and may i suggest you click on the members section and mayby check your avatar(Picture) as someone may already have it.

    Profile photo of MJTMJT
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 80

    Welcome friend.

    I’m shhoting for 30 too.
    I’d better get moving.[whip]



    Profile photo of geo

    Hi Jay,

    Welcome to the forum. Im sure this will help you and guide you on your investing future – I know cause it sure helped me. Thanks to Steve.

    Oh well, what kind of personal trainer are you? – be interested to know. And since your in Melbourne, keep updated with the site and other forumites as there are continual seminars being held around Melbourne.

    Kind Regards,

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of the_aimbot


    I work out of the Kooyong tennis club I mostly train people that want to loose a little weight and stay fit. But have worked with people that want something more sports specific Tri-athletes, Tennis players, golfers etc…

    I enjoy my job but want to have the choice to work

    Profile photo of geo
    Originally posted by the_aimbot:

    I enjoy my job but want to have the choice to work

    dnt you worry…Im sure you’ll achieve it here…

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of Supa FreakSupa Freak
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 101

    Personal Trainer eh?, wot’s yer ‘bot’ like then ?

    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435


    Welcome to the forum, I am sure you will enjoy it here as much as I do.

    I can’t aim for 30 to financial freedom because I am already close to it. Better luck next life for me and I will definately aim for 30 next time.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    “The road of some-day lead to the town of nowhere”

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