All Topics / Opinionated! / High Priced Seminars

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  • Profile photo of wezwaz

    I am going to hammer this point since I think it is worth it – to alert people who might be ready and willing to part with their hard-earned cash in the near future.

    Charging high prices for seminars is just greed – as simple as that. If a presenter ran a seminar over two days, charged $200 per person and attracted 100 people, he would gross $20,000. Do that only six times a year and it’s a good yearly return. You get the gist. Now what’s wrong with that? Isn’t that being very well paid for your knowledge? But oh no, that’s not good enough for the spruikers when they can milk the public to the tune of thousands, rather than hundreds. Give me one solid reason why they charge thousands, because to date on this website we haven’t yet heard one.

    Why do we, the public, fork out ludicrous amounts to attend seminars? Because we are also greedy. We think the presenter is going to lead us to the holy grail of wealth. It is human nature. Why expend energy if there is a quick and easy way? There is no quick and easy way. It doesn’t exist. That is a realisation we must all come to before we can make progress from being naive fools.

    Many of us are naive and easily conned, often very late in life. Some of us never get any smarter. Don’t worry I’ve been there and had to learn the hard way myself. Hopefully, I’ve gained some enlightenment along the way to be better prepared for the future.

    NEVER simply throw money down the gurgler believing it is all in the name of education. Question what you do. Be objective and research things before making the leap. Forums like this are powerful in preventing us making some of the brain-dead stupid decisions we made before internet forums existed. So, read posts to get a better idea of what you may be letting yourself in for from people with experience. Of course, don’t discount the fact that a lot will only be opinions and not from real experiences either. You have to be vigilant at all times.


    Profile photo of geo
    Why do we, the public, fork out ludicrous amounts to attend seminars? Because we are also greedy. We think the presenter is going to lead us to the holy grail of wealth.

    …you said it all…that’s exactly it!

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of 1Winner

    Ooh yes!
    I agree too….we are GREEDY – DISHONEST – EGOIST – EXPLOITERS – EVIL –

    …taking away from the poor for our own lavish low desires. How dear you plot yet again how to earn that much more? How can you consider paying for such inside knowledge? That is avarice!!!!!

    You greedy rodents, and the even more greedy seminars that mislead you into thinking there is even a shred of goodness in prospering. Don’t you know you do so at the expense of the little people who must sell their houses in order for you to have more?

    Why do we have more than one house? Isn’t one enough? Pure greed !!!

    More than one car? What for? A car is to go from point A to point B and you can’t drive more than one can you???

    You rotten evildoers, sell it and give it to the one that have chosen not to work not to look after their interest, not to produce. After all what is the Government there fore? To take from the evil rich and give to the virtuous spiritual poor. May as well make their job easier and write it all off to the needy.

    You should be ashamed of yourselves!!

    People stop bathing in money at nigh time with pulled curtains and hysteric laughter. When are you going to learn you evil inconsiderate crooked people that prosperity is BAAAAAD.

    Turn away from learning new ways of earning yet more money (pew disgusting word) Don’t you know that it is written whoever that earns more than $500 a week is WICKED WICKED WICKED???

    You must give it all to ME. I have bought with my hard earned money a pope’s indulgence to collect all your profits and channel it to the deserving recipients of your money, the poor of this world.

    Details about my seminars will follow soon.

    Poor is the right natural way to be and remain, all your properties are just but a hindrance. Vote Benny Hinn for Prime minister!!!!

    May God prosper you always.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of kpkp
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 509

    For every one person that does attend a seminar, hundreds don’t.
    Its simply a matter of people exercising their freedom of choice to attend or not.

    You could spend the evening at the pub and listen to the the same amount of opinionated dribble voiced as being the truth or fact, and it will cost you 100 bucks by the end of the night. Do you want this regulated and banned as well?

    If you were serious in your crusade to save the masses from themselves, then you should spend your time and energy waving placards at the front of these seminars, not “going off” on a forum where you have a limited audience.

    Profile photo of Supa FreakSupa Freak
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 101

    What a load of SHITE !!!

    What cost do you place on education? If a person has done the hard yards and is successful in what they have achieved, why not charge to teach others to also follow suit. If you continually think you are being ripped off, you will never learn. Yes! excersise caution and check up on people but change the way you view things and maybe you will also be successful, not just in the monetry sense. Read Antony Robbins book, Unlimited Power ( yep, you might have to buy it). One of the main points: If you want to be successful, imitate those who are successful (not the badies ofcourse). Being afraid to lose your money has stopped a lot of poeple from making money.

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    I once went to one 5 day seminar which cost $5000. There would have been 200 people there and they held one of these seminars every month. = $1mil per month in seminar fees!!!

    It turned out to be a waste of time and I ended up getting my money back – only after going to the Dept of Fair Trading.

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    Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    I think a seminar is high priced if you don’t make use of the information to further yourself and your financial future.
    If you do, it’s worth every cent.

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of PhoenixrisingPhoenixrising
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 58

    The previously mentioned 100 buck night out is expensive also if done weekly….100×50 equals approx. guess what 5 grand

    “When you can walk on water…take the boat”

    Profile photo of pelican

    A several thousand dollar seminar / course can be a pinch of salt, IF, you have the ability to act on the education you receive…….

    I bought a study pack which cost me $3000. Gee thats expensive……. guess what…… So far with ACTION, and, a few life skills thrown in, my partner and I have made over $700,000…. ALL because of that $3000 pack…..

    Don’t seem so expensive now does it ????

    It’s about ACTION….. MINDSET….. If you can’t do something about the BOTH of these, then, nice knowing you, but you wont get anywhere……..

    DO YOUR HOMEWORK, Talk to people, Learn as much as you can, go to a seminar…… BUT MOST OF ALL,

    T A K E – A C T I O N !!!!!!!

    As I heard once…. GO HARD OR GO HOME……. ;-)

    Profile photo of geo

    well its all good responses…[baaa]

    I too went to a seminar recently for 4k and had to fly to sydney for it aswell. It was a total waste of time and I got my money back as it came withy the guarantee. I went to George Mihos seminar a few days ago and he was promoting his seminar in October for 3 – 8k but also comes with a no-satisfaction money back guarantee – no questions asked.

    I Agree with Pelican totally – it all comes down to action.

    Kind Regards,
    P.S: Pelican – I think you should write your story as an inspiration to others. That’s a huge achievement to turn 3k into 700k – WOW!

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of DDDD
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 508

    All i do is go to the freebie seminars as I find even they have the odd tip or trick or website they promote that gives me extra insight into this changing beast the property market.

    Dont want to pay, fine, dont pay, but let people have a choice to do what they want with their moeny and not get harrassed by you about those choices.

    Boring if we all did the same, thought the same and ended up on the govt handout queue wondering how it happened. Make your choices good ones and even if you have the odd bad seminar and get nothing from it. Dolf siad hi to my wife and I at a seminar in brizzy because my wife said hi to him in a bookstore the night before. We have 20 properties and had 23 then, so when mentioned by Dolf, we got very popular very quickly at the intermission. So there was a slant on a ‘paid’ seminar that gave us dividends of clients for our property searching as well as Dolf’s insights.

    Never say no, ask why not. Then be open to what responses you get. You may be surprised by what you do get out of it.


    Don’t sweat the small stuff,and it’s all small stuff!!

    Profile photo of trisha007trisha007
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 85

    Hi Everyone,

    I was just wondering why Marc is even sprouting his comments on a PI forum if he doesnt believe in it?

    Do you guys and gals wonder that too?


    Profile photo of geo

    Maybe because he wants to convince himself that he is right or that he wants to convince his sub-conscious that property investing is actually useful – [confused2]

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of wezwaz

    Interesting feedback. Good to see different points of view.

    I am in no way against education and we all use various means to pursue our goal of educating ourselves. But to say that we educate ourselves no matter the cost is foolish. What if I were to say I am running a seminar that will cost you $30000 to attend, what would you say?

    I am also not saying all high priced seminars are a waste of money. No. No doubt as some have mentioned they learnt much which they applied.

    There are two critical points to me:

    1. This idea that education must be expensive to be valuable. Rubbish. Seminar presenters use this to their advantage. They claim to have secrets. They don’t. They may have experience and knowledge to pass on – fair enough, but not secrets. I would like someone to give me a clearcut reason why a few days at a seminar should cost $5000, say, rather than $500 which would appear to be more than reasonable.

    2. When we are naive it is amazing how we will readily part with our money. Lavish ads promising to show us the way to wealth quickly catch many of us. We don’t question it, but believe if we don’t take the opportunity now it will never appear again. It is a get-rich-quick mentality that we have to overcome because it is simply human nature to be like that.

    Seminars can still play an important role, but at a more reasonable price and without the hype.


    Profile photo of pelican


    true…. they do play on people’s FEAR & GREED…

    I always wondered if I held a seminar, I’d actually do up a slide showing all the costs of holding it, plus a small profit for my time…… to show the real costs….. Keep it open so people know what they are paying for……

    What do you think ???

    30k for a seminar…. yeah… too much…. $5k…. maybe… depends on what was being discussed…..

    Profile photo of 1Winner
    Originally posted by trisha007:

    I was just wondering why Marc is even sprouting his comments on a PI forum if he doesnt believe in it?

    Trisha, interesting conclusion. What makes you think I don’t “belive” in property investing? (we need defining the word believe at this point I suppose :-)

    I am a non-conformist, and find some forms of standard thinking amusing. My post have the purpose of making people think. In the process it is inevitable that someone gets annoyed.

    May God prosper you always.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Depends on where you’re viewing from, Marc… I find your comments to be very mainstream.

    There were some comments someone made earlier about doing what the experts do. Whatever happened to “success comes from doing things differently”? Or “think outside the square”? Are we to do things the same as others? Or do things differently? I think a lot of it is about marketing. Some gurus will say they learned and emulated the experts… some will say they did the opposite of what everyone else was doing. It’s just persuasive marketing.

    I still think a book of a few hundred pages by a guru, MUST, by length itself, provide more to a reader, than a few hour seminar. Even if the seminar is 8 hours, or a weekend, how can it provide more info than a few hundred page book that takes a few days to read? I think books are great, and provide great value. I can’t help but think people attend (high priced) seminars to see the guru himself (or herself) and feel that something else will be provided when seeing the person perform. What do people get from the seminar they can’t get from the book? I seriously want to know this- the price differential ($30 com[pared to many thousands of dollars doesn’t seem to make sense. I would have thought that “making money work FOR you” would apply to spending it on education as well as on purchases. Again, we are told “you make money when you buy”- wouldn’t this apply to educational expenses also?).

    Wezwaz, for a 30k seminar, I would expect the following:

    * you standing between TWO red cars, not merely next to one (these could be hired from a hire car place no doubt)

    * you telling us you don’t need to be with us- that you command great speaking fees, and that you are just doing this out of hte goodness of your heart (in fact, I’d like to be treated with such contempt as an audience member, that you actually walk out half way through, to show us how important you are).

    * I’d like DOUBLE (at least) the amount of “secrets” that other gurus supply. If you are finding it hard to come up with secrets, there are probably some secrets you can plagiarise from others if you shift them around a bit (for example “TEAM” [Time, Effort, Action, Method] could easily become “MATE” or even MEAT or TAME!)

    * Don’t worry about spelling things correctly when you put stuff up on a white board- you won’t have time (or mite or item) to do this… I remember watching a guru writing up how to be “SUCCESFULL”- hehe- fuuuuuunny! Remember, success comes from doing things differently!

    I’ll pay you the 30k. Oh, ad can you call it the “Diamond Club” or the “Winners’ Forum”- it’d make me feel better :o) Actually, if it is called the Academy, it would be nice… you can’t call it a “University” though- you have to have legislation to do that- a pity :(

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Andrew_AAndrew_A
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 392

    I went to a seminar last weekend that cost me $770. A year ago I wouldn’t have even considered spending that much on my own “education”. Now I have a much finer appreciation that quality education has a very high monetary value, and it indeed might be worthwile spending a fortune on yourself if you are seeking to make a larger fortune. Such education expenses aren’t limited to attending seminars, they also include books, mentoring, employing professionals in various fields to help you etc etc.

    When does the amount a presenter charges cross over from honest reward to greed? How many seminar participants must you have in the room before you are just looking for the $$$ and not the maximum return for your participants. I’m not sure.

    I think it’s a very individual thing whether a seminar if worth the money to you, and how much you should spend. Your answer will be based very much on your own personal goals. If you don’t have goals and you are looking for the next get rich quack scheme then you are likely to be disapointed.


    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    I’m sticking to books and such for a while.. for $3000, $5000 or $10 0000 i want the seminar presenter to take me out, drive around with me, help me buy the right property , add value to it, re-structure my finances, and do it all again two or three times so i’m clear about it..

    but hey, i’m just slow picking things up [biggrin] so untill ‘m better placed, i’m sticking with books and the forum.

    Will i ever go to a seminar..yep, one day.

    PS- does going to the money show to see Steve count?

    [grad]Do what’s right for ‘you’


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    Profile photo of 1Winner

    Kay, if statistics are to be believed, about 95% of people have incorporated in their belief system, knowingly or by default, that people who prosper, do so either because they inherited money, know someone that helped them, are “lucky”, are dishonest/evil/or have a pact with the devil, and (if they person is female) she must be sleeping with the one that is pushing her up the ladder.

    5% know this to be false but from this, only 2% act on this knowledge and actually bother to change their belief system.

    The reason behind such inaction is that most people do not understand the link between what we ARE and what we THINK.
    The fundamental and scary truth that we are what we think.

    If the above is mainstream thinking for you, I am glad. There are of course millions that know the above and I did certainly not invent it. If you move among the right circle I suppose you can call such, common knowledge, but you must have selected your circle of friends very carefully !!

    As for seminars versus books, a seminar has clearly a much bigger impact on our mind than a book. Our mind works with all 5 senses and the impact of a (good) seminar will stay with us for a long time. We will see it, hear it, feel it smell it and taste it. Not so a book that takes long time to capture our attention needing to fill in all the blanks with our imagination that may be firing in 3 cylinders on a good day.

    You must concede that the predicament of the seminar presenter is unique. Have a free seminar and the public will say, ‘ what’s the catch? ‘ and with reason, there must be one, in the form of something to promote, or the presenter would be home reading a good book or out for dinner.

    Charge a large fee, and if your seminar is about finance, the public will again be critical, since the promoted success of the presenter will be adjudicated by the attendees to the fee itself, something on the lines of “Of course you are successful, at the tune of $2000 each here, you are making a mint at our expenses” sort of thinking…

    So how much do you charge? Well if you want to be honest you must charge as much as the value you give, yet how can you measure it? You public come from a variety of walks of life. What may be ground braking life changing information for me, may be old rehashed stuff for you. I will come out of my $2000 seminar dizzy and ready to take up mount Everest, and you may come out yawning shaking your head. Was the seminar a failure? Not necessarily.

    May God prosper you always.[biggrin]

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