All Topics / Help Needed! / FHOG VIC-WHEN DOES IT END?

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  • Profile photo of hmackay

    I understand that the Bracks grant $5000 ends on 30 June 2005.

    Does anyone know if this will be extended?

    Or could someone direct me to a website please.

    I am seeking this info to get my second child into IPs ASAP with alittle help ($$$$$) from mum and dad..

    FYI my son (19)bought his first IP with the assistance of the two grants and VIC state gov exemption of stamp duty last year.He is living in it now to meet the min 6 months livein.

    Any advice appreciated.

    Thanks and regards,


    Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    Whether or not it will be extended will probably depend on how many votes Labour is chasing when they do their state budget next year….. hehehe

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758
    Profile photo of hmackay

    Thanks FW and Jaffasoft.

    Jaffasoft this site is for the Howard handout, I was refering to the Victorian State Grant.but thanks anyway.

    And FW go labour………………..

    Seriously does anyone have knowlegde on whether the State Gov will extend this program.

    Thanks again.


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