All Topics / General Property / Commercial rates
Hi All,
Does a square metre rate for commercial property include GST and outgoings,or is this an individual thing,dependant on how the lease is worded???
ToolsHi Tools
Generally commercial rents are net that is +gst,and the lessee pays the land tax,there are exceptions.
Purchase prices are usually + GST but again there are exceptions,the owners can apply the margin scheme in some cases.If they are being advertised it should state + GST but there is a lot of confusion in this area so ask the question.
regards Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
availableAdvertisers want your enquiry. They will usually quote the lowest figure in order to generate a phone call or email. Usually only rent is advertised. Ask for a complete list of all the outgoings, when they’re due, and who pays them.
Query who pays maintenance on what, water costs, waste charges, insurances, copy of intended lease for you to add your intended changes (which is negotiable.) good luck
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Hi guys,thanks for your replies.I got a copy of the lease today which is a standard commercial lease from REIV.It looks like the tenant pays for just about everything……..just the way I like it!
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