All Topics / Value Adding / Zone Codes

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  • Profile photo of skyeboy

    I finally found what I was searching for in relation to zoning codes on the Wyong Shire Council Web site and have pasted the information here as it may be of help to those who want a quick checklist.


    Zone No 1 (a) (Rural Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “1 (a)”.

    Zone No 1 (c) (Non Urban Constrained Lands Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “1 (c)”.

    Zone No 1 (d) (Village Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “1 (d)”.

    Zone No 1 (f) (Forestry Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “1 (f)”.

    Zone No 2 (a) (Residential Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “2 (a)”.

    Zone No 2 (b) (Multiple Dwelling Residential Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “2 (b)”.

    Zone No 2 (c) (Medium Density Residential Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “2 (c)”.

    Zone No 2 (d) (High Density Residential Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “2 (d)”.

    Zone No 2 (e) (Urban Release Area Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “2 (e)”.

    Zone No 2 (g) (Residential Tourist Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “2 (g)”.

    Zone No 3 (a) (Business Centre Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “3 (a)”.

    Zone No 3 (b) (Centre Support Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “3 (b)”.

    Zone No 3 (d) (Tourist Business Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “3 (d)”.

    Zone No 4 (a) (General Industrial Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “4 (a)”.

    Zone No 4 (b) (Light Industrial Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “4 (b)”.

    Zone No 4 (c) (Business Park Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “4 (c)”.

    Zone No 4 (e) (Regional Industrial and Employment Development Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “4 (e)”.

    Zone No 5 (a) (Special Uses Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “5 (a)” with the particular use shown in black.

    Zone No 5 (b) (Railways Zone)—identified with heavy black edging lettered “5 (b)”.

    Zone No 5 (c) (Local Road Reservation Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “5 (c)”.

    Zone No 5 (d) (Arterial Road Reservation Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “5 (d)”.

    Zone No 6 (a) (Open Space and Recreation Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “6 (a)”.

    Zone No 6 (b) (Regional Open Space and Recreation Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “6 (b)”.

    Zone No 6 (c) (Proposed Open Space and Recreation Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “6 (c)”.

    Zone No 7 (a) (Conservation Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “7 (a)”.

    Zone No 7 (b) (Scenic Protection Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “7 (b)”.

    Zone No 7 (c) (Scenic Protection: Small Holdings Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “7 (c)”.

    Zone No 7 (d) (Coastal Lands Protection Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “7 (d)”.

    Zone No 7 (e) (Coastal Lands Acquisition Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “7 (e)”.

    Zone No 7 (f) (Environmental Protection Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “7 (f)”.

    Zone No 7 (g) (Wetlands Management Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “7 (g)”.

    Zone No 8 (a) (National Parks Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “8 (a)”.

    Zone No 10 (a) (Investigation Precinct Zone)—identified with heavy black edging and lettered “10 (a)”.

    Profile photo of geo

    is that in victoria?

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of skyeboy


    Wyong is on the NSW Central Coast.


    Profile photo of geo

    ok – thanks

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

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