All Topics / General Property / Melbourne property investors meeting

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  • Profile photo of FW

    I know people regularly ask if there are property investor meetings held in Melbourne, and I’ve mentioned the nineMSN/Somersoft meetings a few times. So here are the details of the next one! You don’t need to book, just turn up. A mix of people attend, not just CF+ investors, but I’ve found it interesting whenever I’ve attended.


    our next IP meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday the 25th of August, full details being:

    Where: Victoria University, Footscray Park campus
    Address: cnr Ballarat Road & Hoadley Crt, Footscray
    Room: C230, building C
    ***Note: it is a different room to the usual one***
    Time: 6.30pm
    When: Wednesday 25th August

    Note: plenty of free parking is available in the carpark across the road…

    I hope to see you there…



    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of SlumLordSlumLord
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 51


    How many people normaly attend these meetings?


    Slum Lord

    Profile photo of FW

    Hi Slum Lord
    It varies I believe, I dont always get there myself! Usually around 20, has ballooned to as high as 50 for speakers.

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

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