All Topics / Creative Investing / An important event for those interested in wraps

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  • Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    I’ve just heard about an important meeting for those investors interested in wraps.

    Lewis O’Brien – a lawyer and someone I regard as one of the country’s top experts on vendor finance, is running a low cost information night to discuss some of the specifics associated with the wrapping.

    Here is the material that he has sent me:

    I am convening my first Wrap Update Seminar!

    The session is designed to keep you up to date with current developments in the world of wraps as well as provide an opportunity for some networking and an informal get together.

    Topics that I will formally cover include:

    – Preparing Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC) Compliant Statements.

    A number of clients have recently got into trouble as a result of their statements being incorrect and not complying with the Code. I intend to explain the requirements of the Code and work through some examples.

    – The new $5,000.00 First Home Bonus.

    What you need to know and how to apply.

    – Fair Trading Act provisions.

    A summary of recent legislative changes in relation to unfair contracts and what they mean for wraps.

    There will also be time for questions on these and other topics.

    Where and When:

    The Seminar will commence at 7:00 pm on Thursday, 26 August, 2004 in the Edinburgh Room at the Elizabethan Lodge, 604-610 Middleborough Road, North Blackburn (Cnr Middleborough Road and Eastern Freeway). Coffee and Tea will be provided.

    After the formal part of the evening concludes (at approximately 9.00 pm) we will adjourn downstairs to the bar.

    Tickets are on sale now. Cost is $44.00 (inc GST) each.

    Bookings are essential. Tickets can be booked by return email ( or by calling the office (03 8801 0111).

    I recommend attending. I’ll try to make it too so come and network.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    I was about to email admin and ask if I could advertise this, but I guess I don’t need to now!
    I certainly plan to be there.
    This sort of information is crucial – and I agree that Lewis is one of the best there is on this subject.

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of GrregGrreg
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 121

    I’ll be there and I do recomend that anyone else who can make it should do there best to get there as well…

    I can not speak highly enough of Lewis and if my opinion is not worth anything than maybe Steve Mcknight reommendation is worth something – whoever he is… By the way can anybody tell me who the hell this Steve McKnight guy is anyway?![worried]


    Profile photo of manofactionmanofaction
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 80

    Steve is a shadowy figure who lurks in the background of property investing forums (especially this one for some strange reason) and seminars.

    He watches your every move and knows if you have been good or bad… so you’d betta watch out, you’d beeta not cry….

    If you are really lucky, you might catch a glimpse of him at this event.

    Profile photo of Sonja

    Hi Greg,

    Maybe I’m really naieve but are you serious about “who the hell is this Steve McNight guy?”?

    He runs this site besides anything else.

    Sorry if it was a joke I didn’t get – I’ve had a bit of a rough time this past week or so and don’t see the funny side of much lately.

    Sounds like a really good seminar. North Blackburn is in Melbourne I assume… living in a rural area can be difficult at times. If I can call in a miracle I’ll be there!!!

    Good luck to those of you who do get there. I guess I’ll just have to pick your brains via this forum ;-)


    Profile photo of skippygirlskippygirl
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 127

    Clearly it was a joke, Joyce.


    skippygirl :))

    Profile photo of Sonja

    Yeah, like I said…

    I think I’ll just lurk in the background – for a while anyway. Too much on my mind at the moment…


    Profile photo of WallFlowerWallFlower
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 205

    Anyone interested in meeting up after the event to down Tequila shots ???

    Profile photo of PiperPiper
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 22

    Hi all
    i am currentlly overseas and nont expected back till end Aug. i would have loved to attend teh seminar and learn and network as well. Would there be any possibility of the information that is dispensed at teh seminar be availble later on in written form for those of us who were unlucky to attend/ TQ/Piper

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