All Topics / Value Adding / Comments and opinios much appreciated..

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  • Profile photo of qld

    I was just wondering if any body has been in this situation before about getting approval for multiple unit dwelling in a res a zoning.

    Here’ the scenario: My partner and I currently own a block of 5 two bedroom flats on a quarter acre block in a residential street. We also own the property directly next door, which is also a 1/4 block with a renovated timber home on it with tenants in place. We did not purchase this property to build a block of units, we wanted to live there, as we liked the area and that street in particular.

    However, by accident and through discussion with a friend of ours, building another block was mentioned.

    I have approached the appropriate council for some advice and the ‘chances’ of building a block of units.The reply was not so negative, as I had to go through the initial process to determine the eligibility of the site. However, because we owned the block of units directly next door, they mentioned it could be of help to the application.

    My records show that back in the late 60’s this block of units was built on ‘non-conforming’ land as it was, and still is classed as res a on the rates bill.

    We are definitely interested in building another block of flats/units next door if finance and approval is successful.

    Before I take any initial steps to council, does any body have experience in this type of matter that they could share with us and advice??

    Please all views will be valued.

    By the way in this particular street there is a block of 8 two bedroom flats on the corner of this street owned by council/government and a duplex, that my friend owns, across from my property. The rest of the street are residential homes. The whole street seems to be res a zoned.

    If there are any developers out there I’m all ears and eyes to view your experiences and know-how.

    Thank yopu for your time every body!



    Profile photo of DanTheManDanTheMan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    From my understanding, it is very much up to the councils discresion, which means it will be very hard for anyone here to help you. The good news is, the council will usually tell you if it is likely to pass before you have to spend much money. So i reccommend, you just ask the local town planner at council.


    Looking for positively geared property? Check out

    Profile photo of qld

    Thanks Dan. That looks like my best bet.


    Profile photo of josephfokjosephfok
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 11

    Make sure you check the zoning of the property, just because there are units around the corner and next door, doesn’t mean you can build another block of unit.

    We were in this situation, a developer brought a block of 5 flats. Because it was built so long ago, they figure that with the new planning rule (DCP), they can knock down those 5 flats and build something like 12flats in its place.

    To everyone’s shock horror, the council had “downgraded” the zoning of the land from “multi dwelling” to “single dwelling”. If they knock down the flat, they can only build a single house on it. DA got rejected, they went to the land and environment and lost as well. So they ended up doing renovation to the place. At the rate it’s going, plus all the cost went into design and court cases, i don’t think that developer is going to make a single cents from it [blink]

    Always check everything.

    My 2.2 cents, hope that help

    Profile photo of qld

    Thanks for your input guys, much appreciated.


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