All Topics / Heads Up! / Sydney Money Expo
Any other people planning to attend this years Money Expo?
It’s on this Friday to Sunday. Is there a group going?
Is your money LAZY[?]
There can’t be too many people going. I offered some free tickets on Monday and didn’t get many takers.
ScottHi Scott,
Are those free tickets still available? [cap]
Is your money LAZY[?]
You’re in luck. One was very kindly returned as ‘no longer needed’. It was in this morning’s mail. After I posted the offer on this Forum (and waited a day), we did a mailout to our data base. Stupidly, I told the guy who manages our frontend to put my e-mail address down as the contact – I won’t make that mistake again.
50 tickets went in 13 minutes. We had over 400 e-mail responses. And they’re still coming in. I’m responding to each one.
Send me an e-mail with your address. We’ll send that ticket Express Post today and it should arrive tomorrow. Scott..
Is your money LAZY[?]
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