All Topics / General Property / Asbestos Warning for Renovators

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  • Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Interesting article on reno’s and asbestos. There was also a news segment just on, that said that there are recommendations (from asbestosis victims, I think) to have all houses containing asbestos (most aussie homes built before 1983) to have a certificate provided on sale, of how much asbestos they contain.

    I reckon this James Hardie Asbestos fiasco, could have a real influence on (asbestos-containing) house prices.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of lifeXlifeX
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 651

    Hi kay,
    This thread discussed a lot of asbestos questions.

    Home renovators in old houses are treading on a minefield wrt asbestos.[cowboy2]


    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    I think this asbestos issue will become a huge issue. the deaths so far are the tip of the iceberg; when tens of thousands of people start dying I think there could become mass public paranoia. our friends at James Hardie thought they were clever making a run for the US, lets hope their past catches up with them.

    Profile photo of bruham

    I’ve worked with asbestos for years.I even worked in the blue asbestos mines at Wittenoom Gauge,West Aussie for three months.Never killed me. Damn!!!
    I was there waiting for my lottery results(I won).


    Profile photo of setmefree

    Can you tell just by looking if something contains asbestos ? I was told by a building inspector only a proper testing can confirm.

    Profile photo of bruham

    No you can’t tell by looking at sheets of fibro.
    Some of these building experts claim that they can.
    I’ve had two of these experts look at the same sheets of fibro and their opinions differed.
    Treat all fibro as if it were asbestos manufactured,just for the safety first factor.
    I was very lucky working with the stuff.


    Profile photo of calvin_thirty4calvin_thirty4
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 556

    good advice! I live in the far north WA and every second house is ‘fibro’. People that are here to invest use the BHP Colorbond sheeting to “wrap-up” the potential problem and copy what is locally known as a ‘Broom Style Home’. It is basically a fibro house that is clad in Colorbond sheeting and looks very smart. I don’t have a picture available unforunately, but trust me they can look very nice!

    Play it save – treat it all as asbestos!



    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    I have a relative dying of asbestosis. The specialist told her that podiatrists are at high risk of a very similar disease… from filing toe nails! how disgusting is that?!

    Extensive list of ‘Off The Plan’ property available for sale in Perth.

    John – 0419 198 856

    Profile photo of setmefree

    thanks bbruham.

    Profile photo of wanting more
    Originally posted by bbruham:

    I’ve worked with asbestos for years.I even worked in the blue asbestos mines at Wittenoom Gauge,West Aussie for three months.Never killed me. Damn!!!
    I was there waiting for my lottery results(I won).


    All joking aside I hope you understand the ramifications of this..It can take up to 25 years for it to become malignant this is why they call it the silent killer.

    House Proud

    Profile photo of wanting more
    Originally posted by AusProp:

    I think this asbestos issue will become a huge issue. the deaths so far are the tip of the iceberg; when tens of thousands of people start dying I think there could become mass public paranoia. our friends at James Hardie thought they were clever making a run for the US, lets hope their past catches up with them.

    Yes it will peak in another 15 – 20 years. We have not had any of the implications yet of motor mechanics from the dust off the brake linings and the electricians from crawling around in the roofs, or the good wife who washes her husbands clothes or the kids who hug their dads when they return home from work with their overalls on.[angry2]

    House Proud

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