All Topics / Creative Investing / Repayment Schedule for Wrap

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  • Profile photo of SuccessPlannerSuccessPlanner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 18

    Hi all!

    I’m working out how to sell using a Terms Contract. Can anyone help me by letting me know how I can work out the payment schedule for my buyer please??

    Is this something that a solicitor experienced in vendor finance deals could help with?

    Many thanks

    Profile photo of siaccisiacci
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 53

    Just to work out the payment many banks have calculators for this on thier websites. If you plan to do a few wraps then Loan Alert is a program designed to track your purchasers loan. Check out the demo version before you decide to buy at . We have found it quite useful.

    Dave Siacci

    Profile photo of lozza123

    Hi Kirsten,

    A couple of options to calculate the repayments are:
    (1) mortgage calculator – I got mine with the Wrap Pack, but you could probably get one from Dick Smith or Tandy…
    (2) Use Excel, open the Loan Amortization spreadsheet template. You can enter all the details in there, and it will do a payment schedule for you.

    I have got LoanAlert but haven’t tried it out yet.

    Good luck!!


    Profile photo of lozza123

    Hi Kirsten,

    A couple of options to calculate the repayments are:
    (1) mortgage calculator – I got mine with the Wrap Pack, but you could probably get one from Dick Smith or Tandy…
    (2) Use Excel, open the Loan Amortization spreadsheet template. You can enter all the details in there, and it will do a payment schedule for you.

    I have got LoanAlert but haven’t tried it out yet.

    Good luck!!


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