All Topics / Help Needed! / Subdividing info

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  • Profile photo of Karl and RitaKarl and Rita
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 103

    Hi all,

    Just wanted to ask if anyone knows how to go about subdividing, who to apply to?


    Karl and Rita

    The only thing that limits us…is a limiting belief.

    Profile photo of nordicskiernordicskier
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 85

    A1. Contact your friendly Town Planner or Town Planning Customer Service Centre at the relevant Council. Each state and some councils have different rules.

    A2. Where is the property – Council and State? I can then give further advice.

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    Profile photo of lisabellanlisabellan
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 48

    I subdivided last year in WA. I started by getting the plan from the local council, and finding out the local rules about sizes and zoning and contacting a surveyor to look over the plans and come out and measure up. He will be able to give you a plan that can be submitted for approval and depending on what sort of subdivision you are doing, (there are a few different types survey strata vs building strata) will be how you make the next decision. There is another forum where there is more detail from a couple of days ago. You will find more info/costs in that one.
    Hope this helps

    Profile photo of Alistair Perry


    In Victoria subdivision is handled by a surveyor. You may or may not require a planning permit first, but generally you do and also need to have commenced building.

    I can’t speak about the situation in other states, although I suspect they are much the same as in Victoria.

    Alistair Perry

    Profile photo of ez-rentez-rent
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 139

    This may have some useful info for you (although now 3 years old..)
    go to “real estate”, then “Some Tips from Paul” and “Some More Tips from Paul”


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    Profile photo of Mama2MiaMama2Mia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 115


    Just a quick question while on the topic of subdivisions…..are we allowed to get council approval for a subdivision and once approved start the earth and building works if we haven’t settled yet (ie. we have a 12mth settlement)??? Or do we need to have that block in our names on the title before we can start any work?? Hope this isn’t a stupid question but i can’t quite think of the answer…..logic’s telling me the block would need to be in my name before i can do any work on it even though we’ve got a 12mth settlement but i’m sure i’ve read somewhere before where people have sought permission from the vendors for access prior to settlement to do reno’s or show people through for those doing a WRAP or L/O…just not sure if the same rule applies to subdivisions or building???


    Profile photo of Alistair Perry

    Hi Kim,

    I can’t answer your query completely, but I can clear something up. You do not have subdivide prior to starting building. Subdivision is the seperation of the titles and this usually occurs once building has commenced. If planning permission is required, you do need a planning permit prior to commencing.

    Over to somebody else for the rest.

    Alistair Perry

    Profile photo of noelsy

    howdy all, im thinking of subdivideing at the moment aswell in sw Victoria does anyone have any idea the costs involved in this, some rough estimates would be very helpfull in my decision to explore the option of subdivision.[thumbsupanim]


    Profile photo of skyeboyskyeboy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 16


    There is an excellent topic in the ‘Developing made easy’ Forum called Subdivision costs please?


    Profile photo of noelsy


    thanks for that after a few minutes i found it still learning my way around here,it was just the info i was looking for,very helpfull thanks alot.[thumbsupanim]


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