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  • Profile photo of freedom3freedom3
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 15

    Hi everone

    I am curious about wealth creater Peter Spann.Has anyone been to one of his seminars or done any of his courses.

    Regards Freedom

    Profile photo of yack

    I have read his Book and enjoyed it.

    Basically he is into renovate and hold properties and in between trade shares and options to supplement income to buy more properties.

    I like his property side of things but I am not into the trading of shares and options. Too hard for me.

    Profile photo of westanwestan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,950

    Hi guys

    about 2 years ago a friend of mine was a peter Spann fan he went to one of his seminars bought the tapes etc (lent them to me) then joined as an assistant at his seminars. So he loved the Guy.
    I thought peter had a lot to offer back then. But i suppose it depends on your investment knowledge at the moment what you willget out of it.
    Personally i’ve never done any of these 4k a pop seminars.
    Like Yack i’ve read Spannns book and enjoyed it also , but from memory its more of a life storey not an investment book.
    If you followed Spanns advice over the past 6 years or so you would certainly be a Millionairre by now, as the property market has risen so much.

    regards westan

    I live in New Zealand and for a fee find cash positive deals there, email me at to join our database

    Profile photo of elika7264elika7264
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 160

    I attended a Peter Span 3 day residential seminar approximately five years ago — cost was approx $3,000. I found him to be intelligent and he seemed (in my opinion) to be an honest person, eager to impart knowledge. His strategy involved property (buy and hold — interest only) using shares and options to provide the funding for his portfolio. I went into the seminar without the slightest understanding of the share market and within half an hour he lost me. If you do a similar seminar, brush up on your shares etc, otherwise you won’t gain full value from the course. At the time his property approach seemed revolutionary to me — I was an absolute novice so anything he said resonated as expert advice. To be honest, I feel the people on this forum have a lot more to offer you — the depth of their knowledge truly astounds me. All in all, I didn’t gain as much as I had hoped from the Spann seminar — but then this could only be attributed to my lack of understanding of shares/options. If you have the latter knowledge, then you might find the Spann seminar of value. One other thing — I attended several years ago — I believe the seminar format has changed in the intervening years, so my comments may be somewhat out of date.


    Profile photo of sunshinesunshine
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 63

    I belong to a shares investment group where almost every member except me belongs to the sapphire level of Peter Spann – not me as I baulk at paying $4000 to have strategies drawn up, but I was fortunate to attend his seminar on the 10th on the coattails of another which cost me $98. A true bargain. While he did go into shares a lot, there was much value to be had on property, offsetting negative gearing, and his opinion on cash flow positive. have just picked up in new book ’10 million in 10 years’ which came out yesterday. The thing that strikes me about the guy is he is upfront, tells you that you can find out all the info by reading, supplies all the books and booklists, is totally upfront about fees and commisions, is ostentatious and proud of it, but then why not. I found his seminar to be an ‘introduction’ to further research, partly the fact that after 20 + full on hours my brain had turned to mush. But perhaps most importantly, he was inspiring. I still would not part with the money as I also believe you can get most things out of books, but he certainly was informative and entertaining. ps His website isnt crash hot tho, a bit confusing.

    Profile photo of melbear

    I looove Peter Spann and his strategies.

    His was the first seminar I ever ‘attended’ (bought the video on intro as he doesn’t come to Canberra). Saw the ad in API mag I think, and initially baulked at the $98 price tag, but bit the bullet.

    Since then I reckon I’ve been to just about all of his seminars (either in person or home study kit – which I think are great as you can replay in your own time). I even bought his FoxTrader (and Pro) shares software which is absolutely awesome, and helped me to buy some shares which repaid my ‘investment’ in the software well and truly (it’s a research tool NOT a ‘black box’).


    Profile photo of JetDollars

    I love Peter Spann’s strategies. 4 years ago I went to his 4 hours intro seminar cost me $48. I found it quite interesting so I term up with 3 other guys bought his home study video package for $1500 ($350 each person). Back then I know nothing about property investing.

    Through watching his homestudy video I bought my first investment property 3 months after. Now that property double in price ($200k capital growth).

    I alway take Peter Spann as my indirect mentor. I believe his a very honest man.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    Retire Young, Retire Rich . . . REALLY? . . . I didn’t know that!

    Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    I also found Peter Spann’s intro night invaluable. It was there that I first started to get an understanding of share options. I went on to learn heaps more about it, and made reasonable money from options for a while. I’m a bit busy with properties right now, but I still use some of his other information when I’m looking at shares for my SMSF.
    The thing that always stood out for me with Peter Spann was that he was the only “guru” I’d come across at that stage who actually advocated BOTH property and shares, he had a very rounded view of investing. Since then I think I’ve only really added Steve Navra to that list, most gurus stick to one or the other.

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of Expat

    Hey all Ive been reading about spann, most recently in his new book, i was just wondering if any of you good ppl have experience with this concept of leapfrogging (where you buy a house renovate it, get it revalued and use the equity to buy another house and do it all over again)?

    As well when you withdraw equity from your IP doesnt your loan repayments increase because your boring more ?


    Profile photo of yack

    Yes – thats how I buy my next property. And yes it does mean your repayments go up. I cross collaterise so I have a new loan and we just use the security of the old property to secure the finance for the new one. But you need to have increased equity in the old property. It takes time, a renovation does not necessarily result in enough equity to buy a new property.

    Profile photo of Expat

    Mmmmm thats what i thought the concept sounds fine BUT (i always love the buts) with a weak rental market in capital cities the renovation may not result in a higher yield. Secondly the whole process is designed so as to acquire property and then just sit and wait for capital gains BUT with capital gains no longer there (in the major metropolises) for at least a good few years whats the point?

    Profile photo of redwing

    I’m a Peter Spann Fan also, enjoyed his books and ideas, i like his ideas of using shares and property and have enjoyed his material [biggrin]

    Steve uses MarketMad, so i guess he believes in ‘balance’ also..

    PS- Thanks Mel


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    Profile photo of JetDollars


    I agreed with you. Investing in property alone will provide you with equity, but you got to sell to realise the profit. But if you include share trading/investing into your strategy it will enable you to generate income and spend it for the rest of your life.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    “Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

    Profile photo of AceyduceyAceyducey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 651

    Peter’s been posting over in Somersoft if anyone is interested in the ‘nearing from horse’s mouth’.



    In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

    – Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

    Profile photo of Peter SpannPeter Spann
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 59

    Hello everybody!

    And thanks for the positive comments… I appreciate them.

    I am out and about in forums at the moment because as you probably know I have just launched a new book – “How You Could Build a $10 Million Property Portfolio in just 10 Years” – and (stupidly – you know what people say about “writers” and their reviews) I am keen to know what people think of it and answer any (intelligent) questions.

    I am very open to the idea that my strategy is just one strategy amongst a myriad of strategies, all of which can work to make you wealthier, so don’t want to debate the merits of one or the other (after all if I liked another strategy as much as mine, I’d being doing it!). But I can answer any questions people may have on my ideas as long as I am not drawn into giving advice. I also can’t answer anything on shares or options.

    I’ve already been dumb enough to be drawn into an argument on one of my strategies on another forum so need to say up front, if your up for a fight on some bug bear, I’m not going to bite (OK, I know it’s open season on self appointed gurus but as most of you seem very nice I’m hoping the big birth mark on my forehead won’t be interpreted as a target!).

    So, I’ll pop in from time to time and say hello if you’d like.

    And please, buy the book – my mum says it’s good! [blush2]

    Profile photo of redwing

    Mum Know’s Best huh[biggrin]

    Reading P.Spanns book at the moment (having read Wealth Magic) and reviewing other material.

    Great to see Peter on the forum again.

    Looking forward to Steve’s new book also. You can never learn enough[grad]


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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    Profile photo of yack

    Good to see you on the forum.

    I really enjoyed your Book. I read it about 4-5 yrs ago. I look forward to getting your new book for xmas.

    I have not done your course – well for that matter any courses. I dont believe in paying more than a few hundred for a course.

    But I see merit in your approach. Instead of trading shares/options – i have a full time job. But i like the buy, renovate, hold, buy, renovate, hold strategy.

    Profile photo of JetDollars

    Peter Spann,

    Congratulation on your new book. I read your ‘Wealth Magic’ and found it quite interesting and motivation.

    I haven’t buy your new book yet, but I will definately get a copy very soon.

    I hope to see you around here more often.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    “Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

    Profile photo of Expat

    Hey Peter

    The books good I picked it up at borders (where I had to ask for it specifically because it was in storage) yesterday.

    I was just wondering I know in the book you say that the best time to buy was yesterday but in the current climate with little potential for capital growth is it worth getting involved ?

    The reason I ask is that ive read some reports out of BS schrappnel and HSBC saying that there wont be any growth for upwards of 5 years just so that the “afforadbilty” crises can be met.

    More importantly though i want to just say thank you, for being one of the few true financial advisors on wealth creation for average Joe -I know u hate the term guru so –


    Profile photo of melbear

    Hey Peter

    Glad you could drop in. I’m in the process of reading your book – normally I finish a book in a day, but I’ve been doing a lot of babysitting which is full on – I love the stories of your ‘grads’ that you’ve got in the book….

    One quick question – it says all over the book that your ‘other’ books Wealth Magic and Little Pot of Gold. I’ve not seen Little Pot of Gold anywhere…. (I just put my thinking cap on though, and I see it on dymocks web page). Is it not as readily available in all ‘good book stores’? From the price tag I’m guessing it’s a pocket type book?


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