All Topics / Opinionated! / What attracted you to your current mate?

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  • Profile photo of Scremin

    Hee hee.. Thought I’d lighten the board up a little as its getting a little heated….

    So, what attracted you to your current mate (if you have one!)? Was it the person you thought you would end up with?

    For example, um… I wasn’t attracted to a particular “type” of guy but I did think I’d like someone to have muscles, but not too many. I didn’t mind facial hair and I wasn’t too fussed if he wasn’t too good looking (though it helped a lot the next morning!!!).

    What I ended up with was a wonderful man, not too bad to look at, great personality, funny, VERY hairy (funnily enough, wuite a turn on…in a neanderthal type of way…) and everything I would want in a man.

    Mind you I look back and think about what I expected and I wasn’t too far off. How ’bout u lot? Did you get what you thought you wanted or did you get much much more?


    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of yackyack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,206

    I met my wife while backpacking in Canada on a train. Look what happens if you speak to strangers. In the 2 and a half years I was working/travelling overseas that train was the only one packed enough that you actually spoke to a person.

    We chatted for the length of the trip. She was rugged up in black and with the blond hair I was more than happy to spin my shit.

    I stayed in a youth hostel for a few days and returned to Montreal after visiting Quebec City and stayed with her and her parents in their basement in the surburbs.

    She could have cut me in a 1000 pieces and no-one would have known. But there was a special feeling and it felt right.

    Anyway, we have been married now for 7 years and now have 2 kids. In 6-8 weeks time we are going to Canada for my sister in laws wedding. A 24 hr flight with 2 young kids should be fun.

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    my wife has a great set of hooters – it was these i first noticed.

    her personality was an added bonus..

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    I met my (6 yrs my junior) “toy boy” husband #2 at Myers (Grace Bros to non-Victorians).

    I was shopping for a xmas gift for my son, and couldn’t find the sporting section, he was one of those covert security guards (no uniform, just suit and tie, real yummy look). He was following me around the store, staring at me for the longest time and it was making me uncomfortable, when suddenly he came up and asked if I needed any help. I told him I was looking for the sports section, and he informed me he was just about to take a break from his patrol and would show me where it had been relocated to.

    I thanked him, and as we were walking along he asked if I cared to join him for coffee. Normally I would have hesitated, but I was curious as to why he had been following and staring so intently at me (BTW he was still staring, only this time with more redness in his cheeks)[blush2] I really wanted to query him on his reason (as it was more than your average passing glance) so I agreed!!

    His reason (words I’ll never forget):

    You had the most adoreably lost look on your face I’d ever seen, and at first I thought you were a shop-lifter, which is what I was hoping for, that way I could arrest you!!! But sadly when you didn’t try and steal anything I knew that if I didn’t act quickly I’d loose you, so I decided to follow you around, even if it meant losing my job, it was like a voice was telling me not to let you go!!!

    How sweet is that???!!!! [inlove] And you know….he never did stop staring!!!! [lmao]

    Did I get what I hoped for??? Yes, and then some!!! [winking][winking]


    P.S. Yes that’s him next to me in the members pic photo, isn’t he gorgeous???!!!!! [inlove]

    Profile photo of hotshot

    hey jo like your reel hard on the eyes! your man hes one lucky dude! [specool]

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    hotshot – is there something you need to tell us about your relationship with jo???

    Profile photo of WallFlowerWallFlower
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 205

    Jo my eyes are all misty, What a sweetie your man is…his little speech could only have come from the heart…no man could memorise that many words and deliver them honestly!

    AussieR, geez you’re shallow (yup, I only have to wear band aids for bras)

    Meet my angel at church, i was looking across the foyer and there he was standing head and shoulders above everyone else, and (I promise this to be true) he was directly below a very strong light and it looked liked he has a halo around his head(LOL) I took it to mean God was telling me this is the one…
    He is the most perfect man for me and i thank God everyday that he has blessed me with the other half of my soul to make me complete.
    Oh as i have stated before, he looks like Tom Cruise but taller YUM!!

    Profile photo of hotshot

    nah nothing to tell aussie jo is just a reel nice persson who helped me lots with finding ip and other stuff and she teachas class at my mates uni somedays nice to talk to and she very frendly to!
    i know shes married nothing wrong with that but i stil think she pretty!

    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    I could not get enough of my misuss so I make another one look just like her. Now I got two sharing 50% each of my love to both of them. If I make another one then it’s going to be hard to share because it’s going to be 33.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333% and will never be an equal love.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich]
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    Profile photo of aussierogue

    wallflower – hehe, i was just joking – being a rogue…her chest is average size – but nice nonehteless..

    truth is the first time i met my wife i was immediately attracted by this sense of innocence and wonderment in everything she does…in the way she thinks, talks, listens etc she does so with a majestic lack of cynisism…its amazing and wize at the same time..

    plus – i found her incredibly attractivein a physical sense. very natural looking wch i like…

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Hotshot pleazzzzzz !!! [blush2][blush2]

    Such lovely sentiment everyone, how beautiful !!! [inlove]
    Aussie, you softie you!!!
    Wallflower – we did well girl !!!
    JetD – I’m sure you will have plenty of love to go round should you decide for one more; that’s the beauty of one’s heart, it boundaries are infinite!!! [inlove]


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    My hubby and I both worked for Coles and started work each morning at 5am. I was in the bakery and he was in seafood. Every morning we said a half awake hello to each other and went our seperate ways.

    After several months, he was promoted to management and we rarely saw each other. One afternoon I was just tidying up before going home and he asked if I’d like to see a movie with him. Out of sheer surprise I said yes and turned around and went back to what I was doing. I later found out that he had been following me around the store for about 5 hours trying to get the courage to ask me.

    We went out for pizza (his favourite) and saw a movie. To this day neither of us can remember what it was (and no we hadn’t been drinking or taking drugs…).

    Things had gone really well so on the drive home as we were chatting I decided to find out what the age difference was between us (I have always looked years younger than I am). I asked his birthday and when he asked mine and found out that he was 4 years younger he just said “cool I’m a toy boy!” – I was hoping it wouldn’t worry him but he seemed to think it was some sort of a bonus.

    When he walked me to my front door he said goodnight and kissed me on the cheek. It was so sweet, romantic and old fashioned that I think that’s when I fell in love with him.

    We’ve been married for nearly five years and have two beautiful children, Brianna who is turning 4 on 1st October and Daniel who has just turned two on 9th May.

    My husband Mathew and my children are the answer to a prayer that I didn’t dare to ask.


    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Awwwwww Sonja,

    That is soooooo beautiful!!! Such a lovely story [inlove]

    Glad to see I’m not the only one here with a “toy boy” [winking] YAY…We older women rock!!![medieval]


    Profile photo of Supa FreakSupa Freak
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 101

    My husband had a consant harem of women around him, one day i decided enough was enough, i followed him out to a dark car park and said ‘ I want to be the mother of your children’ He said ‘Sweet, the panel van’s this way’

    We’ve been inseperable ever since.
    Tissues anyone?


    Profile photo of AceyduceyAceyducey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 651


    And how did you get rid of the harem of women? [biggrin]

    I was chased by my partner….she ended up chasing me to London & I worked up the courage to propose……8 years on we’re still to get round to the wedding :)



    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    CONNECTION on it’s own is wonderful, and you can be great mates – all that good stuff like emotional, spiritual, intellectual connection and mutual understanding. And a connection is truly effortless – you have it or you don’t.

    SEXUAL ATTRACTION on it’s own is wonderful, and you can have lots of fun

    but when you get CONNECTION and SEXUAL ATTRACTION in the same person, then you’re on to something.

    So i found that…and we added COMMITTMENT to the mix plus the FREEDOM to grow both as individuals and as partnership.

    So the result is i feel PEACE in a relationship for the first time in my life. Coming up to 8 years together.


    that’s what

    joy to the world

    Profile photo of Scremin

    Aw Mini, you said it all.

    Some funny stories. I didn’t really explain how I met my hubby.

    I was friends with his friends in Perth and he lived in Albany, 400km south of Perth. His mates had a huge party one weekend which I was at and we met. BUT, it certainly wasn’t love at first sight. I loved his car (A red SLR5000 Torana V8) but that was it.

    That was Mid November. Fast forward to new years eve to another party he thought I would be at. But I wasn’t. I chose to work that night coz there wasn’t much happening. I had planned to go to this big rock concert but had now one to go with. Cremin had tickets to but he sold them to go to the party he thought I’d be at. Well, it was a close call coz 8 years later, I found out from a mate that her friend was keen on him and was gonna make a move! Lucky I turned up at the party just in time…

    Still nothing happened though. I did become slightly interested. Fast forward to February and a mates 21st. Cremin came up for the weekend, tried getting me drunk, it didn’t work as I held my alcohol really well and we only smutted.

    Bloody hell I hear you say? Well yes, fast forward again to April and finally on his 21st did we get it together. From then on, we had such a physical and emotional bond we have been practically inseparateable since. Mind you, I do enjoy my week away here and there alone sometimes. And so does he…

    Sigh, Love…where would the world be without it…Plus all the bloody trips up and down from ALbany to PErth, Perth to Albany…. etc etc. Racked up a lot of milage those few months and a tonne of phone calls…


    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of drhappydrhappy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 22


    She’d have me.

    cheers Deano

    Profile photo of Scremin

    Aww Deano… Surely there’s more to it than she’d have you… Come on, spill your guts.


    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of 1HotValuer1HotValuer
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 73
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