All Topics / Help Needed! / Custom Tenant applications in QLD?

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  • Profile photo of hudson66

    I’ve just purchased an IP in small QLD town (postcode 4820) where only 3 companies offer PM services. My prefered PM choice does not want to use the custom tenant application from the ‘Buyer Beware’ pack (to the point where he’d prefer I find another PM [sleepyanim]). Claim is possible breaches of privacy from his legal advisor.
    There is probably heaps of other PM in the next major city but is still 125kms away. Seems to me that the local ones lack much competition.
    At this point we’ve agreed he’ll PM until the current contract ends (10 months). [whistle] My plan is to build a better relationship with him until that time, rather than seek a new PM.

    “Trust is knowing to wait because your actions will deliver”

    Profile photo of hudson66

    Guess there isn’t any QLD PIs online today…
    I’ll check back later.

    Profile photo of david e-noosa

    I could advise on what he/she has a problem with but I would need to see a copy of the Application.

    100 point ID is normal these days with any professional PM so it can’t be that.

    Any clues ?

    David J
    Licenced Agent/Sales Manager

    Profile photo of hudson66

    Hi David,
    I’m back.;-)) Thanks for your offer.

    I don’t think Steve would mind, but I suspect this ‘tenant application’ is copywrite. So I would ask that if others viewing this template are impressed (as I was) they too subscribe through this site’s online shop if they wish to avail themselves of it.

    So here it is (hopefully?). With some luck it might even reproduce in the same format, so that you can read it more easily.

    Application To Rent:

    Property Address:

    Date Tenancy Is To Begin: Bond:
    $ At Rent Per Week Of:

    Section #61580; Tenant Details
    Applicant One
    First Name: Middle Name: Last Name:

    Phone Number: Date Of Birth: Driver’s Licence #: Car Registration #:

    Current Employer: Employer’s Phone #: Employed Since: Pay:

    Current Living Address: Rented/Owned/Other: Length Of Tenancy:

    Landlord Name & Contact Phone Number: Current Weekly Rent Paid:

    Reason For Moving:
    Emergency Phone Number
    Applicant Two
    First Name: Middle Name: Last Name:

    Phone Number: Date Of Birth: Driver’s Licence #: Car Registration #:

    Current Employer: Employer’s Phone #: Employed Since: Pay:

    Current Living Address: Rented/Owned/Other: Length Of Tenancy:

    Landlord Name & Contact Phone Number: Current Weekly Rent Paid:

    Reason For Moving:
    Emergency Phone Number
    Section #61581; Other Occupants
    Write down the details of any other occupants that will regularly be living in the property:

    People (Children, Other Family, Flat Mates etc.): Pets (Type, Age):

    Section #61582; Other Income

    Include here details of any other income that you receive or are entitle to (rent assistance, second jobs, pension etc.):

    Item Payment Frequency $
    Item Payment Frequency $
    Item Payment Frequency $

    Section #61583; Other Disclosures

    Has either applicant ever wilfully and intentionally refused to repay a debt or pay rent when due? YES NO
    Have you ever been involved in a legal (including tenancy tribunal) dispute with a landlord or have you ever been evicted from a property? YES NO
    Has either party ever caused wilful or intentional damage to a property? YES NO

    Section #61584; References

    Please supply the names and contact details of three references:

    Name: Relationship: Contact Phone #
    Name: Relationship: Contact Phone #
    Name: Relationship: Contact Phone #

    Section #61585; Consent

    Do we have your consent to contact:

    Your employer to confirm pay and other details? YES NO
    Your current landlord / manager to discuss relevant tenancy information? YES NO

    Section #61586; Declaration

    I/We agree that to the best of my/our knowledge this application is true and correct. I/We understand that the full and accurate completion of this form will be a condition of our lease and should inaccuracies be found then our lease shall be immediately terminated.

    X X
    Date: Name:

    My feeling is that my PM just wants to use the REIQ applications only. I’m happy if he uses both if that satisfies him.

    Thanks once again.

    ‘Compassion’ is welcoming visitors who have just dropped in.

    Profile photo of hudson66

    Any more Country QLD investors online??

    Profile photo of pete152pete152
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 15

    Yes Iam here.Your name wouldn’t be Karen by chance?
    We do our own PM by phone and with help from a real estate in the Town we invest in.
    They do not do PM but help with ours and we give them a basket of wine and biscuts every so often.

    Profile photo of david e-noosa
    Has either applicant ever wilfully and intentionally refused to repay a debt or pay rent when due? YES NO
    Have you ever been involved in a legal (including tenancy tribunal) dispute with a landlord or have you ever been evicted from a property? YES NO
    Has either party ever caused wilful or intentional damage to a property? YES NO

    These are the only items I can see where they may think are problems. I however do not agree at all as these are quite reasonable questions to ask. Even if a PM did not ask these they can find out anyway but its best coming from the tenant.

    Our application is far more comprehensive and your agent (in my view) should have no problems with this.

    btw I have had members contact me off board via email but thought it best for all to post here, thanks for the emails.

    David J
    Licenced Agent/Sales Manager

    Profile photo of hudson66

    Hi all,
    Your info was worth the wait.Thank you all.
    Any takers to comment on my proposed strategy re; breaking in this PM?

    We do our own PM by phone and with help from a real estate in the Town we invest in.
    They do not do PM but help with ours and we give them a basket of wine and biscuts every so often.

    How on earth did you get your agent to agree to this arrangement? What a genius.. By the way my name is ken.

    Thank you for spending your time to look over the wording of the tenant application.

    These are the only items I can see where they may think are problems. I however do not agree at all as these are quite reasonable questions to ask.

    David, my feelings exactly.
    Do you have any ideas about how I could entice him to use my form?

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