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All Topics / Heads Up! / Asset Protection & Business Structures
Free Seminar
From insurance to litigation through to the taxation consequences. This seminar is an absolute must if you are considering going into business. If you are already in business there is still a lot that can be done to make sure you are protected.
Speakers – Cec O’Dea from Schultz Toomey O’Brien Lawyers
Noel Whittaker and Raegan Durch from Whittaker Macnaught
Tony Smith from Close Townsend and Partners
Cathy Jones and Julia Hartman from BAN TACS Accountants P/L
Start Time: 6.30 pm
Caboolture RSL Thursday 22nd July, 2004
Maroochydore RSL Tuesday 13th July, 2004
Book your seat 07 54976777
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