All Topics / Help Needed! / What do we do?
Hey guys just thought id jump in and say hi to all (havent been on for while) i just thought of a courious question just wondering what everyone on this site does for a living and how long u been doing it for? also so if you work for yourself or not?
Il start,
Real Estate Agent,
2.5 YearsJust thought this would be interesting topic, Thanks 4 replies people.
Hi .. I haven’t been around for a while either ..
I manage an Aboriginal Youth Organisation
have been in this position about 1.5 yrs but climbing the ladder + 2 yrs prior to that.[biggrin]
A” plays well with others
… but sometimes runs with scissors”Originally posted by Nathan_b:just wondering what everyone on this site does for a living
Take a look at the “What are your occupations” thread down in Forum Frolic.
HI Nathan,
Here is the link GP was referring to.
derekjones1@bigpond.comProperty Investment Support Available. Ongoing and never stopping. PM welcome.
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