All Topics / Opinionated! / $600 bonus

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  • Profile photo of Celivia

    Awww Yack you sound like such a loving father!
    I agree that these family ties are extremely important. ANd it certainly is a full time job, looking after little kids and a household.

    Before I had kids I used to have many different jobs, from office work, to working in retail shops, to cleaning, to working with elderly people, to being a kindergarten teacher, and I must say, being a mum at home looking after 2 little kids has been the most tiring of all, but also the most rewarding job. [exhappy]


    Profile photo of yack

    The Mortgage advisor – Yes I am. When you and I are in a nursing home, my two kids will be contributing to the economy.

    Profile photo of Celivia

    You have no idea how much it costs to raise kids!
    Entertaining a yuppy would be peanuts compared to raising a family![biggrin]


    Profile photo of kay henry

    Celivia said:

    “Entertaining a yuppy would be peanuts compared to raising a family!”

    Yes, and the yuppy would be much higher maintenance than the children.. a la.. “no, I’ll only drink Gordon’s Gin, Illy Coffee, Evian water, blah blah..” [goatee]

    kay henry

    Profile photo of yack

    Yes – we all make CHOICES. So too does a government. So who should the government spend resources on? Those who need to educate their kids or yuppies who eat out 3-4 times a week.

    Profile photo of Celivia

    Well MA maybe it is a big call and yes I dunno you, but I don’t know where you wanna go here.
    Do you expect me to detail everything I have ever spent on the kids, and will spend? Because you’ll understand that I don’t wanna go there!

    All I know is, as Yack says, it costs a hell of a lot to raise kids, house them, feed them, cloth them (a new wardrobe every few months as they grow out of shoes and clothes), put them through primary school, highschool, college, sports and hobbies, take them places, pay for learning requirements and materials, medication when they need it, etc.

    But they will be contributing to the economy when they’re working, they’ll be paying their taxes.
    They will be consumers, and are consuming non-stop now (although the parents pay fot it when young).

    Maybe you ARE a big spender, good for you, of course, but what’s your point, really?
    Is it SO bad that some parents are getting this benefit?

    We didn’t even get (SE) it but I’m happy others did.
    Coz I know they can do with it!

    YAAAAAAAAAAAY it feels good to be happy, did you know that?[biggrin][biggrin][biggrin]

    THis is all I’m gonna say about it, coz I wanna have fun on the frolic forum and not argue about something I have no problemo with.


    Profile photo of kay henry

    Seems like we’re comparing apples and pears. I like WallFlower’s definition of yuppy :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of yack

    MA – I am all tired out to argue my point further. My bottom line is that there is an election and governments have limited budgets and need to get the best bang for its buck. As most people have decided to have families they have tried to assist them.

    Is that good or bad? – I dont know or care. I have gladly banked the money and my wife has bought a sewing machine with some of the proceeds.

    I am appreciative the government has made my life a little easier with this pleasant surprise.

    Profile photo of kay henry

    yack- good for you :o) I don’t have kids, but I’m glad the money is being spent on *people*, rather than on war ships to kill Iraqis, for example. The $600 is a tiny amount, that might go to some things that some families might not be able to afford. Who knows? Maybe some kids will get some shoes because they outgrew their last ones? Or get a decent birthday present instead of none at all, or something?

    Lots of kids and families are in poverty. I’m glad the govt is spending money on them.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Celivia



    Profile photo of yack

    [sealed] Me Too

    Profile photo of LyricalLyrical
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 18
    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:

    Come on Jo…

    Why should tax payers who CHOOSE not to have kids pay for taxpayers or non-taxpayers who make the choice to have kids?

    No-one said motherhood wasn’t tough, but why should everyone else have to pay for some peoples CHOICES???

    How about giving a ‘Working Bonus’ for those who don’t have kids but work 12 hours or more a day resulting in more taxes for the Government and the creation of more jobs???

    It usually takes a lot to get a rise out of me however…..

    I have four children. And yes it is an individual choice. However, while I make a lot of sacrifices to give feed, clothe and educate my children (and by the way, I did not receive the $600 per child, as it is means tested) I watch childless couples who have seemingly endless disposable income to spend on cars, technology, clothes, restaurants, holidays (the list goes on) knowing that it will be my children’s taxes paying for these guys in their retirement. So give us a break “The Mortgage Advisor”. The small amount of tax breaks and benefits that families receive ARE deserved.[grrr]

    Profile photo of diclemdiclem
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 537

    I shouldn’t have subscribed to this topic, my inbox was full! I don’t get a lot of spare time on the weekends, so I wasn’t able to sign in.
    Wow, what a “discussion”.
    I hope you’re sitting down MA as I heard there is another bonus coming in september!
    Anyway, thank you all for your views.

    Now some of my bonus is going to buy my three boys new beds and mattresses. Now I can afford to buy them something a little more comfortable and a little earlier than I would have.I bought my daughter a new bed 6 months ago and was slowly working my way down the list….
    Maybe some of you, can find it in your hearts, to take some comfort in the fact that 3 little boys with be sleeping more luxuriously very soon.


    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of kay henry

    it’s not hard to feel happy for your 3 boys, sue :)

    (So much for the fun in Forum Fun though!!)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of yack
    Profile photo of kay henry


    And just because someone mentions a lifestyle that is not their own, does not mean they are “jealous”. Rob, you have discussed other people having children… but noone has called you “jealous”. <edited> [biggrin]

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    We live in a democracy where the government of the day sets social policy.

    As a Christian I see the value of giving someone who needs help a ‘no strings attached’ handout.

    As a taxpayer I sometimes get frustrated at the inequity of it where you here sensational stories of families having kids to live off welfare.

    Whether it is right or wrong is a personal choice. If you don’t like it then there is no point arguing with someone holding an opposite view on the forums here.

    Instead, contact your local MP and tell him/her how you feel.

    Oh, and my final comment – I always thank my lucky starts that I’m in a position where I don’t need welfare to survive. I don’t for a second envy those who do rely on government handouts to make their lives easier, whether through choice or life circumstance.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of yack

    MA – we all got families to go home too.

    Profile photo of yack

    MA – me too.

    Profile photo of Matt KennyMatt Kenny
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 41

    With 4 small children under 7 our $2400 came as a welcome surprise in the bank account.

    Any and all funds we get from the government we re-invest into our kids. Family tax benefit Part A (Family payment) which we get fortnightly we put into ASG for our kids education.

    The family bonus we used to add heating to our IP, happy tenants, longer lease (ultimately an investment that will benefit our kids) and used the remainder to pay off other bills.

    I’m hoping that at tax time our tax relief from our Negatively geared rental will provide enough to begin look for a positively geared investment.

    Horses for courses really. I feel like John Howard has tried to buy my vote – but unfortunately in me he has found a bad investment. What the hell, we used it wisely for us. Isn’t that what counts?

    Has anyone heard that families will receive another $600 per child after July 1

    Yep apparently!!!

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