All Topics / Opinionated! / $600 bonus

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  • Profile photo of kay henry


    I am one of seven :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of yack

    Why dont you get it JetDollars? We got it! Is it supposed to be means tested or not?

    We just get our family tax benefit with our annual tax return.

    Profile photo of diclemdiclem
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 537
    And I know people who have been married longer and self employed longer but have no kids by choice. They pay the same taxes and don’t get any bonuses. I am not blaming the recipients in any way. I think the Government has lost the plot.

    The bonus for them is they don’t have kids [cigar]

    If the benefits are so great on a single parent pension and the bonuses are wonderful, these people should be encouraged to follow suit.
    Obviously they are in a worse position if they have the gall to complain that they don’t get a “family bonus” because they have no kids!

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Hey chill eveyone [wacko]

    What happened to answering diclem’s original question????!!!! [blink]

    [offtopic] This is not a debate about single mothers, multiple fathered children or whatever…’s about how people plan to spend the $600 per child granted to them by a government who is IMO trying to give back to some very deserving families!!! For those of you who feel that these families don’t deserve the bonus, what do you suggest to be more deserving, your hard earned tax dollars going to pay for an office refurbishment or an extravagant luncheon for one of our beloved politicians????!! Not this little black duck…..I’m more than happy to pay my tax dollar if I think it will benefit a child, and if I thought more could go towards the kiddies well-being then I’d gladly pay double or triple that again!!!!

    Sue, I have two children, a boy aged 22 and a girl aged 11 and my ONLY regret is that I didn’t have more of them….I love kids!!!

    And I love maccas; [thumbsupanim]

    And I treat my whole family to maccas, kfc, hungry jacks or pizza hut etc etc at least once a month!!! [whistle]

    Motherhood is both a challenging and rewarding occupation, and I commend ALL MOTHERS out there….you are ALL LEGENDS in my books [medieval] and as far as I’m concerned $600 doesn’t even come close to being enough, but if it helps even a little bit; BONUS!!!!

    Cheers, [tongue]


    Profile photo of Monopoly

    For the same reason, as a tax payer, I have to pay for people who CHOOSE to smoke, or drink or gamble, or tell their bosses where to go and get sacked!!!!

    Plain and simple; because not everyone has the same opportunities I have, the sick, the elderly, the disabled…..what do we do about them??? I don’t object to paying a little extra tax for these people, I DO OBJECT to paying heavily for tax-funded holidays for fat cat politicians!!!

    Fair enough???

    Profile photo of WallFlowerWallFlower
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 205

    Us mothers are ‘working’ to ensure mankind contiues to inhabit planet earth. Snotty DINK’s are working their 12hr days so they can wear Armarni and sip camparis and soda on chapel street on saturdays and show off their unstretched tanned torsos. How’s that for generalization ??
    Any way mothers work 24hrs per day (God bless them/us)

    Profile photo of sizzling_ducksizzling_duck
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 129

    Families with children are ‘future viable’. In general who are going to look after the elderly when you have no kids? Friends? pig’s backside, a country with no kids is only a country for one generation.

    A short-termed view would be to not reward families, it only results in a dwindling population. With a dwindling population what do you think happens to vacancy rates and property prices?….

    Profile photo of JetDollars
    Originally posted by yack:

    Why dont you get it JetDollars? We got it! Is it supposed to be means tested or not?

    We just get our family tax benefit with our annual tax return.

    It means tested, you got to earn $83k or less to get it.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of kay henry

    WallFlower said:

    “Snotty DINK’s are working their 12hr days so they can wear Armarni and sip camparis and soda on chapel street on saturdays and show off their unstretched tanned torsos.”

    You make it all sound so easy and glamorous [goatee] Lovely choice of words though … (now, where’s that martini?)

    Let’s face it, pretty much everyone uses govt benefits- what is negative gearing if it isn’t a form of middle class welfare?

    Why are we resenting some pittance for parents, or other benefits, when we have (tax) benefits ourselves?

    kay henry

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886
    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:

    If it wasn’t for workers, think how the situation would be then?

    Kids grow up and become workers.

    If everyone was having kids, what do YOU think would happen to property prices and vacancy rates.

    If nobody was having kids, what do YOU think would happen to mortgage advisers?

    Hehe Rob, just having some fun since this IS the fun forum!
    Ya like teasing people, just for fun, don’t ya?[party]


    Profile photo of kay henry

    Amnd I thought so many people want to “retire” and live on passive income anyway? So we want our tenants working (fine upstanding tenants), but for them to pay off our mortgages, so that we don’t have to work. It’s not like many people on here want to be “wage slaves” or have a JOB (“just above broke”)- hehe- I’ve heard them all ;))

    It would be funny if all the people who want to “retire” now suddenly turned around and pretended to have some work ethic :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of JetDollars
    Originally posted by Monopoly:

    For the same reason, as a tax payer, I have to pay for people who CHOOSE to smoke, or drink or gamble, or tell their bosses where to go and get sacked!!!!

    Fair enough???

    When did you pay for me who choose to smoke? If you can tell me then I will pay you back. 100% money back guarantee.

    I don’t think what you said is fair. Re-read what you wrote til you get it.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of melbear

    Chan, it wasn’t aimed at you individually, but rather at all the smokers who suffer large health problems later on – like the awful emphysema, and lung cancer etc. etc. If they’re public patients, taxpayers are funding their treatment – and yes, they will have paid tax too….

    When my Uncle was on life support a few weeks ago, my Aunt was told that all the machines etc. that they had hooked up to him cost about $20K PER DAY to run!!!


    Profile photo of melbear

    Before I forget – I have no problems with parents being paid the $600 bonus. Without future generations this country is stuffed, so my hat is off to them.

    I heard on the radio this morning that somebody (can’t remember who) is concerned that women are trying to get pregnant JUST to get the $3K bonus that will kick in next FY. If that’s true I think it’s a bit short sighted, and I’m sure all the parents will agree with me that the $3K won’t cover too many of the costs associated with kids throughout their life. I doubt it would even cover the first 6? months..


    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by JetDollars:

    Originally posted by Monopoly:

    For the same reason, as a tax payer, I have to pay for people who CHOOSE to smoke, or drink or gamble, or tell their bosses where to go and get sacked!!!!

    Fair enough???

    When did you pay for me who choose to smoke? If you can tell me then I will pay you back. 100% money back guarantee.

    I don’t think what you said is fair. Re-read what you wrote til you get it.

    Thanks Melbear!!!
    Chill out JetD!!!
    Yes that is exactly what I was trying to say. FYI – I was once a smoker (and not just for a short time either, but for many many years) so please don’t think I am some anti-smoker type or a frustrated reformed smoker hitting out at those who have habitual vices such as sucking on the end of a tabacco stick!!! (Just kidding [tongue] here….light(en) [lmao] up folks)
    My reference is more to illness caused to smokers health, the pulic health system, which is by no means enough help for ANY sick person, be they smokers or otherwise!!! And if it meant getting better health facilities for those (ALL) sick people; I would gladly pay TRIPLE taxes!!!
    So keep your money, you don’t own me anything; and even though I don’t smoke anymore, I am no less responsible for the tax liabilities as you or the next John/Betty Doe!!!

    Is that fair enough now??????????



    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by melbear:

    I heard on the radio this morning that somebody (can’t remember who) is concerned that women are trying to get pregnant JUST to get the $3K bonus that will kick in next FY. If that’s true I think it’s a bit short sighted, and I’m sure all the parents will agree with me that the $3K won’t cover too many of the costs associated with kids throughout their life. I doubt it would even cover the first 6? months..

    Sad. but true Melbear. Unfortunately many young, some very drug addicted girls (with little grasp on reality) have been interviewed by welfare/church groups and the rumour was leaked out from there!!! My understanding is that this train of thought is not shared by most everyday mums who are familiar with the full cost of child-rearing!!!


    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Well if you get a $600 bonus for smoking, then I will insist on getting $1200 because I quit!!!!!

    Jo [laugh4][laugh4]

    Profile photo of landt64landt64
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 166

    Jet Dollars,
    you got your figures slightly wrong. You have to earn less than $92,500 to be entitled to the $600. Of course this year we earned around $93,000.

    Profile photo of yack

    Do you have to pay it back if you end up earning more than $93k. I did not ask for it – it just arrived in the mail. Maybe its based on last years income. We usually get the family tax benefit when I lodge my tax return. Maybe it gets deducted then? Who knows – does not worry me too much.

    My wife does not work. Its a full time job looking after a 3 and 4 yr old. Its mostly walking between kinder and home most days. Its tough looking after young kids. Trying to occupy them can be tough at times. But you do have some great times. Every morning our son gets up 10-15 mins before we do without fail so he can have a cuddle before we all get up.

    Having kids contributes to the economy BIG TIME. Just think of the expenditure involved in raising kids – education, food, clothing, accomodation, toys, holidays, sports etc.

    I look at how I and my friends with kids all struggle to make ends meet then I look at my friend who has no kids. They have just moved into a $1m house in Hawthorn. They both work long hours in well paid jobs.

    Sure its a great house but nothing compares to coming home and the kids run to the door and say Daddy’s home and they give me a big hug. When they get older I am looking forward to the special days we spend as a family.

    Having a latte in Chapel St is nothing compared to having a family birthday where the whole family is together. There is that special feeling money and long hours cannot buy.

    Thats the feeling I get with my brother, sister, parents and brother/sister in laws. Thats what I hope I get too with my kids.

    Profile photo of yack

    The Baby bonus is just another way to help the economy by easing the burden of those that contribute most (by way of expenditure) to the economy.

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